!!KEY FILES ARE REMOVED ON PURPOSE!! If you want access to the working version, contact me at jsmartini@crimson.ua.edu.
Codebase for BAMA-1 CubeSat Mission
Jonathan Martini and Chet Wiltshire
Encryption Key Was regenerated for this version.
- runs virtual twin and test suite
- runs grounstation and simulator application with zmqproxy
- run mission app in online testing configuration on BAMA-1
- runs satellite in mission configuration
- restarts if crash is detected (5 minute wait)
- use RadioBro Corp. Groundstation api for groundstation application // satnogs
To build networking library, navigate to BAMA1-Telemetry/libcsp and
run python3 ./examples/buildall.py
- requires socketcan development libraries
- requires 0MQ v3 development libraries
- waf build system
Project Structure
- C3/ : all satellite software
- Comm/ RPC framework built on struct format strings and Cubesat Protocol
- api.toml - api for endpoints
- libcsp/ : libcsp source and build directory
- BDOT Control Law Implementation
- MMC5883MA C++ Drivers
- DRV8830 C++ Drivers
- 0MQ/Sensor Input Programs for testing and validation
- Not Final Application
- cli.py - rpc cli for satellite over ethernet Command and Data Handling testing (CSP)
Testing Folders - offline testing can be ran without mission hardware