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New Foraging model according to Gloria's calculations
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ReetBarik authored Feb 27, 2020
1 parent 74ed13d commit c8b1d74
Showing 1 changed file with 241 additions and 0 deletions.
241 changes: 241 additions & 0 deletions Simulations/NewForagingModel.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,241 @@


read_binary <- function(file_path, hist, no_vars){
###### The modeled historical is in /data/hydro/jennylabcommon2/metdata/maca_v2_vic_binary/
###### modeled historical is equivalent to having 4 variables, and years 1950-2005
###### The observed historical is in
###### /data/hydro/jennylabcommon2/metdata/historical/UI_historical/VIC_Binary_CONUS_to_2016
###### observed historical is equivalent to having 8 variables, and years 1979-2016
if (hist) {
if (no_vars==4){
start_year <- 1950
end_year <- 2005
} else {
start_year <- 1979
end_year <- 2015
} else{
start_year <- 2006
end_year <- 2099
ymd_file <- create_ymdvalues(start_year, end_year)
data <- read_binary_addmdy(file_path, ymd_file, no_vars)

read_binary_addmdy <- function(filename, ymd, no_vars){
if (no_vars==4){
return(read_binary_addmdy_4var(filename, ymd))
} else {return(read_binary_addmdy_8var(filename, ymd))}

read_binary_addmdy_8var <- function(filename, ymd){
Nofvariables <- 8 # number of variables or column in the forcing data file
Nrecords <- nrow(ymd)
ind <- seq(1, Nrecords * Nofvariables, Nofvariables)
fileCon <- file(filename, "rb")
temp <- readBin(fileCon, integer(), size = 2, n = Nrecords * Nofvariables,
endian = "little")
dataM <- matrix(0, Nrecords, 8)
k <- 1
dataM[1:Nrecords, 1] <- temp[ind] / 40.00 # precip data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 2] <- temp[ind + 1] / 100.00 # Max temperature data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 3] <- temp[ind + 2] / 100.00 # Min temperature data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 4] <- temp[ind + 3] / 100.00 # Wind speed data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 5] <- temp[ind + 4] / 10000.00 # SPH
dataM[1:Nrecords, 6] <- temp[ind + 5] / 40.00 # SRAD
dataM[1:Nrecords, 7] <- temp[ind + 6] / 100.00 # Rmax
dataM[1:Nrecords, 8] <- temp[ind + 7] / 100.00 # RMin
AllData <- cbind(ymd, dataM)
# calculate daily GDD ...what? There doesn't appear to be any GDD work?
colnames(AllData) <- c("year", "month", "day", "precip", "tmax", "tmin",
"windspeed", "SPH", "SRAD", "Rmax", "Rmin")

read_binary_addmdy_4var <- function(filename, ymd) {
Nofvariables <- 4 # number of variables or column in the forcing data file
Nrecords <- nrow(ymd)
ind <- seq(1, Nrecords * Nofvariables, Nofvariables)
fileCon <- file(filename, "rb")
temp <- readBin(fileCon, integer(), size = 2, n = Nrecords * Nofvariables,
dataM <- matrix(0, Nrecords, 4)
k <- 1
dataM[1:Nrecords, 1] <- temp[ind] / 40.00 # precip data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 2] <- temp[ind + 1] / 100.00 # Max temperature data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 3] <- temp[ind + 2] / 100.00 # Min temperature data
dataM[1:Nrecords, 4] <- temp[ind + 3] / 100.00 # Wind speed data

AllData <- cbind(ymd, dataM)
# calculate daily GDD ...what? There doesn't appear to be any GDD work?
colnames(AllData) <- c("year", "month", "day", "precip", "tmax", "tmin",

create_ymdvalues <- function(data_start_year, data_end_year){
Years <- seq(data_start_year, data_end_year)
nYears <- length(Years)
daycount_in_year <- 0
moncount_in_year <- 0
yearrep_in_year <- 0

for (i in 1:nYears){
ly <- leap_year(Years[i])
if (ly == TRUE){
days_in_mon <- c(31, 29, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)
days_in_mon <- c(31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31)

for (j in 1:12){
daycount_in_year <- c(daycount_in_year, seq(1, days_in_mon[j]))
moncount_in_year <- c(moncount_in_year, rep(j, days_in_mon[j]))
yearrep_in_year <- c(yearrep_in_year, rep(Years[i], days_in_mon[j]))

daycount_in_year <- daycount_in_year[-1] #delete the leading 0
moncount_in_year <- moncount_in_year[-1]
yearrep_in_year <- yearrep_in_year[-1]
ymd <- cbind(yearrep_in_year, moncount_in_year, daycount_in_year)
colnames(ymd) <- c("year", "month", "day")

filePathPrefix <- ''
file <- ''
location <- 'Richland'
hist <- TRUE
vars <- 8

if (location == 'Omak')
file <- 'data_48.40625_-119.53125'
if (location == 'Wenatchee')
file <- 'data_47.40625_-120.34375'
if (location == 'Richland')
file <- 'data_46.28125_-119.34375'
if (location == 'WallaWalla')
file <- 'data_46.03125_-118.34375'

if (hist) {
filePathPrefix <- "D:/Coursework/PACCAR/VarroaPOP/Beepop/Simulations/ObservedHistoricalBinary/"
} else {
filePathPrefix <- "D:/Coursework/PACCAR/VarroaPOP/Beepop/Simulations/Rcp85Binary/"
vars <- 4

outputfilePath <- paste0('D:/Coursework/PACCAR/VarroaPOP/Beepop/Simulations/', file, '.csv')

met_data <- read_binary(file_path = paste0(filePathPrefix, file),
hist = hist, no_vars=vars)

# I make the assumption that lat always has same number of decimal points
lat <- as.numeric(substr(x = file, start = 6, stop = 13))
lon <- as.numeric(substr(x = file, start = 15, stop =24))

# data frame required
met_data <-

# 3b. Clean it up
# rename needed columns

data.table::setnames(met_data, old=c("year","month", "day", "tmax", "tmin"),
new=c("Year", "Month", "Day", "Tmax", "Tmin"))

met_data <- met_data %>%
select(-c(precip, windspeed)) %>%

# 3c. Get hourly interpolation
# generate hourly data
met_hourly <- stack_hourly_temps(weather = met_data,
latitude = lat)
met_hourly <- met_hourly$hourtemps

met_data['HRSFLYtemp'] <- 0

for (row in 1:nrow(met_data)) {

year <- met_data[row, "Year"]
month <- met_data[row, "Month"]
day <- met_data[row, "Day"]

onThatDay <- filter(met_hourly, Year == year & Month == month & Day == day)

sunrise = as.POSIXlt(getSunlightTimes(date = as.Date(strptime(paste(onThatDay$Year[1], onThatDay$Month[1], onThatDay$Day[1], sep = '-'), "%Y-%m-%d")), lat = lat, lon = lon, tz = 'America/Los_Angeles')$sunrise)
sunset = as.POSIXlt(getSunlightTimes(date = as.Date(strptime(paste(onThatDay$Year[1], onThatDay$Month[1], onThatDay$Day[1], sep = '-'), "%Y-%m-%d")), lat = lat, lon = lon, tz = 'America/Los_Angeles')$sunset)

onThatDay <- filter(onThatDay, Hour >= sunrise$hour & Hour <= sunset$hour)

count <- sum(onThatDay$Temp > 10)
met_data$HRSFLYtemp[row] = count


met_data['HRSlight'] = daylength(lat, as.character(strptime(paste(met_data$Year, met_data$Month, met_data$Day, sep = '-'), "%Y-%m-%d")))

HRSsolstice = max(met_data$HRSlight)

#met_data['PROPHRSFLYtemp'] <- met_data['HRSFLYtemp'] / met_data['HRSlight']

#for (row in 1:nrow(met_data)) {

# if(met_data$PROPHRSFLYtemp[row] > 1) {
# met_data$PROPHRSFLYtemp[row] = 1
# }

#met_data['HRSFLY'] = met_data['PROPHRSFLYtemp'] * 24

met_data['PROPFLIGHTDAY'] <- met_data['HRSFLYtemp'] / HRSsolstice

met_data['SUMFLIGHTDAY'] <- 0

met_data$SUMFLIGHTDAY[1] = met_data$PROPFLIGHTDAY[1]

for (row in 2:nrow(met_data)) {

met_data$SUMFLIGHTDAY[row] = ifelse(met_data$PROPFLIGHTDAY[row] + met_data$SUMFLIGHTDAY[row - 1] > 14, 0, met_data$PROPFLIGHTDAY[row] + met_data$SUMFLIGHTDAY[row - 1])


met_data['CURPROPFLIGHTDAY'] <- 0

for (row in 1:nrow(met_data)) {

met_data$CURPROPFLIGHTDAY[row] = ifelse(met_data$PROPFLIGHTDAY[row] > 0, 1, met_data$CURPROPFLIGHTDAY[row])


met_data['CURSUMFLIGHTDAY'] <- 0


for (row in 2:nrow(met_data)) {

met_data$CURSUMFLIGHTDAY[row] = ifelse(met_data$CURPROPFLIGHTDAY[row] + met_data$CURSUMFLIGHTDAY[row - 1] > 14, 0, met_data$CURPROPFLIGHTDAY[row] + met_data$CURSUMFLIGHTDAY[row - 1])


write.csv(met_data,'D:/Coursework/PACCAR/VarroaPOP/Beepop/Simulations/Richland.csv', row.names = FALSE)

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