diff --git a/VarroaPop.vcxproj b/VarroaPop.vcxproj
index 45fdbfc..b929d46 100644
--- a/VarroaPop.vcxproj
+++ b/VarroaPop.vcxproj
@@ -514,6 +514,7 @@
@@ -696,6 +697,7 @@ makehm /h /a afxhh.h IDW_,HIDW_,0x50000 "%(Filename)%(Extension)" >> "hlp\
diff --git a/VarroaPopDoc.cpp b/VarroaPopDoc.cpp
index 278c0da..df6e155 100644
--- a/VarroaPopDoc.cpp
+++ b/VarroaPopDoc.cpp
@@ -51,2374 +51,61 @@ CVarroaPopDoc::CVarroaPopDoc()
CVarroaPopApp* theApp = (CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp();
- // Set Default Path name = App path
- CString modulename = CString(((CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetModuleFileName());
- SetDefaultPathName(SplitPath(modulename,DRV) + SplitPath(modulename,DIR));
- m_DispWeeklyData = false; // Initially Set to False
- // Defaults for results file
- m_ColTitles = true;
- m_Version = true;
- m_InitConds = false;
- m_WeatherColony = false;
- m_FieldDelimiter = 0; // Fixed width fields
- // Graph Selection Initial Values
- m_AD = TRUE;
- m_AW = TRUE;
- m_CS = TRUE;
- m_DB = FALSE;
- m_DE = FALSE;
- m_DL = FALSE;
- m_F = FALSE;
- m_MDB = FALSE;
- m_MWB = FALSE;
- m_PDB = FALSE;
- m_PWB = FALSE;
- m_PRM = FALSE;
- m_RM = FALSE;
- m_WB = FALSE;
- m_WE = FALSE;
- m_WL = FALSE;
- m_IM = FALSE;
- m_MD = FALSE;
- m_PMD = FALSE;
- m_TE = FALSE;
- m_DD = FALSE;
- m_L = FALSE;
- m_N = FALSE;
- m_P = FALSE;
- m_dd = FALSE;
- m_l = FALSE;
- m_n = FALSE;
- m_AutoScaleChart = 0;
- m_YAxisMin = 0;
- m_YAxisMax = 0;
- availableFilesList.RemoveAll();
- selectedFilesList.RemoveAll();
- selectedFileIndex = -1;
- // Add Header Strings
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Date");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("ColSze");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("AdDrns");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("AdWkrs");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Forgr");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DrnBrd");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WkrBrd");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DrnLrv");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WkrLrv");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DrnEggs");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WkrEggs");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("TotalEggs");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DD");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("L");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("N");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("P");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("dd");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("l");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("n");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("FreeMts");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DBrdMts");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WBrdMts");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Mts/DBrd");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Mts/WBrd");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Mts Dying");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("PropMts Dying");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("ColPollen(g)");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("PPestConc(ug/g)");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("ColNectar(g)");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("NPestConc(ug/g)");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead DLarv");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead WLarv");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead DAdults");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead WAdults");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead Foragers");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Queen Strength");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Temp (DegC)");
- m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Precip");
- m_ImmigrationType = "None";
- m_TotImmigratingMites = 0;
- m_ImmMitePctResistant = 0;
- m_ImmigrationStartDate = COleDateTime(1999,1,1,0,0,0);
- m_ImmigrationEndDate = COleDateTime(1999,1,1,0,0,0);
- m_ImmigrationEnabled = false;
- m_SimulationComplete = false;
- m_ResultsReady = false;
- m_RQEggLayingDelay = 10;
- m_RQEnableReQueen = false;
- m_RQScheduled = 1;
- m_RQQueenStrength = 5;
- m_RQOnce = 0;
- m_VTTreatmentDuration = 0;
- m_VTEnable = false;
- m_VTMortality = 0;
- m_InitMitePctResistant = 0;
- m_SPEnable = FALSE;
- m_SPInitial = 0;
- m_CombRemoveDate = COleDateTime(1999,1,1,0,0,0);
- m_CombRemoveEnable = FALSE;
- m_CombRemovePct = 0;
- // Find all colony description files and build the list
- CFileFind finder;
- CString name;
- int ok = finder.FindFile("*.col"); // colony files
- int i;
- bool nullify;
- while(ok) {
- ok = finder.FindNextFile();
- name = finder.GetFileName();
- // strip the extension and add the name to the list
- nullify = false;
- for(i=0; iClearAllEvents();
- delete m_pWeather;
-BOOL CVarroaPopDoc::OnNewDocument()
- if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
- return FALSE;
- // TODO: add reinitialization code here
- // (SDI documents will reuse this document)
- SetModifiedFlag(FALSE);
- SetTitle("Untitled");
- GetColony()->Clear();
- return TRUE;
-CStringList* CVarroaPopDoc::getAvailableFilesList() {
- return &availableFilesList;
-CStringList* CVarroaPopDoc::getSelectedFilesList() {
- return &selectedFilesList;
-int* CVarroaPopDoc::getSelectedFileIndex() {
- return &selectedFileIndex;
-CColony* CVarroaPopDoc::FindColony(CString ColonyName)
- if (theColony.GetName().GetLength()==0) return NULL;
- else return &theColony;
-// CVarroaPopDoc Simulate Functions
-void CVarroaPopDoc::SetSimStart(COleDateTime start)
- m_SimStartTime = start;
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimStart = m_SimStartTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y");
-void CVarroaPopDoc::SetSimEnd(COleDateTime end)
- m_SimEndTime = end;
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimEnd = m_SimEndTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y");
-bool CVarroaPopDoc::ReadyToSimulate()
- return(theColony.IsInitialized()&&m_pWeather->IsInitialized());
-int CVarroaPopDoc::GetSimDays()
- COleDateTimeSpan ts = GetSimEnd() - GetSimStart();
- return (int)ts.GetDays()+1;
-int CVarroaPopDoc::GetSimDayNumber(COleDateTime theDate)
- COleDateTime ss = GetSimStart();
- COleDateTimeSpan ts = theDate - GetSimStart();
- int num = (int)ts.GetDays()+1;
- return num;
-COleDateTime CVarroaPopDoc::GetSimDate(int DayNumber)
- COleDateTimeSpan ts((long)DayNumber,0,0,0);
- return (GetSimStart()+ts);
-int CVarroaPopDoc::GetNumSeries()
-// Calculates the number of items we are planning to graph
- int count = 0;
- if (m_TM) count++;
- if (m_AD) count++;
- if (m_AW) count++;
- if (m_CS) count++;
- if (m_DB) count++;
- if (m_DE) count++;
- if (m_DL) count++;
- if (m_F) count++;
- if (m_MDB) count++;
- if (m_MWB) count++;
- if (m_PDB) count++;
- if (m_PWB) count++;
- if (m_PRM) count++;
- if (m_RM) count++;
- if (m_WB) count++;
- if (m_WE) count++;
- if (m_WL) count++;
- if (m_IM) count++;
- if (m_MD) count++;
- if (m_PMD) count++;
- if (m_NS) count++;
- if (m_PS) count++;
- if (m_NPC) count++;
- if (m_PPC) count++;
- if (m_DDL) count++;
- if (m_DWL) count++;
- if (m_DDA) count++;
- if (m_DWA) count++;
- if (m_DFG) count++;
- if (m_TE) count++;
- if (m_DD) count++;
- if (m_L) count++;
- if (m_N) count++;
- if (m_P) count++;
- if (m_dd) count++;
- if (m_l) count++;
- if (m_n) count++;
- return count;
-bool CVarroaPopDoc::IsImmigrationWindow(CEvent* pEvent)
- COleDateTime today = (pEvent->GetTime());
- return((today>=m_ImmigrationStartDate) && (today<=m_ImmigrationEndDate));
-//CMite CVarroaPopDoc::GetImmigrationMites(COleDateTime theDate)
-CMite CVarroaPopDoc::GetImmigrationMites(CEvent* pEvent)
- // This routine calculates the number of mites to immigrate on the
- // specified date. It also keeps track of the cumulative number of
- // mites that have migrated so far. First calculate the total quantity
- // of immigrating mites then return a CMite based on percent resistance to miticide
- /*
- The equations of immigration were derived by identifying the desired function,
- e.g. f(x) = A*Cos(x), then calculating the constants by setting the integral of
- the function (over the range 0..1) to 1. This means that the area under the
- curve is = 1. This ensures that 100% of m_TotImmigratingMites were added to the
- colony. With the constants were established, a very simple numerical integration
- is performed using sum(f(x)*DeltaX) for each day of immigration.
- The immigration functions are:
- Cosine -> f(x) = 1.188395*cos(x)
- Sine -> f(x) = 1.57078*sin(PI*x)
- Tangent -> f(x) = 2.648784*tan(1.5*x)
- Exponential -> f(x) = (1.0/(e-2))*(exp(1 - (x)) - 1.0)
- Logarithmic -> f(x) = -1.0*log(x) day #2 and on
- Polynomial -> f(x) = 3.0*(x) - 1.5*(x*x)
- In the case of Logarithmic, since there is an infinity at x=0, the
- actual value of the integral over the range (0..DeltaX) is used on the first
- day.
- Mites only immigrate on foraging days.
- */
- double answer;
- COleDateTime theDate = pEvent->GetTime();
- if ((theDate >= GetImmigrationStart()) && (theDate <= GetImmigrationEnd() && pEvent->IsForageDay()))
- {
- int SimDaytoday = GetSimDayNumber(theDate);
- int SimDayImStart = GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationStart());
- int SimDayImStop = GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationEnd());
- // Set cumulative immigration to 0 on first day
- if (SimDaytoday == SimDayImStart) m_CumImmigratingMites = 0;
- // If today is the last immigration day, immigrate all remaining mites
- // NOTE: Changed this logic in version when we decided to not immigrade on non-foraging days.
- // In that case, it doesn't make sense to immigrate all remaining mites on the last day
- if (false) {} //(SimDaytoday == SimDayImStop) answer = m_TotImmigratingMites - m_CumImmigratingMites;
- else
- {
- // Calculate the proportion of days into immigration
- double ImProp = (double)(SimDaytoday - SimDayImStart )/
- (double)(1 + SimDayImStop - SimDayImStart);
- double DeltaX = 1.0/(SimDayImStop - SimDayImStart+1);
- double X = ImProp+DeltaX/2;
- // Return function based on immigration type
- if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "NONE") answer = 0;
- else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "COSINE") // f(x) = A*Cos(x)
- {
- answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*1.188395*cos(X)*DeltaX;
- }
- else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "EXPONENTIAL") // f(x) = A*(exp(1-x) + B) dx
- {
- answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(1.0/(exp(1.0) -2))*(exp(1.0 - (X)) -1.0)*DeltaX;
- }
- else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "LOGARITHMIC") // f(x) = A*log(x) dx
- {
- if (ImProp == 0) // Deal with discontinuity at 0
- {
- answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(-1.0*DeltaX*log(DeltaX) - DeltaX);
- }
- else answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(-1.0*log(X)*DeltaX);
- }
- else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "POLYNOMIAL") // f(x) = (A*x + B*x*x) dx
- {
- answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(3.0*(X) - 1.5*(X*X))*DeltaX;
- }
- else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "SINE") // f(x) = A*Sin(PiX) dx
- {
- answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*1.57078*sin(3.1416*X)*DeltaX;
- }
- else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "TANGENT") // f(x) = A*Tan(B*X) dx
- {
- answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*2.648784*tan(1.5*X)*DeltaX;
- }
- else answer = 0; // m_ImmigrationType not valid
- // Now calculate the correction factor based on number of days of immigration.
- // The equations assume 25 days so correction factor is 25/(#days in sim)
- /*
- if (!(m_ImmigrationType == "Cosine"))
- {
- double CorrFact = (double)25/
- (double)(GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationEnd()) -
- GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationStart()) + 1);
- answer = answer*CorrFact;
- }
- */
- // Constrain to positive number
- if (answer <0.0) answer = 0.0;
- }
- // Increment the running total of mites that have immigrated
- int ResistantMites = int((answer*m_ImmMitePctResistant)/100 + 0.5);
- m_CumImmigratingMites += CMite(ResistantMites, int(answer-ResistantMites + 0.5));
- }
- else answer = 0;
- CMite theImms;
- theImms.SetResistant(int((answer*m_ImmMitePctResistant)/100 + 0.5));
- theImms.SetNonResistant(int(answer-theImms.GetResistant() + 0.5));
- return theImms;
-void CVarroaPopDoc::UpdateResults(int DayCount, CEvent* pEvent)
- if (m_FirstResultEntry)
- {
- m_SimLabels.RemoveAll();
- }
- int seriesID = 0;
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = DayCount;
- if (m_AD) // Adult Drones
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Dadl.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Adult Drones");
- }
- if (m_AW) // Adult Workers
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Wadl.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Adult Workers");
- }
- if (m_CS) // Colony Size
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.GetColonySize();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Colony Size");
- }
- if (m_DB) // Drone Brood
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Drone Brood");
- }
- if (m_DE) // Drone Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Deggs.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Drone Eggs");
- }
- if (m_DL) // Drone Larvae
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Dlarv.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Drone Larvae");
- }
- if (m_F) // Foragers
- {
- //m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.foragers.GetQuantity();
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.foragers.GetActiveQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Active Foragers");
- }
- if (m_TM) // Total Mites In Colony
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount()+
- theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount() + theColony.RunMite;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Total Mite Count");
- }
- if (m_MDB) // Mites in Drone Brood
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites in Drn Brood");
- }
- if (m_MWB) // Mites in Worker Brood
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites in Wkr Brood");
- }
- if (m_RM) // Free Running Mites
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.RunMite.GetTotal();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Free Running Mites");
- }
- if (m_WB) // Worker Brood
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapWkr.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Worker Brood");
- }
- if (m_WE) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Weggs.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Worker Eggs");
- }
- if (m_WL) // Worker Larvae
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Wlarv.GetQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Worker Larvae");
- }
- if (m_PWB) // Mites per Worker Brood Cell
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapWkr.GetMitesPerCell();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites/Wkr Cell");
- }
- if (m_PDB) // Mites per Drone Brood Cell
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetMitesPerCell();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites/Drn Cell");
- }
- if (m_PRM) // Proportion of Resistant Free Mites
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.RunMite.GetPctResistant()/100.0;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Prop Res Free Mites");
- }
- if (m_IM) // Immigrating Mites
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = m_IncImmigratingMites.GetTotal();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Immigrating Mites");
- }
- if (m_MD)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.GetMitesDyingToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Num Mites Dying/Day");
- }
- if (m_PMD)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] =
- (theColony.GetTotalMiteCount() > 0) ?
- theColony.GetMitesDyingToday()/double(theColony.GetMitesDyingToday()+theColony.GetTotalMiteCount()) : 0;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Prop Mites Dying");
- }
- if (m_NS)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Nectar Stores(g) ");
- }
- if (m_PS)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenQuantity();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Pollen Stores(g) ");
- }
- if (m_NPC)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarPesticideConcentration() * 1000000;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("N-PestConc ug/g ");
- }
- if (m_PPC)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenPesticideConcentration() * 1000000;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("P-PestConc ug/g ");
- }
- if (m_DDL)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadDroneLarvaePesticide;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead DLarv ");
- }
- if (m_DWL)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadWorkerLarvaePesticide;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead WLarv ");
- }
- if (m_DDA)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadDroneAdultsPesticide;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead DAdults ");
- }
- if (m_DWA)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadWorkerAdultsPesticide;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead WAdults ");
- }
- if (m_DFG)
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadForagersPesticide;
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead Foragers ");
- }
- if (m_TE) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetEggsToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Total Eggs");
- }
- if (m_DD) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetDDToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("DD");
- }
- if (m_L) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetLToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("L");
- }
- if (m_N) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetNToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("N");
- }
- if (m_P) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetPToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("P");
- }
- if (m_dd) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetddToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("dd");
- }
- if (m_l) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetlToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("l");
- }
- if (m_n) // Worker Eggs
- {
- m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetnToday();
- if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("n");
- }
- m_FirstResultEntry = false;
-// if (pEvent != NULL) m_AxisLabels.AddTail(pEvent->GetDateStg("%b/%d/%y"));
-void CVarroaPopDoc::InitializeSimulation()
- // Initialize Results Matrix
- /* The columns of this CMatrix are defined as follows:
- Col 0 = Day Number
- Col 1 = Data point for first series to be plotted
- Col 2 = Data point for second series to be plotted
- Col n = Data point for Nth series to be plotted
- The rows correspond to the values for each day. The dimensions of the
- CMatrix array are set to (Number of series + 1, Number of days being plotted)
- */
- m_SimResults.SetDimensions(GetNumSeries()+1,GetSimDays());
- m_ResultsText.RemoveAll();
- m_ResultsHeader.RemoveAll();
- m_ResultsFileHeader.RemoveAll();
- m_IncImmigratingMites = 0;
- UpdateResults(1); // Get Results of initial conditions
- theColony.InitializeColony();
- theColony.SetMiticideTreatment(m_MiteTreatments,m_VTEnable);
- theColony.SetMitePctResistance(m_InitMitePctResistant);
- // Initializing the Spore functions
-// theColony.SetSporeTreatment(GetSimDayNumber(m_SPTreatmentStart),m_SPEnable);
-// theColony.m_Spores.SetMortalityFunction(0.10,,0);
- m_CumImmigratingMites = int(0);
- m_FirstResultEntry = true;
-void CVarroaPopDoc::Simulate()
- if (ReadyToSimulate())
- {
- if (!CheckDateConsistency(IsShowWarnings())) return;
- InitializeSimulation();
- // Set results frequency
- int ResFreq = m_DispWeeklyData?7:1;
- // Set results data format string
- if (m_FieldDelimiter == 1) // Comma Delimited
- {
- m_ResultsFileFormatStg = "%s,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%04.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%05.2f,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6.2f,%6.2f,%6d,%6.2f,%6.1f,%6.3f,%6.1f,%6.3f,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f";
- }
- else if (m_FieldDelimiter == 2) // Tab Delimited
- {
- m_ResultsFileFormatStg = "%s\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%04.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%05.2f\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%6d\t%6.2f\t%6.1f\t%6.3f\t%6.1f\t%6.3f\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f";
- }
- else // Otherwise space delimited
- {
- m_ResultsFileFormatStg = "%s %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %.2f %.2f %.2f %04.2f %.2f %.2f %05.2f %6d %6d %6d %6.2f %6.2f %6d %6.2f %6.1f %6.3f %6.1f %6.3f %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f";
- }
- CEvent* pEvent = m_pWeather->GetDayEvent(GetSimStart());
- int DayCount = 1;
- int TotSimDays = GetSimDays();
- int TotImMites = 0;
- int TotForagingDays = 0;
- CString CurSize;
- CurSize.Format(" Capped Capped Prop Conc Conc ");
- m_ResultsFileHeader.AddTail(CurSize);
- CurSize.Format(" Colony Adult Adult Drone Wkr Drone Wkr Drone Wkr Total Free DBrood WBrood DMite WMite Mites Mites Colony Pollen Colony Nectar Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Queen Ave");
- m_ResultsFileHeader.AddTail(CurSize);
- CurSize.Format(" Date Size Drones Wkr Forgrs Brood Brood Larv Larv Eggs Eggs Eggs DD L N P dd l n Mites Mites Mites /Cell /Cell Dying Dying Pollen Pest Nectar Pest DLarv WLarv DAdlt WAdlt Forgrs Strength Temp Rain");
- m_ResultsFileHeader.AddTail(CurSize);
- CurSize.Format(m_ResultsFileFormatStg,
- //pEvent->GetDateStg("%m/%d/%Y"),
- "Initial ",
- theColony.GetColonySize(),
- theColony.Dadl.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Wadl.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.foragers.GetActiveQuantity(),
- theColony.CapDrn.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.CapWkr.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Dlarv.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Wlarv.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Deggs.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Weggs.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.GetEggsToday(),
- theColony.GetDDToday(),
- theColony.GetLToday(),
- theColony.GetNToday(),
- theColony.GetPToday(),
- theColony.GetddToday(),
- theColony.GetlToday(),
- theColony.GetnToday(),
- theColony.RunMite.GetTotal(),
- theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount(),
- theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount(),
- theColony.CapDrn.GetMitesPerCell(),
- theColony.CapWkr.GetMitesPerCell(),
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 0.0,
- 0,0,0,0,
- theColony.queen.GetQueenStrength(),
- 0.0,0.0,0.0);
- m_ResultsText.AddTail(CurSize);
- BeginWaitCursor();
- // *************************************************
- // Main Loop for Simulation
- //
- //
- while ((pEvent != NULL) && (DayCount <= TotSimDays))
- {
- theColony.ReQueenIfNeeded(
- DayCount,
- pEvent,
- m_RQEggLayingDelay,
- m_RQWkrDrnRatio,
- m_RQEnableReQueen,
- m_RQScheduled,
- m_RQQueenStrength,
- m_RQOnce,
- m_RQReQueenDate);
- // Determine if there is feed available and call theColony.SetFeedingDay(t/f);
- // Alternate approach is to pass the feed dates and quantities to the colony and
- // let the colony keep track - probably a better idea since the pollen is consumed
- theColony.UpdateBees(pEvent, DayCount);
- if (IsImmigrationEnabled() && IsImmigrationWindow(pEvent))
- {
- m_IncImmigratingMites = (GetImmigrationMites(pEvent));
- m_IncImmigratingMites.SetPctResistant(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
- theColony.AddMites(m_IncImmigratingMites);
- }
- else m_IncImmigratingMites = 0; // Reset to 0 after Immigration Window Closed
- theColony.UpdateMites(pEvent, DayCount);
- if (m_CombRemoveEnable &&
- (pEvent->GetTime().GetYear() == m_CombRemoveDate.GetYear()) &&
- (pEvent->GetTime().GetMonth() == m_CombRemoveDate.GetMonth()) &&
- (pEvent->GetTime().GetDay() == m_CombRemoveDate.GetDay()))
- {
- theColony.RemoveDroneComb(m_CombRemovePct);
- TRACE("Drone Comb Removed on %s\n",pEvent->GetDateStg());
- }
- theColony.DoPendingEvents(pEvent,DayCount); // Sets colony based on discrete events
- if ((DayCount % ResFreq) == 0 ) // Print once every ResFreq times thru the loop
- {
- double PropMiteDeath =
- theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod()+theColony.GetTotalMiteCount() > 0?
- theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod()/
- double(theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod()+theColony.GetTotalMiteCount()) : 0;
- double ColPollen = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenQuantity(); // In Grams
- double ColNectar = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarQuantity();
- double NectarPesticideConc = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarPesticideConcentration() * 1000000;
- double PollenPesticideConc = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenPesticideConcentration() * 1000000; // convert from g/g to ug/g
- CurSize.Format(m_ResultsFileFormatStg,
- pEvent->GetDateStg("%m/%d/%Y"),
- theColony.GetColonySize(),
- theColony.Dadl.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Wadl.GetQuantity(),
- //theColony.foragers.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.foragers.GetActiveQuantity(),
- theColony.CapDrn.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.CapWkr.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Dlarv.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Wlarv.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Deggs.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.Weggs.GetQuantity(),
- theColony.GetEggsToday(),
- theColony.GetDDToday(),
- theColony.GetLToday(),
- theColony.GetNToday(),
- theColony.GetPToday(),
- theColony.GetddToday(),
- theColony.GetlToday(),
- theColony.GetnToday(),
- theColony.RunMite.GetTotal(),
- theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount(),
- theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount(),
- theColony.CapDrn.GetMitesPerCell(),
- theColony.CapWkr.GetMitesPerCell(),
- theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod(),
- PropMiteDeath,
- ColPollen,
- PollenPesticideConc,
- ColNectar,
- NectarPesticideConc,
- theColony.m_DeadDroneLarvaePesticide,
- theColony.m_DeadWorkerLarvaePesticide,
- theColony.m_DeadDroneAdultsPesticide,
- theColony.m_DeadWorkerAdultsPesticide,
- theColony.m_DeadForagersPesticide,
- theColony.queen.GetQueenStrength(),
- pEvent->GetTemp(),
- pEvent->GetRainfall());
- m_ResultsText.AddTail(CurSize);
- }
- UpdateResults(DayCount,pEvent);
- if ((DayCount % ResFreq) == 0 )
- theColony.SetStartSamplePeriod(); // Get ready for new accumulation period
- DayCount++;
- pEvent->IsForageDay()?TotForagingDays++:TotForagingDays;
- pEvent = m_pWeather->GetNextEvent();
- }
- //delete pEvent;
- m_ResultsReady = true;
- m_SimulationComplete = true;
- if (gl_RunGUI) UpdateAllViews(NULL);
- else
- {
- POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
- CVarroaPopView* pView = (CVarroaPopView*)GetNextView(pos);
- pView->ChartData(this,gl_RunGUI);
- }
- // If command line switch has /or then save results file
- CString ResultsFileName = ((CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_OutputResultsFileName;
- if (ResultsFileName.GetLength() > 0) StoreResultsFile(ResultsFileName);
- EndWaitCursor();
- theColony.Clear();
- m_SimulationComplete = false;
- }
-// CVarroaPopDoc serialization
-void CVarroaPopDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
- // Prior to version 2.1.4, no accommodation was made to read prior file versions.
- // If the first string read in is 10 asterisks, then we use versioning, otherwise
- // assume prior to 2.1.4 and first string is the filename.
- //
- // Valid data file format Versions:
- //
- // VarroaPop Versions prior to 2.1.4 are data file Version 0
- // VarroaPop Version 2.1.4 created data file Version 1
- // VarroaPop Version 2.2.1 created file Version 3. Adds
- // data for Fungus control
- // VarroaPop Version 2.2.2 created file Version 4. Adds multiple
- // mite treatment dates.
- // VarroaPop Version 2.3.1 created file Version 5. This causes weather file path + filename
- // to be stored
- // VarroaPop Version 3.0.1 created file Version 6. This added the DateRangeValues for life stage transitions
- //
- // VarroaPop Version 3.1.2 created file Version 7. This added a single IEDItem to identify EPA IED Method of pesticide impact
- //
- // VarroaPop Version 3.1.2 also created file version 8. This adds EPA user data.
- //
- // VarroaPop Version 3.2.2 added created file version 9. This continues to add the EPA user data.
- //
- // VarroaPop Version 3.2.3 added version 10. More EPA user data.
- //
- // VarroaPop Version added version 11. Added Graphing capability for bees killed by pesticide
- //
- // VarroaPop Version added version 13. Added parameters to track manual scaling for graphs
- //
- // VarroaPop Version also added version 14. Added nectar/pollen direct contamination table
- //
- // VarroaPop Version added version 15. This changed Queen Strength from integer to double
- //
- // VarroaPop Version added version 16. Added supplemental feeding data
- //
- // VarroaPop Version added version 17. Added some overwintering and foraging data. Also added some spare variables
- // to make it easier to add variables in the future without changing file format
- // VarroaPop Version added version 18. Allows user to select whether to have notifications or not - selected from view menu.
- //
- // VarroaPop Version added version 19. Serializes user selection of whether lack of resources causes colony to die. Serialized in CColony
-#define VERSIONING_VALID "**********"
-#define THIS_VERSION 19
- //TRACE("Entering VarroaPopDoc::Serialize\n");
- int bval;
- int FileFormatVersion = THIS_VERSION;
- if (ar.IsStoring())
- {
- ar << vv; // Version addition
- ar << THIS_VERSION; // Version addition
- // Modified for Version 2
- CString weathername = m_pWeather->GetFileName();
- //ar << SplitPath(m_pWeather->GetFileName(),FNAME) +
- // SplitPath(m_pWeather->GetFileName(),EXT);
- ar << m_pWeather->GetFileName();
- ar << m_SimStartTime;
- ar << m_SimEndTime;
- ar << m_ImmigrationType;
- ar << m_TotImmigratingMites.GetTotal();
- ar << int(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
- ar << m_ImmigrationStartDate;
- ar << m_ImmigrationEndDate;
- ar << m_RQEggLayingDelay;
- ar << m_RQWkrDrnRatio;
- ar << m_RQReQueenDate;
- bval = (m_RQEnableReQueen) ? 0 : 1;
- ar << bval;
- ar << m_RQScheduled;
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 15)
- {
- ar << m_RQQueenStrength;
- }
- else
- {
- int iRQQS = (int)m_RQQueenStrength;
- ar << iRQQS;
- }
- ar << m_RQOnce;
- ar << m_VTTreatmentDuration;
- ar << m_VTMortality;
- ar << m_VTEnable;
- ar << m_VTTreatmentStart;
- ar << int(m_InitMitePctResistant);
- ar << m_SPEnable;
- ar << m_SPTreatmentStart;
- ar << m_SPInitial;
- ar << m_Mort10;
- ar << m_Mort25;
- ar << m_Mort50;
- ar << m_Mort75;
- ar << m_Mort90;
- // EPA IED
- ar << m_IEDItem.m_IEDDate;
- ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortEggs;
- ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortLarvae;
- ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortBrood;
- ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortAdults;
- ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortForagers;
- bval = (m_ImmigrationEnabled) ? 0 : 1;
- ar << bval;
- ar << (m_TM ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_AD ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_AW ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_CS ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DB ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DE ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DL ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_F ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_MDB ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_MWB ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_PDB ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_PWB ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_PRM ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_RM ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_WB ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_WE ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_WL ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_IM ? 1 : 0);
- // Added with Version 1
- ar << (m_MD ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_PMD ? 1 : 0);
- // Added with Version 9
- ar << (m_NS ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_PS ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_NPC ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_PPC ? 1 : 0);
- // Added with Version 11
- ar << (m_DDL ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DWL ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DDA ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DWA ? 1 : 0);
- ar << (m_DFG ? 1 : 0);
- // Added with Version 13
- ar << m_AutoScaleChart;
- ar << m_YAxisMax;
- ar << m_YAxisMin;
- // Added with Version 18
- bval = IsShowWarnings() ? 1 : 0;
- ar << bval;
- }
- else
- {
- m_pWeather->ClearAllEvents();
- CString temp;
- int InitMitePctRes;
- int ImmMiteQty;
- ar >> temp;
- // Version 1 addition
- if (temp == VERSIONING_VALID)
- {
- ar >> FileFormatVersion;
- ar >> temp; // now put the weather file name into "temp"
- }
- ar >> m_SimStartTime;
- SetSimStart(m_SimStartTime);
- ar >> m_SimEndTime;
- SetSimEnd(m_SimEndTime);
- ar >> m_ImmigrationType;
- ar >> ImmMiteQty; //m_TotImmigratingMites;
- ar >> InitMitePctRes;
- m_TotImmigratingMites = ImmMiteQty;
- m_ImmMitePctResistant = double(InitMitePctRes);
- m_TotImmigratingMites.SetPctResistant(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
- ar >> m_ImmigrationStartDate;
- ar >> m_ImmigrationEndDate;
- ar >> m_RQEggLayingDelay;
- ar >> m_RQWkrDrnRatio;
- ar >> m_RQReQueenDate;
- ar >> bval;
- m_RQEnableReQueen = (bval == 0);
- ar >> m_RQScheduled;
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 15)
- {
- ar >> m_RQQueenStrength;
- }
- else
- {
- int iRQQS;
- ar >> iRQQS;
- m_RQQueenStrength = iRQQS;
- }
- ar >> m_RQOnce;
- ar >> m_VTTreatmentDuration;
- ar >> m_VTMortality;
- ar >> m_VTEnable;
- ar >> m_VTTreatmentStart;
- ar >> InitMitePctRes;
- m_InitMitePctResistant = double(InitMitePctRes);
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 3)
- {
- ar >> m_SPEnable;
- ar >> m_SPTreatmentStart;
- ar >> m_SPInitial;
- ar >> m_Mort10;
- ar >> m_Mort25;
- ar >> m_Mort50;
- ar >> m_Mort75;
- ar >> m_Mort90;
- }
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 7) // EPA IED
- {
- ar >> m_IEDItem.m_IEDDate;
- ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortEggs;
- ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortLarvae;
- ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortBrood;
- ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortAdults;
- ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortForagers;
- }
- ar >> bval;
- m_ImmigrationEnabled = (bval == 0);
- ar >> bval;
- m_TM = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_AD = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_AW = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_CS = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DB = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DE = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DL = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_F = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_MDB = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_MWB = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_PDB = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_PWB = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_PRM = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_RM = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_WB = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_WE = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_WL = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_IM = (bval == 1);
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 1)
- {
- ar >> bval;
- m_MD = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_PMD = (bval == 1);
- }
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 9)
- {
- ar >> bval;
- m_NS = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_PS = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_NPC = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_PPC = (bval == 1);
- }
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 11)
- {
- ar >> bval;
- m_DDL = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DWL = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DDA = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DWA = (bval == 1);
- ar >> bval;
- m_DFG = (bval == 1);
- }
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 13)
- {
- ar >> m_AutoScaleChart;
- ar >> m_YAxisMax;
- ar >> m_YAxisMin;
- }
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 18)
- {
- ar >> bval;
- SetShowWarnings(bval == 1);
- }
- // Set Default Path name = SessionFile Path
- CString pathname = ar.GetFile()->GetFilePath();
- SetDefaultPathName(SplitPath(pathname, DRV) + SplitPath(pathname, DIR));
- if ((m_ImmigrationEnabled) && (gl_RunGUI))
- ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->SetImmigration(true);
- else if (gl_RunGUI)
- ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->SetImmigration(false);
- // Load the weather file associated with the session
- if (temp.GetLength() == 0) // no weather file name
- {
- CString msg = " This Session has no associated Weather File\n";
- msg += "You will have to specify one before you run a simulation";
- MyMessageBox(msg);
- ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->m_WeatherFileName = "";
- }
- else
- {
- // Early versions store weather filename only
- // If this is the case, add path name and extension info
- if (FileFormatVersion == 0) temp = GetDefaultPathName() + temp + ".wth";
- // Version 1 and 5+ stores entire path of weather file so temp contains path
- if ((FileFormatVersion == 1) || (FileFormatVersion >= 5)); // do nothing
- // Version 2 thru 4 stores filename and extension only so must add Default Path
- if ((FileFormatVersion >= 2) && (FileFormatVersion <= 4))
- temp = GetDefaultPathName() + temp;
- // Version 2.3.1 of VarroaPop changed back to store the entire path+filename.
- // Session Files that were created with version 2 - 4 will have the default path name
- // appended to the file name. Session files version 5 and up have the entire path name stored
- m_WeatherFileName = temp;
- m_WeatherLoaded = LoadWeatherFile(m_WeatherFileName); // Try to load using
- if (m_WeatherLoaded)
- {
- if (gl_RunGUI)
- ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
- }
- else
- {
- CString msg = " Reading Session File: The Specified Weather file ";
- msg += temp + " was not found\n";
- msg += "You will have to specify one before you run a simulation";
- MyMessageBox(msg);
- }
- }
- }
- theColony.Serialize(ar, FileFormatVersion); // Added colony check for FileFormatVersion
- if (FileFormatVersion >= 4) // Version with multiple mite-treatment dates
- {
- m_MiteTreatments.Serialize(ar);
- //theColony.m_MiteTreatmentInfo.Serialize(ar);
- }
- // After reading .vrp file, update any variables which were changed
- // by the command line input file
- CString InputFileName = ((CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_InputFileName;
- if ((!ar.IsStoring()) & (InputFileName.GetLength() > 0))
- {
- ProcessInputFile(InputFileName);
- }
- if (gl_RunGUI)
- ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->EnableDialogBar(ReadyToSimulate());
- m_SessionLoaded = true;
- //TRACE("***Leaving VarroaPopDoc::Serialize\n");
-bool CVarroaPopDoc::LoadWeatherFile(CString WeatherFileName)
- bool success = false;
- if (m_pWeather == NULL)
- {
- m_WeatherFileName = "";
- }
- else
- {
- m_WeatherFileName = WeatherFileName;
- success = m_pWeather->LoadWeatherFile(m_WeatherFileName);
- if (success && (gl_RunGUI))
- {
- /////FIX - Do not reset simstart and simend unless new weather file loaded
- //SetSimStart(m_pWeather->GetBeginningTime());
- //SetSimEnd(m_pWeather->GetEndingTime());
- //((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
- }
- }
- return success;
-// ProcessInputFile reads the lines in the command line input file and makes the appropriate
-// changes to internal variables based on the name and the value contained in the line. The function is called
-// after the .vrp file is loaded.
-// Purists would not like the use of so many if statements because it requires evaluation of a lot of invalid
-// ifs until a valid if is found. This seemed the most clear to me since it is only used once per execution of VP
-// and because we are selecting on a string, we can't use a switch statement. Also, it's pretty clear how to read and add.
-// To expose a new variable to the input file, add a new if clause with the lower case version of the name string
-// and update the appropriate internal variables.
-void CVarroaPopDoc::ProcessInputFile(CString FileName)
- try
- {
- theColony.m_RQQueenStrengthArray.RemoveAll();
- CString Line;
- CString Name;
- CString Value;
- CStdioFile InputFile(FileName,CFile::shareDenyNone|CFile::modeRead);
- while (InputFile.ReadString(Line))
- {
- int leftchars = Line.Find("=");
- int rightchars = Line.GetLength() - leftchars - 1;
- if ((leftchars <1) || (rightchars <1)) continue; // Go to next line
- Name = Line.Left(leftchars);
- Value = Line.Right(rightchars);
- Name.Trim();
- Value.Trim();
- Name.MakeLower();
- Value.MakeLower();
- TRACE("Name = %s, Value = %s\n",Name,Value);
- // switch structure to allocate Name/Value to specific Initial Condition
- if (Name == "weatherfilename")
- {
- //Updated to set m_WeatherLoaded in
- m_WeatherLoaded = m_pWeather->LoadWeatherFile(Value);
- if (m_WeatherLoaded)
- {
- m_WeatherFileName = Value;
- if (gl_RunGUI)
- ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
- }
- else
- {
- CString msg = " Processing Input File: The Specified Weather file ";
- msg += Value+" was not found\n";
- msg += "You will have to specify one before you run a simulation";
- MyMessageBox(msg);
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "simstart")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- m_SimStartTime = tempDate;
- SetSimStart(m_SimStartTime);
- //theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimStart = m_SimStartTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y"); // Have sim start in two places - refactor to just VPDoc
- if (gl_RunGUI)
- {
- if (m_WeatherLoaded) ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "simend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- m_SimEndTime = tempDate;
- SetSimEnd(m_SimEndTime);
- //theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimEnd = m_SimEndTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y");
- if (gl_RunGUI)
- {
- if (m_WeatherLoaded) ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdroneadults")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultsField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkeradults")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultsField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdronebrood")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkerbrood")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdronelarvae")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneLarvaeField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkerlarvae")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerLarvaeField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdroneeggs")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneEggsField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkereggs")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerEggsField = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icqueenstrength")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_QueenStrength = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icforagerlifespan")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespan = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdroneadultinfest")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultInfestField = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdronebroodinfest")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodInfestField = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdronemiteoffspring")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteOffspringField = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icdronemitesurvivorship")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteSurvivorshipField = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkeradultinfest")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultInfestField = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkerbroodinfest")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodInfestField = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkermiteoffspring")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteOffspring = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "icworkermitesurvivorship")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteSurvivorship = float(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotnone")
- {
- m_AD = FALSE;
- m_AW = FALSE;
- m_CS = FALSE;
- m_DB = FALSE;
- m_DE = FALSE;
- m_DL = FALSE;
- m_F = FALSE;
- m_TM = FALSE;
- m_MDB = FALSE;
- m_MWB = FALSE;
- m_PDB = FALSE;
- m_PWB = FALSE;
- m_PRM = FALSE;
- m_RM = FALSE;
- m_WB = FALSE;
- m_WE = FALSE;
- m_WL = FALSE;
- m_IM = FALSE;
- m_TE = FALSE;
- m_DD = FALSE;
- m_L = FALSE;
- m_N = FALSE;
- m_P = FALSE;
- m_dd = FALSE;
- m_l = FALSE;
- m_n = FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotad")
- {
- m_AD = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotaw")
- {
- m_AW = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotcs")
- {
- m_CS = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotdb")
- {
- m_DB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotde")
- {
- m_DE = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotdl")
- {
- m_DL = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotf")
- {
- m_F = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plottm")
- {
- m_TM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- else if (Name == "plotmdb")
- {
- m_MDB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotmwb")
- {
- m_MWB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotpdb")
- {
- m_PDB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotpwb")
- {
- m_PWB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotprm")
- {
- m_PRM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotrm")
- {
- m_RM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotwb")
- {
- m_WB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotwe")
- {
- m_WE = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotwl")
- {
- m_WL = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- else if (Name == "plotim")
- {
- m_IM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "denone")
- {
- if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_NONE);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "deswarm")
- {
- if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_SWARM);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "dechalkbrood")
- {
- if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_CHALKBROOD);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "deresource")
- {
- if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_RESOURCEDEP);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "desupercedure")
- {
- if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_SUPERCEDURE);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "depesticide")
- {
- if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_PESTICIDE);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "immtype")
- {
- m_ImmigrationType = Value;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "totalimmmites")
- {
- m_TotImmigratingMites = atoi(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "pctimmmitesresistant")
- {
- m_ImmMitePctResistant = atof(Value);
- m_TotImmigratingMites.SetPctResistant(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "immstart")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
- m_ImmigrationStartDate = theDate;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "immend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
- m_ImmigrationEndDate = theDate;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "immenabled")
- {
- m_ImmigrationEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqegglaydelay")
- {
- m_RQEggLayingDelay = UINT(atoi(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqwkrdrnratio")
- {
- m_RQWkrDrnRatio = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqrequeendate")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- m_RQReQueenDate = tempDate;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqenablerequeen")
- {
- m_RQEnableReQueen = (Value == "true")?true:false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqscheduled")
- {
- m_RQScheduled = (Value == "true")?0:1;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqqueenstrength")
- // This value is placed into an array which is used in Colony::RequeenIfNeeded. Each occurance of this parameter name in the
- // input file will result in another requeen strength value being added to the end of the array.
- // Thus rqqueenstrength doesn't overwrite the previous value if supplied more than once
- {
- m_RQQueenStrength = atof(Value);
- theColony.m_RQQueenStrengthArray.Add(m_RQQueenStrength);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "rqonce")
- {
- m_RQOnce = (Value == "true")?0:1;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "vttreatmentduration")
- {
- m_VTTreatmentDuration = UINT(atoi(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "vtmortality")
- {
- m_VTMortality = UINT(atoi(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "vtenable")
- {
- m_VTEnable = (Value == "true")?TRUE:FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "vttreatmentstart")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if(theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY)) // Verifies this is a valid date
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- m_VTTreatmentStart = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "initmitepctresistant")
- {
- m_InitMitePctResistant = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ainame")
- {
- // TEST TEST TEST Be sure pointers all work and no issue with name not found
- //AIItem pItem;
- //AIItem* pEPAItem;
- //pEPAItem = theColony.m_EPAData.GetAIItemPtr(Value);
- //theColony.m_EPAData.SetCurrentAIItem(pEPAItem);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aiadultslope")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultSlope = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aiadultld50")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultLD50 = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aiadultslopecontact")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultSlope_Contact = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aiadultld50contact")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultLD50_Contact = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ailarvaslope") // note: this was incorrectly "ailarvatslope" in
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_LarvaSlope = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ailarvald50")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_LarvaLD50 = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aikow")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_KOW = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aikoc")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_KOC = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aihalflife")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_HalfLife = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "aicontactfactor")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_ContactFactor = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cl4pollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L4_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cl4nectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L4_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cl5pollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L5_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cl5nectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L5_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cldpollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_LD_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cldnectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_LD_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ca13pollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A13_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ca13nectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A13_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ca410pollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A410_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ca410nectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A410_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ca1120pollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A1120_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ca1120nectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A1120_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cadpollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_AD_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cadnectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_AD_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cforagerpollen")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_Forager_Pollen = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "cforagernectar")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_Forager_Nectar = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ipollentrips")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_PollenTrips = (int)atof(Value); // no fail on float input but convert to int
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "inectartrips")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_NectarTrips = (int)atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ipercentnectarforagers")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_PercentNectarForagers = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ipollenload")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_PollenLoad = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "inectarload")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_NectarLoad = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "foliarenabled")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "soilenabled")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_SoilEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "seedenabled")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_SeedEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "eapprate")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_AppRate = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "esoiltheta")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilTheta = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "esoilp")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilP = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "esoilfoc")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilFoc = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "esoilconcentration")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilConcentration = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "eseedconcentration")
- {
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SeedConcentration = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "foliarappdate")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarAppDate = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "foliarforagebegin")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarForageBegin = tempDate;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "foliarforageend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarForageEnd = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "soilforagebegin")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_SoilForageBegin = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "soilforageend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_SoilForageEnd = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "seedforagebegin")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_SeedForageBegin = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "seedforageend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_EPAData.m_SeedForageEnd = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "necpolfileenable")
- {
- theColony.m_NutrientCT.m_NutrientContEnabled = (Value == "true") ? true : false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "necpolfilename")
- {
- theColony.m_NutrientCT.m_ContaminantFileName = Value;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "initcolnectar")
- {
- theColony.m_ColonyNecInitAmount = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "initcolpollen")
- {
- theColony.m_ColonyPolInitAmount = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "maxcolnectar")
- {
- theColony.m_ColonyNecMaxAmount = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "maxcolpollen")
- {
- theColony.m_ColonyPolMaxAmount = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "suppollenenable")
- {
- theColony.m_SuppPollenEnabled = (Value == "true") ? true : false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "suppollenamount")
- {
- theColony.m_SuppPollen.m_StartingAmount = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "suppollenbegin")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_SuppPollen.m_BeginDate = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "suppollenend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_SuppPollen.m_EndDate = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "supnectarenable")
- {
- theColony.m_SuppNectarEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "supnectaramount")
- {
- theColony.m_SuppNectar.m_StartingAmount = atof(Value);
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "supnectarbegin")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_SuppNectar.m_BeginDate = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "supnectarend")
- {
- COleDateTime theDate;
- if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
- {
- COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
- theColony.m_SuppNectar.m_EndDate = tempDate;
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "foragermaxprop")
- {
- theColony.foragers.SetPropActualForagers(atof(Value));
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "needresourcestolive")
- {
- theColony.m_NoResourceKillsColony = (Value == "true") ? true : false;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotte")
- {
- m_TE = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotDD")
- {
- m_DD = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotN")
- {
- m_N = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotL")
- {
- m_L = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotP")
- {
- m_P = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotdd")
- {
- m_dd = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotl")
- {
- m_l = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "plotn")
- {
- m_n = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
- continue;
- }
-The Value string for the next several items is in the format StartDate, EndDate, number where commmas are separators in the string
- if (Name == "etolxition")
- {
- if (Value == "clear")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_EggTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
- }
- else
- {
- int curpos = 0;
- double NumVal = 0.0;
- CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
- {
- CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
- {
- CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
- {
- NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_EggTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "ltobxition")
- {
- if (Value == "clear")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_LarvaeTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
- }
- else
- {
- int curpos = 0;
- double NumVal = 0.0;
- CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
- {
- CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
- {
- CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
- {
- NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_LarvaeTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "btoaxition")
- {
- if (Value == "clear")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_BroodTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
- }
- else
- {
- int curpos = 0;
- double NumVal = 0.0;
- CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
- {
- CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
- {
- CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
- {
- NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_BroodTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "atofxition")
- {
- if (Value == "clear")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
- }
- else
- {
- int curpos = 0;
- double NumVal = 0.0;
- CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
- {
- CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
- {
- CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
- {
- NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "alifespan")
- {
- if (Value == "clear")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultLifespanDRV.ClearAll();
- }
- else
- {
- int curpos = 0;
- double NumVal = 0.0;
- CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
- {
- CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
- {
- CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
- {
- NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
- if ((NumVal >= 7) && (NumVal <= 21)) // Adult bee age constraint
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultLifespanDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "flifespan")
- {
- if (Value == "clear")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespanDRV.ClearAll();
- }
- else
- {
- int curpos = 0;
- double NumVal = 0.0;
- CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
- {
- CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
- {
- CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
- if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
- {
- NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
- if ((NumVal >= 0) && (NumVal <= 20)) // Constraint on forager lifespan
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespanDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
- }
- }
- }
- }
- }
- continue;
- }
+ SetBridge(this);
- if (Name == "etolxitionen")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_EggTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
- continue;
- }
+ // Set Default Path name = App path
+ CString modulename = CString(((CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp())->GetModuleFileName());
+ SetDefaultPathName(SplitPath(modulename,DRV) + SplitPath(modulename,DIR));
- if (Name == "ltobxitionen")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_LarvaeTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
- continue;
+ // Find all colony description files and build the list
+ CFileFind finder;
+ CString name;
+ int ok = finder.FindFile("*.col"); // colony files
+ int i;
+ bool nullify;
+ while(ok) {
+ ok = finder.FindNextFile();
+ name = finder.GetFileName();
+ // strip the extension and add the name to the list
+ nullify = false;
+ for(i=0; iAddTail(name);
+ }
- if (Name == "btoaxitionen")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_BroodTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "atofxitionen")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "alifespanen")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultLifespanDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
- continue;
- }
- if (Name == "flifespanen")
- {
- theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespanDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
- continue;
- }
+BOOL CVarroaPopDoc::OnNewDocument()
+ if (!CDocument::OnNewDocument())
+ return FALSE;
- //Fall through - no match
- {
- MyMessageBox("Input File Variable Name "+Name+" not Recognized");
- continue;
- }
- }
- }
+ // TODO: add reinitialization code here
+ // (SDI documents will reuse this document)
+ SetModifiedFlag(FALSE);
+ SetTitle("Untitled");
+ GetColony()->Clear();
+ return TRUE;
- catch (CFileException *e)
- {
- TCHAR stg[255];
- e->GetErrorMessage(stg,255);
- MyMessageBox(CString("Error Pocessing Input File: ") + CString(stg));
- }
+// CVarroaPopDoc serialization
+void CVarroaPopDoc::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+ CVarroaPopSession::Serialize(ar);
@@ -2507,248 +194,12 @@ void CVarroaPopDoc::OnFileSaveResults()
-void CVarroaPopDoc::StoreResultsFile(CString PathName)
- try
- {
- CStdioFile theFile(PathName,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite|CFile::typeText);
- // Write VarroaPop Version
- if (m_Version)
- {
- CString titlestg;
- titlestg.Format("Varroa Population Simulation - %s\n",COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime().Format("%b %d,%Y %I:%M:%S %p"));
- theFile.WriteString(titlestg);
- CString verstg;
- verstg.LoadString(IDS_VPVERSION);
- theFile.WriteString(verstg + "\n\n");
- }
- // Write Header Info to file
- if (m_WeatherColony)
- {
- theFile.WriteString("Weather File: "+GetWeatherFileName() + "\n");
- theFile.WriteString("Colony File: "+GetColonyFileName() + "\n\n");
- }
- // Write Initial Conditions to file
- if (m_InitConds)
- {
- CString OutStg;
- OutStg.Format("Drone Adult Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultInfestField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Brood Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodInfestField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Mite Survivorship=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteSurvivorshipField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Mite Offspring=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteOffspringField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Adult Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultInfestField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Brood Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodInfestField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Mite Survivorship=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteSurvivorship);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Mite Offspring=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteOffspring);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Adults=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultsField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Brood=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Larvae=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneLarvaeField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Drone Eggs=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneEggsField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Adults=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultsField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Brood=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Larvae=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerLarvaeField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Worker Eggs=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerEggsField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Queen Sperm=%d\n",(int)(theColony.m_InitCond.m_QueenSperm));
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Maximum Eggs per Day=%d\n",(int)(theColony.m_InitCond.m_MaxEggs));
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Forager Lifespan=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespan);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Total Eggs=%d\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_totalEggsField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily DD=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_DDField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily L=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_LField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily N=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_NField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily P=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_PField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily dd=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_ddField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily l=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_lField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- OutStg.Format("Daily n=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_nField);
- theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
- if (m_ImmigrationEnabled) theFile.WriteString("Immigration Enabled=TRUE\n");
- else theFile.WriteString("Immigration Enabled=FALSE\n");
- if (m_RQEnableReQueen) theFile.WriteString("Requeening Enabled=TRUE\n");
- else theFile.WriteString("Requeening Enabled=FALSE\n");
- if (m_VTEnable) theFile.WriteString("Varroa Treatment Enabled=TRUE\n");
- else theFile.WriteString("Varroa Treatment Enabled=FALSE\n");
- if (m_CombRemoveEnable) theFile.WriteString("Comb Removal Enabled=TRUE\n");
- else theFile.WriteString("Comb Removal Enabled=FALSE\n");
- theFile.WriteString("\n");
- }
- // Write Column Headers to file
- POSITION pos = m_ResultsFileHeader.GetHeadPosition();
- if (m_ColTitles)
- {
- while (pos!= NULL)
- {
- theFile.WriteString(m_ResultsFileHeader.GetNext(pos) + "\n");
- }
- }
- // Now write results to the file
- pos = m_ResultsText.GetHeadPosition();
- while (pos != NULL)
- {
- theFile.WriteString(m_ResultsText.GetNext(pos) + "\n");
- }
- theFile.Close();
- }
- catch (CFileException* e)
- {
- TCHAR stg[255];
- e->GetErrorMessage(stg,255);
- MyMessageBox(CString("Error Storing Results: ") + CString(stg));
- }
-int CVarroaPopDoc::GetDocumentLength()
- if (m_ResultsText.IsEmpty()) return 0;
- else return(m_ResultsText.GetCount());
void CVarroaPopDoc::OnFileSaveSession()
-bool CVarroaPopDoc::CheckDateConsistency(bool ShowWarning)
- /* Checks Dates for Immigration, Varroa Treatment and Re-Queening to verify
- they fall inside the Simulation range. If not, a warning message is displayed
- and the user is given the opportunity to continue or quit the simulation
- Return value: True if simulation should continue, False otherwise. User can
- override consistency check and continue from warning message box. Otherwise,
- inconsistent times will return false.
- */
- bool Consistent = true;
- if (ShowWarning)
- {
- CString WarnString = "";
- COleDateTime ImStart(m_ImmigrationStartDate.GetYear(),
- m_ImmigrationStartDate.GetMonth(),
- m_ImmigrationStartDate.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0);
- COleDateTime ImEnd(m_ImmigrationEndDate.GetYear(),
- m_ImmigrationEndDate.GetMonth(),
- m_ImmigrationEndDate.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0);
- // Check all dates of interest. Flag only if operation enabled
- if (m_RQEnableReQueen && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, m_RQReQueenDate)))
- {
- WarnString += " ReQueening\n";
- Consistent = false;
- }
- // NOTE: This block needs to be reworked since we use a list of mite treatment items instead of the single m_VTTreatmentStart.
- // Fix on c# version.
- /*
- if (m_VTEnable && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, m_VTTreatmentStart)))
- {
- WarnString += " Varroa Treatment Start\n";
- Consistent = false;
- }
- if (m_VTEnable && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime,
- m_VTTreatmentStart + COleDateTimeSpan(m_VTTreatmentDuration*7,0,0,0))))
- {
- WarnString += " Varroa Treatment End\n";
- Consistent = false;
- }
- */
- if (m_ImmigrationEnabled && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, ImStart)))
- {
- WarnString += " Immigration Start\n";
- Consistent = false;
- }
- if (m_ImmigrationEnabled && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, ImEnd)))
- {
- WarnString += " Immigration End\n";
- Consistent = false;
- }
- // Display warning message if enabled
- if (ShowWarning && !Consistent)
- {
- CString DispString =
- "Warning - The Following Events are Outside the Simulation Period:\n\n";
- DispString += WarnString;
- DispString += "\nPress OK to Continue the Simulation\nPress Cancel to Stop the Simulation";
- Consistent = (MyMessageBox(DispString, MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK);
- }
- }
- return Consistent;
-bool CVarroaPopDoc::DateInRange(COleDateTime StartRange, COleDateTime StopRange, COleDateTime theTime)
- return ((theTime >= StartRange) && (theTime <= StopRange));
-//void CVarroaPopDoc::LoadMiteTreatments(CMiteTreatments* theTreatments)
-// if (theTreatments != NULL)
-// {
-// CMiteTreatmentItem theItem;
-// m_MiteTreatments.ClearAll();
-// for (int i = 0; iGetCount(); i++)
-// {
-// theTreatments->GetItem(i,theItem);
-// m_MiteTreatments.AddItem(theItem);
-// }
-// }
void CVarroaPopDoc::OnViewCombremovaldate()
CCombRemDlg MyDialog;
@@ -2897,3 +348,131 @@ void CVarroaPopDoc::OnToggleShowwarnings()
SetShowWarnings(!IsShowWarnings()); // Toggle
+// CVarroaPopSessionBridge Implementation
+void CVarroaPopDoc::SimulationStartUpdated()
+ if (gl_RunGUI)
+ {
+ if (IsWeatherLoaded()) ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
+ }
+void CVarroaPopDoc::SimulationEndUpdated()
+ if (gl_RunGUI)
+ {
+ if (IsWeatherLoaded()) ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
+ }
+void CVarroaPopDoc::StartSimulation(CVarroaPopSession& session)
+ BeginWaitCursor();
+void CVarroaPopDoc::EndSimulation(CVarroaPopSession& session)
+ if (gl_RunGUI) UpdateAllViews(NULL);
+ else
+ {
+ // This code generates an execption on Julien's computer we need to figure out what it does and why
+ POSITION pos = GetFirstViewPosition();
+ CVarroaPopView* pView = (CVarroaPopView*)GetNextView(pos);
+ pView->ChartData(this, gl_RunGUI);
+ }
+ // If command line switch has /or then save results file
+ CString ResultsFileName = ((CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_OutputResultsFileName;
+ if (ResultsFileName.GetLength() > 0) StoreResultsFile(ResultsFileName);
+ EndWaitCursor();
+void CVarroaPopDoc::ImmigrationEnabled(bool enabled)
+ if ((enabled) && (gl_RunGUI))
+ ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->SetImmigration(true);
+ else if (gl_RunGUI)
+ ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->SetImmigration(false);
+void CVarroaPopDoc::WeatherFileMissing()
+ CString msg = " This Session has no associated Weather File\n";
+ msg += "You will have to specify one before you run a simulation";
+ MyMessageBox(msg);
+ ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->m_WeatherFileName = "";
+void CVarroaPopDoc::WeatherFileLoaded(bool loaded, const CString& filename)
+ if (loaded)
+ {
+ if (gl_RunGUI)
+ ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ CString msg = " Reading Session File: The Specified Weather file ";
+ msg += filename + " was not found\n";
+ msg += "You will have to specify one before you run a simulation";
+ MyMessageBox(msg);
+ }
+void CVarroaPopDoc::SessionFileLoaded(CArchive& ar)
+ // After reading .vrp file, update any variables which were changed
+ // by the command line input file
+ CString InputFileName = ((CVarroaPopApp*)AfxGetApp())->m_InputFileName;
+ if ((!ar.IsStoring()) & (InputFileName.GetLength() > 0))
+ {
+ ProcessInputFile(InputFileName);
+ }
+ if (gl_RunGUI)
+ ((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->EnableDialogBar(ReadyToSimulate());
+CString CVarroaPopDoc::GetDefaultPathName(CArchive& ar)
+ // Set Default Path name = SessionFile Path
+ CString pathname = ar.GetFile()->GetFilePath();
+ return (SplitPath(pathname, DRV) + SplitPath(pathname, DIR));
+void CVarroaPopDoc::InputFileUnknownVariable(const CString& name)
+ MyMessageBox("Input File Variable Name " + name + " not Recognized");
+void CVarroaPopDoc::InputFileException(const CString& message)
+ MyMessageBox(CString("Error Pocessing Input File: ") + CString(message));
+void CVarroaPopDoc::OutputFileException(const CString& message)
+ MyMessageBox(CString("Error Storing Results: ") + CString(message));
+CString CVarroaPopDoc::GetVersion()
+ CString verstg;
+ verstg.LoadString(IDS_VPVERSION);
+ return verstg;
+BOOL CVarroaPopDoc::CheckDateConsistencyFailed(const CString& warning)
+ CString DispString =
+ "Warning - The Following Events are Outside the Simulation Period:\n\n";
+ DispString += warning;
+ DispString += "\nPress OK to Continue the Simulation\nPress Cancel to Stop the Simulation";
+ return (MyMessageBox(DispString, MB_OKCANCEL) == IDOK);
diff --git a/VarroaPopDoc.h b/VarroaPopDoc.h
index 09f2d80..98ca1c1 100644
--- a/VarroaPopDoc.h
+++ b/VarroaPopDoc.h
@@ -17,221 +17,18 @@
#include "MiteTreatments.h"
#include "Matrix.h"
#include "IEDItem.h"
+#include "VarroaPopSession.h"
-class CVarroaPopDoc : public CDocument
+class CVarroaPopDoc : public CDocument, public CVarroaPopSession, public CVarroaPopSessionBridge
protected: // create from serialization only
-// Attributes
- CStringList availableFilesList;
- CStringList selectedFilesList;
- int selectedFileIndex;
- // Output/Plotting Attributes;
- CMatrix m_SimResults; // The simulation results to be plotted
- CStringList m_SimLabels; // Contains the labels of the plotted data series
- CStringList m_ResultsHeader;// Header Strings for ListView Control
- CStringList m_ResultsFileHeader; // Header Strings for File
- CStringList m_ResultsText; // Results of Simulation
- CStringList m_ResultsFileText; // Results of Simulation for file storage
- bool m_DispWeeklyData; // Defines whether numeric results are generated
- // Weekly or Daily
- // Graph Selection variables
- BOOL m_AD; // Adult Drones
- BOOL m_AW; // Adult Workers
- BOOL m_CS; // Colony Size
- BOOL m_DB; // Drone Brood
- BOOL m_DE; // Drone Eggs
- BOOL m_DL; // Drone Larvae
- BOOL m_F; // Foragers
- BOOL m_TM; // Total Mites in colony
- BOOL m_MDB; // Mites in Drone Brood
- BOOL m_MWB; // Mites in Worker Brood
- BOOL m_PDB; // Proportion of Drone Brood Infested
- BOOL m_PWB; // Proportion of Worker Brood Infested
- BOOL m_PRM; // Proportion of Running Mites resistant to miticide
- BOOL m_RM; // Free Running Mites
- BOOL m_WB; // Worker Brood
- BOOL m_WE; // Worker Eggs
- BOOL m_WL; // Worker Larvae
- BOOL m_IM; // Immigrating Mites
- BOOL m_MD; // Mites Dying this day or week
- BOOL m_PMD; // Proportion of total mite population dying this day or week
- BOOL m_NS; // Colony Nectar Stores
- BOOL m_PS; // COlony Pollen Stores
- BOOL m_NPC; // Nectar Persticide Concentration
- BOOL m_PPC; // Pollen Pesticide Concentration
- BOOL m_DDL; // Dead Drone Larvae from Pesticide
- BOOL m_DWL; // Dead Worker Larvae from Pesticide
- BOOL m_DDA; // Dead Drone Adults from Pesticide
- BOOL m_DWA; // Dead Worker Adults from Pesticide
- BOOL m_DFG; // Dead Foragers from Pesticide
- BOOL m_TE; // Total Eggs
- BOOL m_DD; // Daily DD
- BOOL m_L; // Daily L
- BOOL m_N; // Daily N
- BOOL m_P; // Daily P
- BOOL m_dd; // Daily dd
- BOOL m_l; // Daily l
- BOOL m_n; // Daily n
- int m_AutoScaleChart; //0 if autoscale, 1 if manual scale
- double m_YAxisMax; // If not autoscaled, the Y-axis maximum
- double m_YAxisMin; // If not autoscaled, the Y-axis minimum
- // Options Selection from COptions Dialog
- BOOL m_ColTitles;
- BOOL m_InitConds;
- BOOL m_Version;
- BOOL m_WeatherColony;
- int m_FieldDelimiter;
- int m_DispFrequency;
- CColony theColony;
- CWeatherEvents* m_pWeather;
- bool m_FirstResultEntry;
- CString m_DefaultPathName;
- CString m_WeatherFileName;
- bool m_SessionLoaded;
- bool m_WeatherLoaded;
- bool m_ShowWarnings;
- // Simulation Data
- COleDateTime m_SimStartTime;
- COleDateTime m_SimEndTime;
- bool m_SimulationComplete;
- bool m_ResultsReady;
- // Immigration Data
- CString m_ImmigrationType;
- CMite m_TotImmigratingMites;
- CMite m_IncImmigratingMites;
- CMite m_CumImmigratingMites;
- double m_ImmMitePctResistant;
- COleDateTime m_ImmigrationStartDate;
- COleDateTime m_ImmigrationEndDate;
- bool m_ImmigrationEnabled;
- // Re-Queening Data
- UINT m_RQEggLayingDelay;
- double m_RQWkrDrnRatio;
- BOOL m_RQEnableReQueen;
- int m_RQScheduled;
- double m_RQQueenStrength;
- int m_RQOnce;
- COleDateTime m_RQReQueenDate;
- // Varroa Miticide Treatment Data;
- // NOTE: Need to change this to a list to support multiple treatments
- CMiteTreatments m_MiteTreatments;
- COleDateTime m_VTTreatmentStart;
- UINT m_VTTreatmentDuration;
- UINT m_VTMortality;
- double m_InitMitePctResistant;
- BOOL m_VTEnable;
- // Varroa Spore Treatment Data
- BOOL m_SPEnable;
- COleDateTime m_SPTreatmentStart;
- int m_SPInitial;
- double m_Mort10;
- double m_Mort25;
- double m_Mort50;
- double m_Mort75;
- double m_Mort90;
- // Comb Removal
- COleDateTime m_CombRemoveDate;
- BOOL m_CombRemoveEnable;
- double m_CombRemovePct;
- // EPA Mortality
- CIEDItem m_IEDItem; //Note: This variable should be removed but it will change the session file format
- BOOL m_IEDEnable;
-// Operations
- CStringList* getAvailableFilesList();
- CStringList* getSelectedFilesList();
- int* getSelectedFileIndex();
- CWeatherEvents* GetWeather() {return m_pWeather;}
- CColony* GetColony() {return &theColony;}
- CColony* FindColony(CString ColonyName);
- void DeleteColony(CString ColonyName);
- void AddColony(CColony * pColony);
- CString GetWeatherFileName() {return m_pWeather->GetFileName();}
- CString GetColonyFileName() {return theColony.GetName();}
- int GetDocumentLength();
- CString GetDefaultPathName() {return m_DefaultPathName;}
- void SetDefaultPathName(CString stg) {m_DefaultPathName = stg;}
- bool DateInRange(COleDateTime StartRange, COleDateTime StopRange, COleDateTime theTime);
- bool CheckDateConsistency(bool ShowWarning);
- bool IsSessionLoaded() {return m_SessionLoaded;}
- bool IsWeatherLoaded() {return m_WeatherLoaded;}
- bool IsShowWarnings() { return m_ShowWarnings; }
- void SetShowWarnings(bool Warn) { m_ShowWarnings = Warn; }
- void SetWeatherFileName(CString fn) {m_WeatherFileName = fn;}
- bool LoadWeatherFile(CString WeatherFileName);
- // Simulation Operations
- COleDateTime GetSimStart() {return m_SimStartTime;}
- COleDateTime GetSimEnd() {return m_SimEndTime;}
- void SetSimStart(COleDateTime start);
- void SetSimEnd(COleDateTime end);
- int GetSimDays();
- int GetSimDayNumber(COleDateTime theDate);
- COleDateTime GetSimDate(int DayNum);
- int GetNumSeries();
- bool ReadyToSimulate();
- bool IsSimulationComplete() {return m_SimulationComplete;}
- bool AreResultsReady() {return m_ResultsReady;}
- int GetResultsLength() {return m_ResultsText.GetCount();}
- void Simulate();
- void UpdateResults(int Day, CEvent* pEvent = NULL);
- // Immigration Operations
- void SetImmigrationType(CString ImType) {m_ImmigrationType = ImType;}
- CString GetImmigrationType() {return m_ImmigrationType;}
- void SetNumImmigrationMites(int mites)
- { m_TotImmigratingMites.SetResistant(int(mites*m_ImmMitePctResistant/100));
- m_TotImmigratingMites.SetNonResistant(mites-m_TotImmigratingMites.GetResistant());}
- int GetNumImmigrationMites() {return m_TotImmigratingMites.GetTotal();}
- void SetImmigrationStart(COleDateTime start) {m_ImmigrationStartDate = start;}
- COleDateTime GetImmigrationStart() {return m_ImmigrationStartDate;}
- void SetImmigrationEnd(COleDateTime end) {m_ImmigrationEndDate = end;}
- COleDateTime GetImmigrationEnd() {return m_ImmigrationEndDate;}
- void SetImmigrationEnabled( bool enabled ) {m_ImmigrationEnabled = enabled;}
- bool IsImmigrationEnabled() { return m_ImmigrationEnabled;}
- bool IsImmigrationWindow(CEvent* pEvent);
- double GetImmPctResistant() {return m_ImmMitePctResistant;}
- void SetImmPctResistant(double pctres) {m_ImmMitePctResistant = pctres;}
-// CMite GetImmigrationMites(COleDateTime theDate);
- CMite GetImmigrationMites(CEvent* pEvent);
- // Property Page Operations
- //void LoadMiteTreatments(CMiteTreatments* theTreatments);
// Overrides
// ClassWizard generated virtual function overrides
- public:
virtual BOOL OnNewDocument();
virtual void Serialize(CArchive& ar);
virtual void SetTitle(LPCTSTR lpszTitle);
@@ -239,11 +36,6 @@ class CVarroaPopDoc : public CDocument
// Implementation
- void ProcessInputFile(CString FileName);
- void ProcessInputFileA(CString FileName);
- WORD InputParameterToWord(CString ParameterName);
- void StoreResultsFile(CString PathName);
- void InitializeSimulation();
virtual ~CVarroaPopDoc();
#ifdef _DEBUG
virtual void AssertValid() const;
@@ -254,7 +46,6 @@ class CVarroaPopDoc : public CDocument
// Generated message map functions
- CString m_ResultsFileFormatStg;
afx_msg void OnFileNew();
afx_msg void OnSelectGraph();
@@ -274,6 +65,23 @@ class CVarroaPopDoc : public CDocument
virtual BOOL OnOpenDocument(LPCTSTR lpszPathName);
afx_msg void OnUpdateViewShowwarnings(CCmdUI *pCmdUI);
afx_msg void OnToggleShowwarnings();
+ // CVarroaPopSessionBridge Implementation
+ void SimulationStartUpdated();
+ void SimulationEndUpdated();
+ void StartSimulation(CVarroaPopSession& session);
+ void EndSimulation(CVarroaPopSession& session);
+ void ImmigrationEnabled(bool enabled);
+ void WeatherFileMissing();
+ void WeatherFileLoaded(bool loaded, const CString& filename);
+ void SessionFileLoaded(CArchive& ar);
+ CString GetDefaultPathName(CArchive& ar);
+ void InputFileUnknownVariable(const CString& name);
+ void InputFileException(const CString& name);
+ void OutputFileException(const CString& name);
+ CString GetVersion();
+ BOOL CheckDateConsistencyFailed(const CString& warning);
diff --git a/VarroaPopSession.cpp b/VarroaPopSession.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..843335f
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VarroaPopSession.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,2508 @@
+#include "stdafx.h"
+#include "VarroaPop.h"
+#include "VarroaPopSession.h"
+ m_DispWeeklyData = false; // Initially Set to False
+ // Defaults for results file
+ m_ColTitles = true;
+ m_Version = true;
+ m_InitConds = false;
+ m_WeatherColony = false;
+ m_FieldDelimiter = 0; // Fixed width fields
+ // Graph Selection Initial Values
+ m_AD = TRUE;
+ m_AW = TRUE;
+ m_CS = TRUE;
+ m_DB = FALSE;
+ m_DE = FALSE;
+ m_DL = FALSE;
+ m_F = FALSE;
+ m_MDB = FALSE;
+ m_MWB = FALSE;
+ m_PDB = FALSE;
+ m_PWB = FALSE;
+ m_PRM = FALSE;
+ m_RM = FALSE;
+ m_WB = FALSE;
+ m_WE = FALSE;
+ m_WL = FALSE;
+ m_IM = FALSE;
+ m_MD = FALSE;
+ m_PMD = FALSE;
+ m_TE = FALSE;
+ m_DD = FALSE;
+ m_L = FALSE;
+ m_N = FALSE;
+ m_P = FALSE;
+ m_dd = FALSE;
+ m_l = FALSE;
+ m_n = FALSE;
+ m_AutoScaleChart = 0;
+ m_YAxisMin = 0;
+ m_YAxisMax = 0;
+ availableFilesList.RemoveAll();
+ selectedFilesList.RemoveAll();
+ selectedFileIndex = -1;
+ // Add Header Strings
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Date");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("ColSze");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("AdDrns");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("AdWkrs");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Forgr");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DrnBrd");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WkrBrd");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DrnLrv");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WkrLrv");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DrnEggs");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WkrEggs");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("TotalEggs");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DD");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("L");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("N");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("P");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("dd");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("l");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("n");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("FreeMts");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("DBrdMts");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("WBrdMts");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Mts/DBrd");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Mts/WBrd");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Mts Dying");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("PropMts Dying");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("ColPollen(g)");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("PPestConc(ug/g)");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("ColNectar(g)");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("NPestConc(ug/g)");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead DLarv");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead WLarv");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead DAdults");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead WAdults");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Dead Foragers");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Queen Strength");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Temp (DegC)");
+ m_ResultsHeader.AddTail("Precip");
+ m_ImmigrationType = "None";
+ m_TotImmigratingMites = 0;
+ m_ImmMitePctResistant = 0;
+ m_ImmigrationStartDate = COleDateTime(1999,1,1,0,0,0);
+ m_ImmigrationEndDate = COleDateTime(1999,1,1,0,0,0);
+ m_ImmigrationEnabled = false;
+ m_SimulationComplete = false;
+ m_ResultsReady = false;
+ m_RQEggLayingDelay = 10;
+ m_RQEnableReQueen = false;
+ m_RQScheduled = 1;
+ m_RQQueenStrength = 5;
+ m_RQOnce = 0;
+ m_VTTreatmentDuration = 0;
+ m_VTEnable = false;
+ m_VTMortality = 0;
+ m_InitMitePctResistant = 0;
+ m_SPEnable = FALSE;
+ m_SPInitial = 0;
+ m_CombRemoveDate = COleDateTime(1999,1,1,0,0,0);
+ m_CombRemoveEnable = FALSE;
+ m_CombRemovePct = 0;
+ m_pWeather = new CWeatherEvents; // Create the WeatherEvents
+ m_SessionLoaded = false;
+ m_WeatherLoaded = false;
+ SetShowWarnings(true);
+ m_MiteTreatments.ClearAll();
+ m_pWeather->ClearAllEvents();
+ delete m_pWeather;
+CStringList* CVarroaPopSession::getAvailableFilesList() {
+ return &availableFilesList;
+CStringList* CVarroaPopSession::getSelectedFilesList() {
+ return &selectedFilesList;
+int* CVarroaPopSession::getSelectedFileIndex() {
+ return &selectedFileIndex;
+CColony* CVarroaPopSession::FindColony(CString ColonyName)
+ if (theColony.GetName().GetLength()==0) return NULL;
+ else return &theColony;
+// CVarroaPopDoc Simulate Functions
+void CVarroaPopSession::SetSimStart(COleDateTime start)
+ m_SimStartTime = start;
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimStart = m_SimStartTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y");
+void CVarroaPopSession::SetSimEnd(COleDateTime end)
+ m_SimEndTime = end;
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimEnd = m_SimEndTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y");
+bool CVarroaPopSession::ReadyToSimulate()
+ return(theColony.IsInitialized()&&m_pWeather->IsInitialized());
+int CVarroaPopSession::GetSimDays()
+ COleDateTimeSpan ts = GetSimEnd() - GetSimStart();
+ return (int)ts.GetDays()+1;
+int CVarroaPopSession::GetSimDayNumber(COleDateTime theDate)
+ COleDateTime ss = GetSimStart();
+ COleDateTimeSpan ts = theDate - GetSimStart();
+ int num = (int)ts.GetDays()+1;
+ return num;
+COleDateTime CVarroaPopSession::GetSimDate(int DayNumber)
+ COleDateTimeSpan ts((long)DayNumber,0,0,0);
+ return (GetSimStart()+ts);
+int CVarroaPopSession::GetNumSeries()
+// Calculates the number of items we are planning to graph
+ int count = 0;
+ if (m_TM) count++;
+ if (m_AD) count++;
+ if (m_AW) count++;
+ if (m_CS) count++;
+ if (m_DB) count++;
+ if (m_DE) count++;
+ if (m_DL) count++;
+ if (m_F) count++;
+ if (m_MDB) count++;
+ if (m_MWB) count++;
+ if (m_PDB) count++;
+ if (m_PWB) count++;
+ if (m_PRM) count++;
+ if (m_RM) count++;
+ if (m_WB) count++;
+ if (m_WE) count++;
+ if (m_WL) count++;
+ if (m_IM) count++;
+ if (m_MD) count++;
+ if (m_PMD) count++;
+ if (m_NS) count++;
+ if (m_PS) count++;
+ if (m_NPC) count++;
+ if (m_PPC) count++;
+ if (m_DDL) count++;
+ if (m_DWL) count++;
+ if (m_DDA) count++;
+ if (m_DWA) count++;
+ if (m_DFG) count++;
+ if (m_TE) count++;
+ if (m_DD) count++;
+ if (m_L) count++;
+ if (m_N) count++;
+ if (m_P) count++;
+ if (m_dd) count++;
+ if (m_l) count++;
+ if (m_n) count++;
+ return count;
+bool CVarroaPopSession::IsImmigrationWindow(CEvent* pEvent)
+ COleDateTime today = (pEvent->GetTime());
+ return((today>=m_ImmigrationStartDate) && (today<=m_ImmigrationEndDate));
+//CMite CVarroaPopSession::GetImmigrationMites(COleDateTime theDate)
+CMite CVarroaPopSession::GetImmigrationMites(CEvent* pEvent)
+ // This routine calculates the number of mites to immigrate on the
+ // specified date. It also keeps track of the cumulative number of
+ // mites that have migrated so far. First calculate the total quantity
+ // of immigrating mites then return a CMite based on percent resistance to miticide
+ /*
+ The equations of immigration were derived by identifying the desired function,
+ e.g. f(x) = A*Cos(x), then calculating the constants by setting the integral of
+ the function (over the range 0..1) to 1. This means that the area under the
+ curve is = 1. This ensures that 100% of m_TotImmigratingMites were added to the
+ colony. With the constants were established, a very simple numerical integration
+ is performed using sum(f(x)*DeltaX) for each day of immigration.
+ The immigration functions are:
+ Cosine -> f(x) = 1.188395*cos(x)
+ Sine -> f(x) = 1.57078*sin(PI*x)
+ Tangent -> f(x) = 2.648784*tan(1.5*x)
+ Exponential -> f(x) = (1.0/(e-2))*(exp(1 - (x)) - 1.0)
+ Logarithmic -> f(x) = -1.0*log(x) day #2 and on
+ Polynomial -> f(x) = 3.0*(x) - 1.5*(x*x)
+ In the case of Logarithmic, since there is an infinity at x=0, the
+ actual value of the integral over the range (0..DeltaX) is used on the first
+ day.
+ Mites only immigrate on foraging days.
+ */
+ double answer;
+ COleDateTime theDate = pEvent->GetTime();
+ if ((theDate >= GetImmigrationStart()) && (theDate <= GetImmigrationEnd() && pEvent->IsForageDay()))
+ {
+ int SimDaytoday = GetSimDayNumber(theDate);
+ int SimDayImStart = GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationStart());
+ int SimDayImStop = GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationEnd());
+ // Set cumulative immigration to 0 on first day
+ if (SimDaytoday == SimDayImStart) m_CumImmigratingMites = 0;
+ // If today is the last immigration day, immigrate all remaining mites
+ // NOTE: Changed this logic in version when we decided to not immigrade on non-foraging days.
+ // In that case, it doesn't make sense to immigrate all remaining mites on the last day
+ if (false) {} //(SimDaytoday == SimDayImStop) answer = m_TotImmigratingMites - m_CumImmigratingMites;
+ else
+ {
+ // Calculate the proportion of days into immigration
+ double ImProp = (double)(SimDaytoday - SimDayImStart )/
+ (double)(1 + SimDayImStop - SimDayImStart);
+ double DeltaX = 1.0/(SimDayImStop - SimDayImStart+1);
+ double X = ImProp+DeltaX/2;
+ // Return function based on immigration type
+ if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "NONE") answer = 0;
+ else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "COSINE") // f(x) = A*Cos(x)
+ {
+ answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*1.188395*cos(X)*DeltaX;
+ }
+ else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "EXPONENTIAL") // f(x) = A*(exp(1-x) + B) dx
+ {
+ answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(1.0/(exp(1.0) -2))*(exp(1.0 - (X)) -1.0)*DeltaX;
+ }
+ else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "LOGARITHMIC") // f(x) = A*log(x) dx
+ {
+ if (ImProp == 0) // Deal with discontinuity at 0
+ {
+ answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(-1.0*DeltaX*log(DeltaX) - DeltaX);
+ }
+ else answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(-1.0*log(X)*DeltaX);
+ }
+ else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "POLYNOMIAL") // f(x) = (A*x + B*x*x) dx
+ {
+ answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*(3.0*(X) - 1.5*(X*X))*DeltaX;
+ }
+ else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "SINE") // f(x) = A*Sin(PiX) dx
+ {
+ answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*1.57078*sin(3.1416*X)*DeltaX;
+ }
+ else if (m_ImmigrationType.MakeUpper() == "TANGENT") // f(x) = A*Tan(B*X) dx
+ {
+ answer = GetNumImmigrationMites()*2.648784*tan(1.5*X)*DeltaX;
+ }
+ else answer = 0; // m_ImmigrationType not valid
+ // Now calculate the correction factor based on number of days of immigration.
+ // The equations assume 25 days so correction factor is 25/(#days in sim)
+ /*
+ if (!(m_ImmigrationType == "Cosine"))
+ {
+ double CorrFact = (double)25/
+ (double)(GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationEnd()) -
+ GetSimDayNumber(GetImmigrationStart()) + 1);
+ answer = answer*CorrFact;
+ }
+ */
+ // Constrain to positive number
+ if (answer <0.0) answer = 0.0;
+ }
+ // Increment the running total of mites that have immigrated
+ int ResistantMites = int((answer*m_ImmMitePctResistant)/100 + 0.5);
+ m_CumImmigratingMites += CMite(ResistantMites, int(answer-ResistantMites + 0.5));
+ }
+ else answer = 0;
+ CMite theImms;
+ theImms.SetResistant(int((answer*m_ImmMitePctResistant)/100 + 0.5));
+ theImms.SetNonResistant(int(answer-theImms.GetResistant() + 0.5));
+ return theImms;
+void CVarroaPopSession::UpdateResults(int DayCount, CEvent* pEvent)
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry)
+ {
+ m_SimLabels.RemoveAll();
+ }
+ int seriesID = 0;
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = DayCount;
+ if (m_AD) // Adult Drones
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Dadl.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Adult Drones");
+ }
+ if (m_AW) // Adult Workers
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Wadl.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Adult Workers");
+ }
+ if (m_CS) // Colony Size
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.GetColonySize();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Colony Size");
+ }
+ if (m_DB) // Drone Brood
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Drone Brood");
+ }
+ if (m_DE) // Drone Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Deggs.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Drone Eggs");
+ }
+ if (m_DL) // Drone Larvae
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Dlarv.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Drone Larvae");
+ }
+ if (m_F) // Foragers
+ {
+ //m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.foragers.GetQuantity();
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.foragers.GetActiveQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Active Foragers");
+ }
+ if (m_TM) // Total Mites In Colony
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount()+
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount() + theColony.RunMite;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Total Mite Count");
+ }
+ if (m_MDB) // Mites in Drone Brood
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites in Drn Brood");
+ }
+ if (m_MWB) // Mites in Worker Brood
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites in Wkr Brood");
+ }
+ if (m_RM) // Free Running Mites
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.RunMite.GetTotal();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Free Running Mites");
+ }
+ if (m_WB) // Worker Brood
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapWkr.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Worker Brood");
+ }
+ if (m_WE) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Weggs.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Worker Eggs");
+ }
+ if (m_WL) // Worker Larvae
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.Wlarv.GetQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Worker Larvae");
+ }
+ if (m_PWB) // Mites per Worker Brood Cell
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapWkr.GetMitesPerCell();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites/Wkr Cell");
+ }
+ if (m_PDB) // Mites per Drone Brood Cell
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.CapDrn.GetMitesPerCell();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Mites/Drn Cell");
+ }
+ if (m_PRM) // Proportion of Resistant Free Mites
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.RunMite.GetPctResistant()/100.0;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Prop Res Free Mites");
+ }
+ if (m_IM) // Immigrating Mites
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = m_IncImmigratingMites.GetTotal();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Immigrating Mites");
+ }
+ if (m_MD)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.GetMitesDyingToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Num Mites Dying/Day");
+ }
+ if (m_PMD)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] =
+ (theColony.GetTotalMiteCount() > 0) ?
+ theColony.GetMitesDyingToday()/double(theColony.GetMitesDyingToday()+theColony.GetTotalMiteCount()) : 0;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Prop Mites Dying");
+ }
+ if (m_NS)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Nectar Stores(g) ");
+ }
+ if (m_PS)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenQuantity();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Pollen Stores(g) ");
+ }
+ if (m_NPC)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarPesticideConcentration() * 1000000;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("N-PestConc ug/g ");
+ }
+ if (m_PPC)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenPesticideConcentration() * 1000000;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("P-PestConc ug/g ");
+ }
+ if (m_DDL)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadDroneLarvaePesticide;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead DLarv ");
+ }
+ if (m_DWL)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadWorkerLarvaePesticide;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead WLarv ");
+ }
+ if (m_DDA)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadDroneAdultsPesticide;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead DAdults ");
+ }
+ if (m_DWA)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadWorkerAdultsPesticide;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead WAdults ");
+ }
+ if (m_DFG)
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount-1] = theColony.m_DeadForagersPesticide;
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Dead Foragers ");
+ }
+ if (m_TE) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetEggsToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("Total Eggs");
+ }
+ if (m_DD) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetDDToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("DD");
+ }
+ if (m_L) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetLToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("L");
+ }
+ if (m_N) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetNToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("N");
+ }
+ if (m_P) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetPToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("P");
+ }
+ if (m_dd) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetddToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("dd");
+ }
+ if (m_l) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetlToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("l");
+ }
+ if (m_n) // Worker Eggs
+ {
+ m_SimResults[seriesID++][DayCount - 1] = theColony.GetnToday();
+ if (m_FirstResultEntry) m_SimLabels.AddTail("n");
+ }
+ m_FirstResultEntry = false;
+// if (pEvent != NULL) m_AxisLabels.AddTail(pEvent->GetDateStg("%b/%d/%y"));
+void CVarroaPopSession::InitializeSimulation()
+ // Initialize Results Matrix
+ /* The columns of this CMatrix are defined as follows:
+ Col 0 = Day Number
+ Col 1 = Data point for first series to be plotted
+ Col 2 = Data point for second series to be plotted
+ Col n = Data point for Nth series to be plotted
+ The rows correspond to the values for each day. The dimensions of the
+ CMatrix array are set to (Number of series + 1, Number of days being plotted)
+ */
+ m_SimResults.SetDimensions(GetNumSeries()+1,GetSimDays());
+ m_ResultsText.RemoveAll();
+ m_ResultsHeader.RemoveAll();
+ m_ResultsFileHeader.RemoveAll();
+ m_IncImmigratingMites = 0;
+ UpdateResults(1); // Get Results of initial conditions
+ theColony.InitializeColony();
+ theColony.SetMiticideTreatment(m_MiteTreatments,m_VTEnable);
+ theColony.SetMitePctResistance(m_InitMitePctResistant);
+ // Initializing the Spore functions
+// theColony.SetSporeTreatment(GetSimDayNumber(m_SPTreatmentStart),m_SPEnable);
+// theColony.m_Spores.SetMortalityFunction(0.10,,0);
+ m_CumImmigratingMites = int(0);
+ m_FirstResultEntry = true;
+void CVarroaPopSession::Simulate()
+ if (ReadyToSimulate())
+ {
+ if (!CheckDateConsistency(IsShowWarnings())) return;
+ InitializeSimulation();
+ // Set results frequency
+ int ResFreq = m_DispWeeklyData?7:1;
+ // Set results data format string
+ if (m_FieldDelimiter == 1) // Comma Delimited
+ {
+ m_ResultsFileFormatStg = "%s,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%04.2f,%.2f,%.2f,%05.2f,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6.2f,%6.2f,%6d,%6.2f,%6.1f,%6.3f,%6.1f,%6.3f,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6d,%6.3f,%6.3f,%6.3f";
+ }
+ else if (m_FieldDelimiter == 2) // Tab Delimited
+ {
+ m_ResultsFileFormatStg = "%s\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%04.2f\t%.2f\t%.2f\t%05.2f\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6.2f\t%6.2f\t%6d\t%6.2f\t%6.1f\t%6.3f\t%6.1f\t%6.3f\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6d\t%6.3f\t%6.3f\t%6.3f";
+ }
+ else // Otherwise space delimited
+ {
+ m_ResultsFileFormatStg = "%s %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %.2f %.2f %.2f %04.2f %.2f %.2f %05.2f %6d %6d %6d %6.2f %6.2f %6d %6.2f %6.1f %6.3f %6.1f %6.3f %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d %6.3f %6.3f %6.3f";
+ }
+ CEvent* pEvent = m_pWeather->GetDayEvent(GetSimStart());
+ int DayCount = 1;
+ int TotSimDays = GetSimDays();
+ int TotImMites = 0;
+ int TotForagingDays = 0;
+ CString CurSize;
+ CurSize.Format(" Capped Capped Prop Conc Conc ");
+ m_ResultsFileHeader.AddTail(CurSize);
+ CurSize.Format(" Colony Adult Adult Drone Wkr Drone Wkr Drone Wkr Total Free DBrood WBrood DMite WMite Mites Mites Colony Pollen Colony Nectar Dead Dead Dead Dead Dead Queen Ave");
+ m_ResultsFileHeader.AddTail(CurSize);
+ CurSize.Format(" Date Size Drones Wkr Forgrs Brood Brood Larv Larv Eggs Eggs Eggs DD L N P dd l n Mites Mites Mites /Cell /Cell Dying Dying Pollen Pest Nectar Pest DLarv WLarv DAdlt WAdlt Forgrs Strength Temp Rain");
+ m_ResultsFileHeader.AddTail(CurSize);
+ CurSize.Format(m_ResultsFileFormatStg,
+ //pEvent->GetDateStg("%m/%d/%Y"),
+ "Initial ",
+ theColony.GetColonySize(),
+ theColony.Dadl.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Wadl.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.foragers.GetActiveQuantity(),
+ theColony.CapDrn.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Dlarv.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Wlarv.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Deggs.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Weggs.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.GetEggsToday(),
+ theColony.GetDDToday(),
+ theColony.GetLToday(),
+ theColony.GetNToday(),
+ theColony.GetPToday(),
+ theColony.GetddToday(),
+ theColony.GetlToday(),
+ theColony.GetnToday(),
+ theColony.RunMite.GetTotal(),
+ theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount(),
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount(),
+ theColony.CapDrn.GetMitesPerCell(),
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetMitesPerCell(),
+ 0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0.0,
+ 0,0,0,0,0,
+ theColony.queen.GetQueenStrength(),
+ 0.0,0.0);
+ m_ResultsText.AddTail(CurSize);
+ m_Bridge->StartSimulation(*this);
+ // *************************************************
+ // Main Loop for Simulation
+ //
+ //
+ while ((pEvent != NULL) && (DayCount <= TotSimDays))
+ {
+ theColony.ReQueenIfNeeded(
+ DayCount,
+ pEvent,
+ m_RQEggLayingDelay,
+ m_RQWkrDrnRatio,
+ m_RQEnableReQueen,
+ m_RQScheduled,
+ m_RQQueenStrength,
+ m_RQOnce,
+ m_RQReQueenDate);
+ // Determine if there is feed available and call theColony.SetFeedingDay(t/f);
+ // Alternate approach is to pass the feed dates and quantities to the colony and
+ // let the colony keep track - probably a better idea since the pollen is consumed
+ theColony.UpdateBees(pEvent, DayCount);
+ if (IsImmigrationEnabled() && IsImmigrationWindow(pEvent))
+ {
+ m_IncImmigratingMites = (GetImmigrationMites(pEvent));
+ m_IncImmigratingMites.SetPctResistant(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
+ theColony.AddMites(m_IncImmigratingMites);
+ }
+ else m_IncImmigratingMites = 0; // Reset to 0 after Immigration Window Closed
+ theColony.UpdateMites(pEvent, DayCount);
+ if (m_CombRemoveEnable &&
+ (pEvent->GetTime().GetYear() == m_CombRemoveDate.GetYear()) &&
+ (pEvent->GetTime().GetMonth() == m_CombRemoveDate.GetMonth()) &&
+ (pEvent->GetTime().GetDay() == m_CombRemoveDate.GetDay()))
+ {
+ theColony.RemoveDroneComb(m_CombRemovePct);
+ TRACE("Drone Comb Removed on %s\n",pEvent->GetDateStg());
+ }
+ theColony.DoPendingEvents(pEvent,DayCount); // Sets colony based on discrete events
+ if ((DayCount % ResFreq) == 0 ) // Print once every ResFreq times thru the loop
+ {
+ double PropMiteDeath =
+ theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod()+theColony.GetTotalMiteCount() > 0?
+ theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod()/
+ double(theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod()+theColony.GetTotalMiteCount()) : 0;
+ double ColPollen = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenQuantity(); // In Grams
+ double ColNectar = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarQuantity();
+ double NectarPesticideConc = theColony.m_Resources.GetNectarPesticideConcentration() * 1000000;
+ double PollenPesticideConc = theColony.m_Resources.GetPollenPesticideConcentration() * 1000000; // convert from g/g to ug/g
+ CurSize.Format(m_ResultsFileFormatStg,
+ pEvent->GetDateStg("%m/%d/%Y"),
+ theColony.GetColonySize(),
+ theColony.Dadl.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Wadl.GetQuantity(),
+ //theColony.foragers.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.foragers.GetActiveQuantity(),
+ theColony.CapDrn.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Dlarv.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Wlarv.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Deggs.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.Weggs.GetQuantity(),
+ theColony.GetEggsToday(),
+ theColony.GetDDToday(),
+ theColony.GetLToday(),
+ theColony.GetNToday(),
+ theColony.GetPToday(),
+ theColony.GetddToday(),
+ theColony.GetlToday(),
+ theColony.GetnToday(),
+ theColony.RunMite.GetTotal(),
+ theColony.CapDrn.GetMiteCount(),
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetMiteCount(),
+ theColony.CapDrn.GetMitesPerCell(),
+ theColony.CapWkr.GetMitesPerCell(),
+ theColony.GetMitesDyingThisPeriod(),
+ PropMiteDeath,
+ ColPollen,
+ PollenPesticideConc,
+ ColNectar,
+ NectarPesticideConc,
+ theColony.m_DeadDroneLarvaePesticide,
+ theColony.m_DeadWorkerLarvaePesticide,
+ theColony.m_DeadDroneAdultsPesticide,
+ theColony.m_DeadWorkerAdultsPesticide,
+ theColony.m_DeadForagersPesticide,
+ theColony.queen.GetQueenStrength(),
+ pEvent->GetTemp(),
+ pEvent->GetRainfall());
+ m_ResultsText.AddTail(CurSize);
+ }
+ UpdateResults(DayCount,pEvent);
+ if ((DayCount % ResFreq) == 0 )
+ theColony.SetStartSamplePeriod(); // Get ready for new accumulation period
+ DayCount++;
+ pEvent->IsForageDay()?TotForagingDays++:TotForagingDays;
+ pEvent = m_pWeather->GetNextEvent();
+ }
+ //delete pEvent;
+ m_ResultsReady = true;
+ m_SimulationComplete = true;
+ m_Bridge->EndSimulation(*this);
+ theColony.Clear();
+ m_SimulationComplete = false;
+ }
+// CVarroaPopSession serialization
+void CVarroaPopSession::Serialize(CArchive& ar)
+ // Prior to version 2.1.4, no accommodation was made to read prior file versions.
+ // If the first string read in is 10 asterisks, then we use versioning, otherwise
+ // assume prior to 2.1.4 and first string is the filename.
+ //
+ // Valid data file format Versions:
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Versions prior to 2.1.4 are data file Version 0
+ // VarroaPop Version 2.1.4 created data file Version 1
+ // VarroaPop Version 2.2.1 created file Version 3. Adds
+ // data for Fungus control
+ // VarroaPop Version 2.2.2 created file Version 4. Adds multiple
+ // mite treatment dates.
+ // VarroaPop Version 2.3.1 created file Version 5. This causes weather file path + filename
+ // to be stored
+ // VarroaPop Version 3.0.1 created file Version 6. This added the DateRangeValues for life stage transitions
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version 3.1.2 created file Version 7. This added a single IEDItem to identify EPA IED Method of pesticide impact
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version 3.1.2 also created file version 8. This adds EPA user data.
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version 3.2.2 added created file version 9. This continues to add the EPA user data.
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version 3.2.3 added version 10. More EPA user data.
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 11. Added Graphing capability for bees killed by pesticide
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 13. Added parameters to track manual scaling for graphs
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version also added version 14. Added nectar/pollen direct contamination table
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 15. This changed Queen Strength from integer to double
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 16. Added supplemental feeding data
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 17. Added some overwintering and foraging data. Also added some spare variables
+ // to make it easier to add variables in the future without changing file format
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 18. Allows user to select whether to have notifications or not - selected from view menu.
+ //
+ // VarroaPop Version added version 19. Serializes user selection of whether lack of resources causes colony to die. Serialized in CColony
+#define VERSIONING_VALID "**********"
+#define THIS_VERSION 19
+ //TRACE("Entering VarroaPopDoc::Serialize\n");
+ int bval;
+ int FileFormatVersion = THIS_VERSION;
+ if (ar.IsStoring())
+ {
+ ar << vv; // Version addition
+ ar << THIS_VERSION; // Version addition
+ // Modified for Version 2
+ CString weathername = m_pWeather->GetFileName();
+ //ar << SplitPath(m_pWeather->GetFileName(),FNAME) +
+ // SplitPath(m_pWeather->GetFileName(),EXT);
+ ar << m_pWeather->GetFileName();
+ ar << m_SimStartTime;
+ ar << m_SimEndTime;
+ ar << m_ImmigrationType;
+ ar << m_TotImmigratingMites.GetTotal();
+ ar << int(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
+ ar << m_ImmigrationStartDate;
+ ar << m_ImmigrationEndDate;
+ ar << m_RQEggLayingDelay;
+ ar << m_RQWkrDrnRatio;
+ ar << m_RQReQueenDate;
+ bval = (m_RQEnableReQueen) ? 0 : 1;
+ ar << bval;
+ ar << m_RQScheduled;
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 15)
+ {
+ ar << m_RQQueenStrength;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int iRQQS = (int)m_RQQueenStrength;
+ ar << iRQQS;
+ }
+ ar << m_RQOnce;
+ ar << m_VTTreatmentDuration;
+ ar << m_VTMortality;
+ ar << m_VTEnable;
+ ar << m_VTTreatmentStart;
+ ar << int(m_InitMitePctResistant);
+ ar << m_SPEnable;
+ ar << m_SPTreatmentStart;
+ ar << m_SPInitial;
+ ar << m_Mort10;
+ ar << m_Mort25;
+ ar << m_Mort50;
+ ar << m_Mort75;
+ ar << m_Mort90;
+ // EPA IED
+ ar << m_IEDItem.m_IEDDate;
+ ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortEggs;
+ ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortLarvae;
+ ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortBrood;
+ ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortAdults;
+ ar << m_IEDItem.m_MortForagers;
+ bval = (m_ImmigrationEnabled) ? 0 : 1;
+ ar << bval;
+ ar << (m_TM ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_AD ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_AW ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_CS ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DB ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DE ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DL ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_F ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_MDB ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_MWB ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_PDB ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_PWB ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_PRM ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_RM ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_WB ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_WE ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_WL ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_IM ? 1 : 0);
+ // Added with Version 1
+ ar << (m_MD ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_PMD ? 1 : 0);
+ // Added with Version 9
+ ar << (m_NS ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_PS ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_NPC ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_PPC ? 1 : 0);
+ // Added with Version 11
+ ar << (m_DDL ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DWL ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DDA ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DWA ? 1 : 0);
+ ar << (m_DFG ? 1 : 0);
+ // Added with Version 13
+ ar << m_AutoScaleChart;
+ ar << m_YAxisMax;
+ ar << m_YAxisMin;
+ // Added with Version 18
+ bval = IsShowWarnings() ? 1 : 0;
+ ar << bval;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_pWeather->ClearAllEvents();
+ CString temp;
+ int InitMitePctRes;
+ int ImmMiteQty;
+ ar >> temp;
+ // Version 1 addition
+ if (temp == VERSIONING_VALID)
+ {
+ ar >> FileFormatVersion;
+ ar >> temp; // now put the weather file name into "temp"
+ }
+ ar >> m_SimStartTime;
+ SetSimStart(m_SimStartTime);
+ ar >> m_SimEndTime;
+ SetSimEnd(m_SimEndTime);
+ ar >> m_ImmigrationType;
+ ar >> ImmMiteQty; //m_TotImmigratingMites;
+ ar >> InitMitePctRes;
+ m_TotImmigratingMites = ImmMiteQty;
+ m_ImmMitePctResistant = double(InitMitePctRes);
+ m_TotImmigratingMites.SetPctResistant(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
+ ar >> m_ImmigrationStartDate;
+ ar >> m_ImmigrationEndDate;
+ ar >> m_RQEggLayingDelay;
+ ar >> m_RQWkrDrnRatio;
+ ar >> m_RQReQueenDate;
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_RQEnableReQueen = (bval == 0);
+ ar >> m_RQScheduled;
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 15)
+ {
+ ar >> m_RQQueenStrength;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int iRQQS;
+ ar >> iRQQS;
+ m_RQQueenStrength = iRQQS;
+ }
+ ar >> m_RQOnce;
+ ar >> m_VTTreatmentDuration;
+ ar >> m_VTMortality;
+ ar >> m_VTEnable;
+ ar >> m_VTTreatmentStart;
+ ar >> InitMitePctRes;
+ m_InitMitePctResistant = double(InitMitePctRes);
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 3)
+ {
+ ar >> m_SPEnable;
+ ar >> m_SPTreatmentStart;
+ ar >> m_SPInitial;
+ ar >> m_Mort10;
+ ar >> m_Mort25;
+ ar >> m_Mort50;
+ ar >> m_Mort75;
+ ar >> m_Mort90;
+ }
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 7) // EPA IED
+ {
+ ar >> m_IEDItem.m_IEDDate;
+ ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortEggs;
+ ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortLarvae;
+ ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortBrood;
+ ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortAdults;
+ ar >> m_IEDItem.m_MortForagers;
+ }
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_ImmigrationEnabled = (bval == 0);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_TM = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_AD = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_AW = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_CS = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DB = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DE = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DL = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_F = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_MDB = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_MWB = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_PDB = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_PWB = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_PRM = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_RM = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_WB = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_WE = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_WL = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_IM = (bval == 1);
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 1)
+ {
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_MD = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_PMD = (bval == 1);
+ }
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 9)
+ {
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_NS = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_PS = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_NPC = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_PPC = (bval == 1);
+ }
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 11)
+ {
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DDL = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DWL = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DDA = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DWA = (bval == 1);
+ ar >> bval;
+ m_DFG = (bval == 1);
+ }
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 13)
+ {
+ ar >> m_AutoScaleChart;
+ ar >> m_YAxisMax;
+ ar >> m_YAxisMin;
+ }
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 18)
+ {
+ ar >> bval;
+ SetShowWarnings(bval == 1);
+ }
+ // Set Default Path name = SessionFile Path
+ SetDefaultPathName(m_Bridge->GetDefaultPathName(ar));
+ m_Bridge->ImmigrationEnabled(m_ImmigrationEnabled);
+ // Load the weather file associated with the session
+ if (temp.GetLength() == 0) // no weather file name
+ {
+ m_Bridge->WeatherFileMissing();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ // Early versions store weather filename only
+ // If this is the case, add path name and extension info
+ if (FileFormatVersion == 0) temp = GetDefaultPathName() + temp + ".wth";
+ // Version 1 and 5+ stores entire path of weather file so temp contains path
+ if ((FileFormatVersion == 1) || (FileFormatVersion >= 5)); // do nothing
+ // Version 2 thru 4 stores filename and extension only so must add Default Path
+ if ((FileFormatVersion >= 2) && (FileFormatVersion <= 4))
+ temp = GetDefaultPathName() + temp;
+ // Version 2.3.1 of VarroaPop changed back to store the entire path+filename.
+ // Session Files that were created with version 2 - 4 will have the default path name
+ // appended to the file name. Session files version 5 and up have the entire path name stored
+ m_WeatherFileName = temp;
+ m_WeatherLoaded = LoadWeatherFile(m_WeatherFileName); // Try to load using
+ m_Bridge->WeatherFileLoaded(m_WeatherLoaded, m_WeatherFileName);
+ }
+ }
+ theColony.Serialize(ar, FileFormatVersion); // Added colony check for FileFormatVersion
+ if (FileFormatVersion >= 4) // Version with multiple mite-treatment dates
+ {
+ m_MiteTreatments.Serialize(ar);
+ //theColony.m_MiteTreatmentInfo.Serialize(ar);
+ }
+ m_Bridge->SessionFileLoaded(ar);
+ m_SessionLoaded = true;
+ //TRACE("***Leaving VarroaPopDoc::Serialize\n");
+bool CVarroaPopSession::LoadWeatherFile(CString WeatherFileName)
+ bool success = false;
+ if (m_pWeather == NULL)
+ {
+ m_WeatherFileName = "";
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ m_WeatherFileName = WeatherFileName;
+ success = m_pWeather->LoadWeatherFile(m_WeatherFileName);
+ if (success && (gl_RunGUI))
+ {
+ /////FIX - Do not reset simstart and simend unless new weather file loaded
+ //SetSimStart(m_pWeather->GetBeginningTime());
+ //SetSimEnd(m_pWeather->GetEndingTime());
+ //((CMainFrame*)(AfxGetApp()->m_pMainWnd))->InitializeDateCtrls();
+ }
+ }
+ return success;
+// ProcessInputFile reads the lines in the command line input file and makes the appropriate
+// changes to internal variables based on the name and the value contained in the line. The function is called
+// after the .vrp file is loaded.
+// Purists would not like the use of so many if statements because it requires evaluation of a lot of invalid
+// ifs until a valid if is found. This seemed the most clear to me since it is only used once per execution of VP
+// and because we are selecting on a string, we can't use a switch statement. Also, it's pretty clear how to read and add.
+// To expose a new variable to the input file, add a new if clause with the lower case version of the name string
+// and update the appropriate internal variables.
+void CVarroaPopSession::ProcessInputFile(CString FileName)
+ try
+ {
+ theColony.m_RQQueenStrengthArray.RemoveAll();
+ CString Line;
+ CString Name;
+ CString Value;
+ CStdioFile InputFile(FileName,CFile::shareDenyNone|CFile::modeRead);
+ while (InputFile.ReadString(Line))
+ {
+ int leftchars = Line.Find("=");
+ int rightchars = Line.GetLength() - leftchars - 1;
+ if ((leftchars <1) || (rightchars <1)) continue; // Go to next line
+ Name = Line.Left(leftchars);
+ Value = Line.Right(rightchars);
+ Name.Trim();
+ Value.Trim();
+ Name.MakeLower();
+ Value.MakeLower();
+ TRACE("Name = %s, Value = %s\n",Name,Value);
+ // switch structure to allocate Name/Value to specific Initial Condition
+ if (Name == "weatherfilename")
+ {
+ //Updated to set m_WeatherLoaded in
+ m_WeatherLoaded = m_pWeather->LoadWeatherFile(Value);
+ if (m_WeatherLoaded)
+ {
+ m_WeatherFileName = Value;
+ }
+ m_Bridge->WeatherFileLoaded(m_WeatherLoaded, Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "simstart")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ m_SimStartTime = tempDate;
+ SetSimStart(m_SimStartTime);
+ //theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimStart = m_SimStartTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y"); // Have sim start in two places - refactor to just VPDoc
+ m_Bridge->SimulationStartUpdated();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "simend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ m_SimEndTime = tempDate;
+ SetSimEnd(m_SimEndTime);
+ //theColony.m_InitCond.m_SimEnd = m_SimEndTime.Format("%m/%d/%Y");
+ m_Bridge->SimulationEndUpdated();
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdroneadults")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultsField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkeradults")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultsField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdronebrood")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkerbrood")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdronelarvae")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneLarvaeField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkerlarvae")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerLarvaeField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdroneeggs")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneEggsField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkereggs")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerEggsField = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icqueenstrength")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_QueenStrength = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icforagerlifespan")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespan = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdroneadultinfest")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultInfestField = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdronebroodinfest")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodInfestField = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdronemiteoffspring")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteOffspringField = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icdronemitesurvivorship")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteSurvivorshipField = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkeradultinfest")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultInfestField = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkerbroodinfest")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodInfestField = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkermiteoffspring")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteOffspring = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "icworkermitesurvivorship")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteSurvivorship = float(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotnone")
+ {
+ m_AD = FALSE;
+ m_AW = FALSE;
+ m_CS = FALSE;
+ m_DB = FALSE;
+ m_DE = FALSE;
+ m_DL = FALSE;
+ m_F = FALSE;
+ m_TM = FALSE;
+ m_MDB = FALSE;
+ m_MWB = FALSE;
+ m_PDB = FALSE;
+ m_PWB = FALSE;
+ m_PRM = FALSE;
+ m_RM = FALSE;
+ m_WB = FALSE;
+ m_WE = FALSE;
+ m_WL = FALSE;
+ m_IM = FALSE;
+ m_TE = FALSE;
+ m_DD = FALSE;
+ m_L = FALSE;
+ m_N = FALSE;
+ m_P = FALSE;
+ m_dd = FALSE;
+ m_l = FALSE;
+ m_n = FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotad")
+ {
+ m_AD = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotaw")
+ {
+ m_AW = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotcs")
+ {
+ m_CS = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotdb")
+ {
+ m_DB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotde")
+ {
+ m_DE = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotdl")
+ {
+ m_DL = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotf")
+ {
+ m_F = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plottm")
+ {
+ m_TM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (Name == "plotmdb")
+ {
+ m_MDB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotmwb")
+ {
+ m_MWB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotpdb")
+ {
+ m_PDB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotpwb")
+ {
+ m_PWB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotprm")
+ {
+ m_PRM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotrm")
+ {
+ m_RM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotwb")
+ {
+ m_WB = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotwe")
+ {
+ m_WE = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotwl")
+ {
+ m_WL = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ else if (Name == "plotim")
+ {
+ m_IM = (Value=="true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "denone")
+ {
+ if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_NONE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "deswarm")
+ {
+ if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_SWARM);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "dechalkbrood")
+ {
+ if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_CHALKBROOD);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "deresource")
+ {
+ if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_RESOURCEDEP);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "desupercedure")
+ {
+ if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_SUPERCEDURE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "depesticide")
+ {
+ if (Value=="true") theColony.AddDiscreteEvent("07/01/1999",DE_PESTICIDE);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "immtype")
+ {
+ m_ImmigrationType = Value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "totalimmmites")
+ {
+ m_TotImmigratingMites = atoi(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "pctimmmitesresistant")
+ {
+ m_ImmMitePctResistant = atof(Value);
+ m_TotImmigratingMites.SetPctResistant(m_ImmMitePctResistant);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "immstart")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
+ m_ImmigrationStartDate = theDate;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "immend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
+ m_ImmigrationEndDate = theDate;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "immenabled")
+ {
+ m_ImmigrationEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqegglaydelay")
+ {
+ m_RQEggLayingDelay = UINT(atoi(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqwkrdrnratio")
+ {
+ m_RQWkrDrnRatio = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqrequeendate")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ m_RQReQueenDate = tempDate;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqenablerequeen")
+ {
+ m_RQEnableReQueen = (Value == "true")?true:false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqscheduled")
+ {
+ m_RQScheduled = (Value == "true")?0:1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqqueenstrength")
+ // This value is placed into an array which is used in Colony::RequeenIfNeeded. Each occurance of this parameter name in the
+ // input file will result in another requeen strength value being added to the end of the array.
+ // Thus rqqueenstrength doesn't overwrite the previous value if supplied more than once
+ {
+ m_RQQueenStrength = atof(Value);
+ theColony.m_RQQueenStrengthArray.Add(m_RQQueenStrength);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "rqonce")
+ {
+ m_RQOnce = (Value == "true")?0:1;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "vttreatmentduration")
+ {
+ m_VTTreatmentDuration = UINT(atoi(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "vtmortality")
+ {
+ m_VTMortality = UINT(atoi(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "vtenable")
+ {
+ m_VTEnable = (Value == "true")?TRUE:FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "vttreatmentstart")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if(theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY)) // Verifies this is a valid date
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ m_VTTreatmentStart = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "initmitepctresistant")
+ {
+ m_InitMitePctResistant = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ainame")
+ {
+ // TEST TEST TEST Be sure pointers all work and no issue with name not found
+ //AIItem pItem;
+ //AIItem* pEPAItem;
+ //pEPAItem = theColony.m_EPAData.GetAIItemPtr(Value);
+ //theColony.m_EPAData.SetCurrentAIItem(pEPAItem);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aiadultslope")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultSlope = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aiadultld50")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultLD50 = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aiadultslopecontact")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultSlope_Contact = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aiadultld50contact")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_AdultLD50_Contact = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ailarvaslope") // note: this was incorrectly "ailarvatslope" in
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_LarvaSlope = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ailarvald50")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_LarvaLD50 = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aikow")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_KOW = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aikoc")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_KOC = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aihalflife")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_HalfLife = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "aicontactfactor")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_AI_ContactFactor = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cl4pollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L4_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cl4nectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L4_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cl5pollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L5_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cl5nectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_L5_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cldpollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_LD_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cldnectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_LD_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ca13pollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A13_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ca13nectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A13_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ca410pollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A410_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ca410nectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A410_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ca1120pollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A1120_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ca1120nectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_A1120_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cadpollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_AD_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cadnectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_AD_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cforagerpollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_Forager_Pollen = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "cforagernectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_C_Forager_Nectar = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ipollentrips")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_PollenTrips = (int)atof(Value); // no fail on float input but convert to int
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "inectartrips")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_NectarTrips = (int)atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ipercentnectarforagers")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_PercentNectarForagers = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ipollenload")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_PollenLoad = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "inectarload")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_I_NectarLoad = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "foliarenabled")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "soilenabled")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_SoilEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "seedenabled")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_SeedEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "eapprate")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_AppRate = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "esoiltheta")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilTheta = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "esoilp")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilP = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "esoilfoc")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilFoc = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "esoilconcentration")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SoilConcentration = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "eseedconcentration")
+ {
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_E_SeedConcentration = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "foliarappdate")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarAppDate = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "foliarforagebegin")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY);
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarForageBegin = tempDate;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "foliarforageend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_FoliarForageEnd = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "soilforagebegin")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_SoilForageBegin = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "soilforageend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_SoilForageEnd = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "seedforagebegin")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_SeedForageBegin = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "seedforageend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_EPAData.m_SeedForageEnd = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "necpolfileenable")
+ {
+ theColony.m_NutrientCT.m_NutrientContEnabled = (Value == "true") ? true : false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "necpolfilename")
+ {
+ theColony.m_NutrientCT.m_ContaminantFileName = Value;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "initcolnectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_ColonyNecInitAmount = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "initcolpollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_ColonyPolInitAmount = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "maxcolnectar")
+ {
+ theColony.m_ColonyNecMaxAmount = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "maxcolpollen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_ColonyPolMaxAmount = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "suppollenenable")
+ {
+ theColony.m_SuppPollenEnabled = (Value == "true") ? true : false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "suppollenamount")
+ {
+ theColony.m_SuppPollen.m_StartingAmount = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "suppollenbegin")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_SuppPollen.m_BeginDate = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "suppollenend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_SuppPollen.m_EndDate = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "supnectarenable")
+ {
+ theColony.m_SuppNectarEnabled = (Value == "true")?true:false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "supnectaramount")
+ {
+ theColony.m_SuppNectar.m_StartingAmount = atof(Value);
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "supnectarbegin")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_SuppNectar.m_BeginDate = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "supnectarend")
+ {
+ COleDateTime theDate;
+ if( theDate.ParseDateTime(Value,VAR_DATEVALUEONLY) ) // Verify this Value is a valid date expression
+ {
+ COleDateTime tempDate(theDate.GetYear(),theDate.GetMonth(),theDate.GetDay(),0,0,0);
+ theColony.m_SuppNectar.m_EndDate = tempDate;
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "foragermaxprop")
+ {
+ theColony.foragers.SetPropActualForagers(atof(Value));
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "needresourcestolive")
+ {
+ theColony.m_NoResourceKillsColony = (Value == "true") ? true : false;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotte")
+ {
+ m_TE = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotDD")
+ {
+ m_DD = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotN")
+ {
+ m_N = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotL")
+ {
+ m_L = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotP")
+ {
+ m_P = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotdd")
+ {
+ m_dd = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotl")
+ {
+ m_l = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "plotn")
+ {
+ m_n = (Value == "true") ? TRUE : FALSE;
+ continue;
+ }
+The Value string for the next several items is in the format StartDate, EndDate, number where commmas are separators in the string
+ if (Name == "etolxition")
+ {
+ if (Value == "clear")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_EggTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int curpos = 0;
+ double NumVal = 0.0;
+ CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
+ {
+ CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
+ {
+ CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
+ {
+ NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_EggTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ltobxition")
+ {
+ if (Value == "clear")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_LarvaeTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int curpos = 0;
+ double NumVal = 0.0;
+ CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
+ {
+ CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
+ {
+ CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
+ {
+ NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_LarvaeTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "btoaxition")
+ {
+ if (Value == "clear")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_BroodTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int curpos = 0;
+ double NumVal = 0.0;
+ CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
+ {
+ CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
+ {
+ CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
+ {
+ NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_BroodTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "atofxition")
+ {
+ if (Value == "clear")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultTransitionDRV.ClearAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int curpos = 0;
+ double NumVal = 0.0;
+ CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
+ {
+ CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
+ {
+ CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
+ {
+ NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultTransitionDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "alifespan")
+ {
+ if (Value == "clear")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultLifespanDRV.ClearAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int curpos = 0;
+ double NumVal = 0.0;
+ CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
+ {
+ CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
+ {
+ CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
+ {
+ NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
+ if ((NumVal >= 7) && (NumVal <= 21)) // Adult bee age constraint
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultLifespanDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "flifespan")
+ {
+ if (Value == "clear")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespanDRV.ClearAll();
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ int curpos = 0;
+ double NumVal = 0.0;
+ CString StartDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (StartDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was Start Date found?
+ {
+ CString EndDateStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (EndDateStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was End Date Found?
+ {
+ CString NumValStg = Value.Tokenize(",", curpos);
+ if (NumValStg.GetLength() > 0) // Was the % of survivors found?
+ {
+ NumVal = atof(NumValStg); // Note that if NumValStg cannot be converted, NumVal will be set to 0.0
+ if ((NumVal >= 0) && (NumVal <= 20)) // Constraint on forager lifespan
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespanDRV.AddItem(StartDateStg, EndDateStg, NumVal);
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "etolxitionen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_EggTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "ltobxitionen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_LarvaeTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "btoaxitionen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_BroodTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "atofxitionen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultTransitionDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "alifespanen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_AdultLifespanDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
+ continue;
+ }
+ if (Name == "flifespanen")
+ {
+ theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespanDRV.SetEnabled(Value == "true");
+ continue;
+ }
+ //Fall through - no match
+ {
+ m_Bridge->InputFileUnknownVariable(Name);
+ continue;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ catch (CFileException *e)
+ {
+ TCHAR stg[255];
+ e->GetErrorMessage(stg, 255);
+ m_Bridge->InputFileException(stg);
+ }
+void CVarroaPopSession::StoreResultsFile(CString PathName)
+ try
+ {
+ CStdioFile theFile(PathName,CFile::modeCreate|CFile::modeWrite|CFile::typeText);
+ // Write VarroaPop Version
+ if (m_Version)
+ {
+ CString titlestg;
+ titlestg.Format("Varroa Population Simulation - %s\n",COleDateTime::GetCurrentTime().Format("%b %d,%Y %I:%M:%S %p"));
+ theFile.WriteString(titlestg);
+ theFile.WriteString(m_Bridge->GetVersion() + "\n\n");
+ }
+ // Write Header Info to file
+ if (m_WeatherColony)
+ {
+ theFile.WriteString("Weather File: "+GetWeatherFileName() + "\n");
+ theFile.WriteString("Colony File: "+GetColonyFileName() + "\n\n");
+ }
+ // Write Initial Conditions to file
+ if (m_InitConds)
+ {
+ CString OutStg;
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Adult Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultInfestField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Brood Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodInfestField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Mite Survivorship=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteSurvivorshipField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Mite Offspring=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneMiteOffspringField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Adult Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultInfestField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Brood Infestation=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodInfestField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Mite Survivorship=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteSurvivorship);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Mite Offspring=%4.2f\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerMiteOffspring);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Adults=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneAdultsField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Brood=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneBroodField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Larvae=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneLarvaeField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Drone Eggs=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_droneEggsField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Adults=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerAdultsField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Brood=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerBroodField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Larvae=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerLarvaeField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Worker Eggs=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_workerEggsField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Queen Sperm=%d\n",(int)(theColony.m_InitCond.m_QueenSperm));
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Maximum Eggs per Day=%d\n",(int)(theColony.m_InitCond.m_MaxEggs));
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Forager Lifespan=%d\n",theColony.m_InitCond.m_ForagerLifespan);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Total Eggs=%d\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_totalEggsField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily DD=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_DDField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily L=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_LField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily N=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_NField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily P=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_PField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily dd=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_ddField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily l=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_lField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ OutStg.Format("Daily n=%.2f\n", theColony.m_InitCond.m_nField);
+ theFile.WriteString(OutStg);
+ if (m_ImmigrationEnabled) theFile.WriteString("Immigration Enabled=TRUE\n");
+ else theFile.WriteString("Immigration Enabled=FALSE\n");
+ if (m_RQEnableReQueen) theFile.WriteString("Requeening Enabled=TRUE\n");
+ else theFile.WriteString("Requeening Enabled=FALSE\n");
+ if (m_VTEnable) theFile.WriteString("Varroa Treatment Enabled=TRUE\n");
+ else theFile.WriteString("Varroa Treatment Enabled=FALSE\n");
+ if (m_CombRemoveEnable) theFile.WriteString("Comb Removal Enabled=TRUE\n");
+ else theFile.WriteString("Comb Removal Enabled=FALSE\n");
+ theFile.WriteString("\n");
+ }
+ // Write Column Headers to file
+ POSITION pos = m_ResultsFileHeader.GetHeadPosition();
+ if (m_ColTitles)
+ {
+ while (pos!= NULL)
+ {
+ theFile.WriteString(m_ResultsFileHeader.GetNext(pos) + "\n");
+ }
+ }
+ // Now write results to the file
+ pos = m_ResultsText.GetHeadPosition();
+ while (pos != NULL)
+ {
+ theFile.WriteString(m_ResultsText.GetNext(pos) + "\n");
+ }
+ theFile.Close();
+ }
+ catch (CFileException* e)
+ {
+ TCHAR stg[255];
+ e->GetErrorMessage(stg, 255);
+ m_Bridge->OutputFileException(stg);
+ }
+int CVarroaPopSession::GetDocumentLength()
+ if (m_ResultsText.IsEmpty()) return 0;
+ else return(m_ResultsText.GetCount());
+bool CVarroaPopSession::CheckDateConsistency(bool ShowWarning)
+ /* Checks Dates for Immigration, Varroa Treatment and Re-Queening to verify
+ they fall inside the Simulation range. If not, a warning message is displayed
+ and the user is given the opportunity to continue or quit the simulation
+ Return value: True if simulation should continue, False otherwise. User can
+ override consistency check and continue from warning message box. Otherwise,
+ inconsistent times will return false.
+ */
+ bool Consistent = true;
+ if (ShowWarning)
+ {
+ CString WarnString = "";
+ COleDateTime ImStart(m_ImmigrationStartDate.GetYear(),
+ m_ImmigrationStartDate.GetMonth(),
+ m_ImmigrationStartDate.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0);
+ COleDateTime ImEnd(m_ImmigrationEndDate.GetYear(),
+ m_ImmigrationEndDate.GetMonth(),
+ m_ImmigrationEndDate.GetDay(), 0, 0, 0);
+ // Check all dates of interest. Flag only if operation enabled
+ if (m_RQEnableReQueen && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, m_RQReQueenDate)))
+ {
+ WarnString += " ReQueening\n";
+ Consistent = false;
+ }
+ // NOTE: This block needs to be reworked since we use a list of mite treatment items instead of the single m_VTTreatmentStart.
+ // Fix on c# version.
+ /*
+ if (m_VTEnable && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, m_VTTreatmentStart)))
+ {
+ WarnString += " Varroa Treatment Start\n";
+ Consistent = false;
+ }
+ if (m_VTEnable && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime,
+ m_VTTreatmentStart + COleDateTimeSpan(m_VTTreatmentDuration*7,0,0,0))))
+ {
+ WarnString += " Varroa Treatment End\n";
+ Consistent = false;
+ }
+ */
+ if (m_ImmigrationEnabled && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, ImStart)))
+ {
+ WarnString += " Immigration Start\n";
+ Consistent = false;
+ }
+ if (m_ImmigrationEnabled && (!DateInRange(m_SimStartTime, m_SimEndTime, ImEnd)))
+ {
+ WarnString += " Immigration End\n";
+ Consistent = false;
+ }
+ // Display warning message if enabled
+ if (ShowWarning && !Consistent)
+ {
+ Consistent = m_Bridge->CheckDateConsistencyFailed(WarnString);
+ }
+ }
+ return Consistent;
+bool CVarroaPopSession::DateInRange(COleDateTime StartRange, COleDateTime StopRange, COleDateTime theTime)
+ return ((theTime >= StartRange) && (theTime <= StopRange));
+//void CVarroaPopSession::LoadMiteTreatments(CMiteTreatments* theTreatments)
+// if (theTreatments != NULL)
+// {
+// CMiteTreatmentItem theItem;
+// m_MiteTreatments.ClearAll();
+// for (int i = 0; iGetCount(); i++)
+// {
+// theTreatments->GetItem(i,theItem);
+// m_MiteTreatments.AddItem(theItem);
+// }
+// }
diff --git a/VarroaPopSession.h b/VarroaPopSession.h
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51adad7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/VarroaPopSession.h
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#pragma once
+// VarroaPopSession.h : header file
+#include "Colony.h"
+#include "IEDItem.h"
+#include "Matrix.h"
+#include "stdafx.h"
+class CVarroaPopSession;
+class CVarroaPopSessionBridge
+ //! method called when Simulation start time is present in the input file
+ virtual void SimulationStartUpdated() = 0;
+ //! method called when Simulation end time is present in the input file
+ virtual void SimulationEndUpdated() = 0;
+ //! method called before the main loop of the simulation starts
+ virtual void StartSimulation(CVarroaPopSession& session) = 0;
+ //! method called after the main loop of the simulation
+ virtual void EndSimulation(CVarroaPopSession& session) = 0;
+ //! method called after the immigration flag was read in the session
+ virtual void ImmigrationEnabled(bool enabled) = 0;
+ //! method called if a weather filename was missing in the session
+ virtual void WeatherFileMissing() = 0;
+ //! method called if a weather filename was specified in the session
+ virtual void WeatherFileLoaded(bool loaded, const CString& filename) = 0;
+ //! method called when the session file was fully loaded
+ virtual void SessionFileLoaded(CArchive& ar) = 0;
+ virtual CString GetDefaultPathName(CArchive& ar) = 0;
+ //! method called when a variable defined in the input file is not handled
+ virtual void InputFileUnknownVariable(const CString& name) = 0;
+ //! method called when an exception occured trying to load the input file
+ virtual void InputFileException(const CString& name) = 0;
+ //! method called when an exception occured trying to write the output file
+ virtual void OutputFileException(const CString& name) = 0;
+ //! method called to get the version number to display in the result file
+ virtual CString GetVersion() = 0;
+ //! method called is the ShowWarning option is on and dates are incompatible
+ //! if the method returns True the simulation will proceed
+ virtual BOOL CheckDateConsistencyFailed(const CString& warning) = 0;
+class CVarroaPopSession
+ CVarroaPopSession();
+ virtual ~CVarroaPopSession();
+ // Attributes
+ CStringList availableFilesList;
+ CStringList selectedFilesList;
+ int selectedFileIndex;
+ // Output/Plotting Attributes;
+ CMatrix m_SimResults; // The simulation results to be plotted
+ CStringList m_SimLabels; // Contains the labels of the plotted data series
+ CStringList m_ResultsHeader;// Header Strings for ListView Control
+ CStringList m_ResultsFileHeader; // Header Strings for File
+ CStringList m_ResultsText; // Results of Simulation
+ CStringList m_ResultsFileText; // Results of Simulation for file storage
+ bool m_DispWeeklyData; // Defines whether numeric results are generated
+ // Weekly or Daily
+ // Graph Selection variables
+ BOOL m_AD; // Adult Drones
+ BOOL m_AW; // Adult Workers
+ BOOL m_CS; // Colony Size
+ BOOL m_DB; // Drone Brood
+ BOOL m_DE; // Drone Eggs
+ BOOL m_DL; // Drone Larvae
+ BOOL m_F; // Foragers
+ BOOL m_TM; // Total Mites in colony
+ BOOL m_MDB; // Mites in Drone Brood
+ BOOL m_MWB; // Mites in Worker Brood
+ BOOL m_PDB; // Proportion of Drone Brood Infested
+ BOOL m_PWB; // Proportion of Worker Brood Infested
+ BOOL m_PRM; // Proportion of Running Mites resistant to miticide
+ BOOL m_RM; // Free Running Mites
+ BOOL m_WB; // Worker Brood
+ BOOL m_WE; // Worker Eggs
+ BOOL m_WL; // Worker Larvae
+ BOOL m_IM; // Immigrating Mites
+ BOOL m_MD; // Mites Dying this day or week
+ BOOL m_PMD; // Proportion of total mite population dying this day or week
+ BOOL m_NS; // Colony Nectar Stores
+ BOOL m_PS; // COlony Pollen Stores
+ BOOL m_NPC; // Nectar Persticide Concentration
+ BOOL m_PPC; // Pollen Pesticide Concentration
+ BOOL m_DDL; // Dead Drone Larvae from Pesticide
+ BOOL m_DWL; // Dead Worker Larvae from Pesticide
+ BOOL m_DDA; // Dead Drone Adults from Pesticide
+ BOOL m_DWA; // Dead Worker Adults from Pesticide
+ BOOL m_DFG; // Dead Foragers from Pesticide
+ BOOL m_TE; // Total Eggs
+ BOOL m_DD; // Daily DD
+ BOOL m_L; // Daily L
+ BOOL m_N; // Daily N
+ BOOL m_P; // Daily P
+ BOOL m_dd; // Daily dd
+ BOOL m_l; // Daily l
+ BOOL m_n; // Daily n
+ int m_AutoScaleChart; //0 if autoscale, 1 if manual scale
+ double m_YAxisMax; // If not autoscaled, the Y-axis maximum
+ double m_YAxisMin; // If not autoscaled, the Y-axis minimum
+ // Options Selection from COptions Dialog
+ BOOL m_ColTitles;
+ BOOL m_InitConds;
+ BOOL m_Version;
+ BOOL m_WeatherColony;
+ int m_FieldDelimiter;
+ int m_DispFrequency;
+ CColony theColony;
+ CWeatherEvents* m_pWeather;
+ bool m_FirstResultEntry;
+ CString m_DefaultPathName;
+ CString m_WeatherFileName;
+ bool m_SessionLoaded;
+ bool m_WeatherLoaded;
+ bool m_ShowWarnings;
+ // Simulation Data
+ COleDateTime m_SimStartTime;
+ COleDateTime m_SimEndTime;
+ bool m_SimulationComplete;
+ bool m_ResultsReady;
+ // Immigration Data
+ CString m_ImmigrationType;
+ CMite m_TotImmigratingMites;
+ CMite m_IncImmigratingMites;
+ CMite m_CumImmigratingMites;
+ double m_ImmMitePctResistant;
+ COleDateTime m_ImmigrationStartDate;
+ COleDateTime m_ImmigrationEndDate;
+ bool m_ImmigrationEnabled;
+ // Re-Queening Data
+ UINT m_RQEggLayingDelay;
+ double m_RQWkrDrnRatio;
+ BOOL m_RQEnableReQueen;
+ int m_RQScheduled;
+ double m_RQQueenStrength;
+ int m_RQOnce;
+ COleDateTime m_RQReQueenDate;
+ // Varroa Miticide Treatment Data;
+ // NOTE: Need to change this to a list to support multiple treatments
+ CMiteTreatments m_MiteTreatments;
+ COleDateTime m_VTTreatmentStart;
+ UINT m_VTTreatmentDuration;
+ UINT m_VTMortality;
+ double m_InitMitePctResistant;
+ BOOL m_VTEnable;
+ // Varroa Spore Treatment Data
+ BOOL m_SPEnable;
+ COleDateTime m_SPTreatmentStart;
+ int m_SPInitial;
+ double m_Mort10;
+ double m_Mort25;
+ double m_Mort50;
+ double m_Mort75;
+ double m_Mort90;
+ // Comb Removal
+ COleDateTime m_CombRemoveDate;
+ BOOL m_CombRemoveEnable;
+ double m_CombRemovePct;
+ // EPA Mortality
+ CIEDItem m_IEDItem; //Note: This variable should be removed but it will change the session file format
+ BOOL m_IEDEnable;
+ CString m_ResultsFileFormatStg;
+ CVarroaPopSessionBridge* m_Bridge;
+ // Operations
+ void SetBridge(CVarroaPopSessionBridge* bridge) { m_Bridge = bridge; }
+ CVarroaPopSessionBridge* GetBridge() const { return m_Bridge ; }
+ CStringList* getAvailableFilesList();
+ CStringList* getSelectedFilesList();
+ int* getSelectedFileIndex();
+ CWeatherEvents* GetWeather() { return m_pWeather; }
+ CColony* GetColony() { return &theColony; }
+ CColony* FindColony(CString ColonyName);
+ void DeleteColony(CString ColonyName);
+ void AddColony(CColony* pColony);
+ CString GetWeatherFileName() { return m_pWeather->GetFileName(); }
+ CString GetColonyFileName() { return theColony.GetName(); }
+ int GetDocumentLength();
+ CString GetDefaultPathName() { return m_DefaultPathName; }
+ void SetDefaultPathName(CString stg) { m_DefaultPathName = stg; }
+ bool DateInRange(COleDateTime StartRange, COleDateTime StopRange, COleDateTime theTime);
+ bool CheckDateConsistency(bool ShowWarning);
+ bool IsSessionLoaded() { return m_SessionLoaded; }
+ bool IsWeatherLoaded() { return m_WeatherLoaded; }
+ bool IsShowWarnings() { return m_ShowWarnings; }
+ void SetShowWarnings(bool Warn) { m_ShowWarnings = Warn; }
+ void SetWeatherFileName(CString fn) { m_WeatherFileName = fn; }
+ bool LoadWeatherFile(CString WeatherFileName);
+ // Simulation Operations
+ COleDateTime GetSimStart() { return m_SimStartTime; }
+ COleDateTime GetSimEnd() { return m_SimEndTime; }
+ void SetSimStart(COleDateTime start);
+ void SetSimEnd(COleDateTime end);
+ int GetSimDays();
+ int GetSimDayNumber(COleDateTime theDate);
+ COleDateTime GetSimDate(int DayNum);
+ int GetNumSeries();
+ bool ReadyToSimulate();
+ bool IsSimulationComplete() { return m_SimulationComplete; }
+ bool AreResultsReady() { return m_ResultsReady; }
+ int GetResultsLength() { return m_ResultsText.GetCount(); }
+ void Simulate();
+ void UpdateResults(int Day, CEvent* pEvent = NULL);
+ // Immigration Operations
+ void SetImmigrationType(CString ImType) { m_ImmigrationType = ImType; }
+ CString GetImmigrationType() { return m_ImmigrationType; }
+ void SetNumImmigrationMites(int mites)
+ {
+ m_TotImmigratingMites.SetResistant(int(mites * m_ImmMitePctResistant / 100));
+ m_TotImmigratingMites.SetNonResistant(mites - m_TotImmigratingMites.GetResistant());
+ }
+ int GetNumImmigrationMites() { return m_TotImmigratingMites.GetTotal(); }
+ void SetImmigrationStart(COleDateTime start) { m_ImmigrationStartDate = start; }
+ COleDateTime GetImmigrationStart() { return m_ImmigrationStartDate; }
+ void SetImmigrationEnd(COleDateTime end) { m_ImmigrationEndDate = end; }
+ COleDateTime GetImmigrationEnd() { return m_ImmigrationEndDate; }
+ void SetImmigrationEnabled(bool enabled) { m_ImmigrationEnabled = enabled; }
+ bool IsImmigrationEnabled() { return m_ImmigrationEnabled; }
+ bool IsImmigrationWindow(CEvent* pEvent);
+ double GetImmPctResistant() { return m_ImmMitePctResistant; }
+ void SetImmPctResistant(double pctres) { m_ImmMitePctResistant = pctres; }
+ // CMite GetImmigrationMites(COleDateTime theDate);
+ CMite GetImmigrationMites(CEvent* pEvent);
+ // Property Page Operations
+ //void LoadMiteTreatments(CMiteTreatments* theTreatments);
+ // Implementation
+ void ProcessInputFile(CString FileName);
+ void ProcessInputFileA(CString FileName);
+ WORD InputParameterToWord(CString ParameterName);
+ void StoreResultsFile(CString PathName);
+ void InitializeSimulation();
+ void Serialize(CArchive& ar);