How to generate build and run a web application based on reactjs and spring boot.
Install following software:
- maven
- node.js
- JAVA 11+
- Docker desktop
Add Nexitia's maven public repository in your maven settings.
You can check location for default setting.xml used by maven with following command:
> mvn help:effective-settings
And then add bellow repository inside a profile:
<name>Nexitia releases</name>
With maven archetype:
> mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeGroupId=io.github.jsoagger -DarchetypeArtifactId=jsoagger-web-archetype -DarchetypeVersion=LATEST -DartifactId=helloWorld
> cd helloWorld
> mvn clean install -P fatjar,docker
Create following docker network and volume:
> docker volume create helloworld_data_volume
> docker network create test_network
Run an h2 database, start the backend and load some datas:
> mvn clean install -P integration-test
> docker ps -a
> cd helloworld-ui
> mvn clean install -P install-coreui,copy-frontend
Install npm dependies:
> cd frontWorking
> npm install
Launch node server:
> REACT_APP_CONTEXT_ROOT=helloworld npm start