####Table of Contents
- Overview - What is the Adobe_em module?
- Prerequisites - What you need for this?
- Master setup
- Agents Setup
- Reseting an agent
- Helpful Rake API Commands
- Getting our PE Modules
A vagrant environment for Puppet Enterprise Development. This configuration is a bit manual currently, but will be automated
- Install VirtualBox
- Install Vagrant
- Set up Base directory for Repos and master and install the plug
- ~/pe_modules => contains combino of working PE modules and r10k moduels used at TWC
- ~/repos/hieradata => copy of companyies hiera repo
mkdir -p ~/pe_modules ~/repos/hieradata
vagrant plugin install oscar
git clone git@github.webapps.rr.com:fylgia/pe_vagrant.git ~/repos/pe_vagrant
A few easy steps to get the master running on your PC
All command are ran in the pe_vagrant directory
cd ~/repos/pe_vagrant
vagrant up master
A few easy steps to get the agents running on your PC.
All command are ran in the pe_vagrant directory
vagrant up <name of agent>
Update ~/repos/pe_vagrant/puppet/files/twc.facts with your application followed by
application = <your app>
env_type = <your environment>
application_component = <your component>
vagrant up <machine>
vagrant reload --provision
- Destory you agent:
vagrant destory <agent>
- Delete Node from Master (see RAKE commands)
- Remove cert from master as root user:
puppet cert clean <agent>
- Bring up agent:
vagrant up <agent>
- Add setting on agent to disable cache (see above)
- Add Role to agent (see Rake API commnads)
Now that we have our vagrant and VMs squared away we need to get our moduels in line so that we can develop against them. I went with using the local machine rather then
- ability to use your favorite editor set up the way you like
- no need to worry about losing progress when doing vagrant destroy
- use all your Local Development Tools
gem install r10k