COVID-19: Poland was created to store all the information about COVID-19 cases in Poland in one place and show it in a readable way.
Live: Covid-19:Poland
COVID-19 disease in Poland: Michał Rogalski
Data used to show disease on the map: Główny Urząd Geodezji i Kartografii
Found a bug or want to ask for a feature? Please, raise an issue :)
Have a question? Contact me via Twitter @justynapawlata
- top boxes update
- data table update
- copyright update
- only one source of covid-19 data
- new & updated charts
- read-in data using googlesheets4
- charts as a main tab
- recovery box
- charts
- tests (shinytest) with Travis CI
- First release
Copyright © 2020 Justyna Pawlata
Released under the MIT license.