- Adult cows (agents) are confined in a
$n \times n$ square lattice (we call it field). -
$n_{cows}$ are fixed throughout the grazing simulation and are initially placed randomly within the lattice. - Each cow possesses a health attribute named
$h_{cow} \in [0,1]$ . - Each patch within the field represents grass and is quantified by its health
$h_{grass} \in [0,1]$ . - Initially,
$\rho_{grass, init}$ percent of the field will be filled with grass.$n_{cows}$ will be placed randomly and all will have$h_{cow, init}$ . - For each time step:
6.1. One cow (positioned at$x_{cow}, y_{cow}$ ) will be selected for feeding.
6.2. It will select among its neighbors for grass where$h_{grass} > 0$ (positioned at$x_{grass}, y_{grass}$ )
6.3. Once the cow chooses a nearest healthy grass patch:
6.3.1. The cow will move to that position ($x_{grass}, y_{grass}$ )
6.3.2. The health of the cow will increase by a factor$g_{cow}$ .
6.3.3. The health of the grass patch$h_{grass}$ will decrease by a factor$e_{grass}$ .
6.3.4. In the same manner,$\rho_{grass, grow}$ percent of the field will be selected to grow by a factor$g_{grass}$ .
If you have questions or anything that you'd like to raise, shoot me an email at jprmaulion[at]gmail[dot]com. 🐄