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name: dynamic-matrix-test-json
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
repositories: ${{ steps.json22222.outputs.repositories }}
- name: Check out repository
uses: actions/checkout@v4
# works
- name: Build matrix
uses: actions/github-script@v7
id: json22222
script: |
const fs = require('fs');
const path = require('path');
// Define the path to the JSON file
const filePath = path.join(process.env.GITHUB_WORKSPACE, 'index2.json');
// Read the JSON file
fs.readFile(filePath, 'utf8', (err, data) => {
if (err) {
console.error('Error reading the file:', err);
try {
// Parse the JSON data
const jsonData = JSON.parse(data);
// Log the parsed data
console.log('Parsed JSON data:', jsonData);
// Set the output for GitHub Actions
// core.setOutput('repositories', JSON.stringify(jsonData.repositories));
core.setOutput('repositories', JSON.stringify(jsonData));
} catch (parseErr) {
console.error('Error parsing JSON:', parseErr);
# works
# - name: build matrix 2
# id: json
# run: |
# jq '{"repositories": [.repositories[].name]}' index.json
# jq=$(jq '{"repositories": [.repositories[].name]}' index.json)
# # Process the JSON file and extract repository names
# jq_output=$(jq -c '{"repositories": [.repositories[].name]}' index.json)
# # Append the result to the GitHub Actions output
# echo "repositories=$jq_output" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
- name: build matrix 3
id: json
run: |
jq -c '{repositories: .organization.repositories}' index.json
# Process the JSON file and extract repository names
jq_output=$(jq -c '{repositories: .organization.repositories}' index2.json)
# Append the result to the GitHub Actions output
echo "repositories=$jq_output" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
needs: prepare
name: ${{ }}
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
matrix: "${{ fromJson(needs.prepare.outputs.repositories).organization.repository }}"
fail-fast: false
max-parallel: 15
- run: echo "${{ toJson(matrix) }}"
- name: Dump matrix context
MATRIX_CONTEXT: ${{ toJson(matrix) }}
run: echo "$MATRIX_CONTEXT"
- name: create failures sometimes
run: |
milliseconds=$(date +%s%N | cut -b1-13)
if (( milliseconds % 2 == 0 )); then
# exit 1
exit 0
- name: upload status
if: always()
run: echo "${{ matrix.repository }}, ${{ job.status }}" > ${{ matrix.repository }}.txt
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
if: always()
name: statuses
path: ${{ matrix.repository }}.txt
needs: prepare
runs-on: ubuntu-latest
- run: echo ${{ needs.prepare.outputs.repositories }}
# post:
# if: always()
# needs: run-matrix
# runs-on: ubuntu-latest
# steps:
# - uses: actions/download-artifact@v3
# - name: loop thru
# id: get-status
# working-directory: statuses
# continue-on-error: true
# run: |
# failed_repos=""
# successful_repos=""
# for file in ./*.txt; do
# # Read each line in the file
# while IFS=, read -r repo status; do
# echo "Repo: $repo, Status: $status"
# if [ "$status" != "success" ]; then
# # Add the repo to the failed list
# failed_repos+="$repo\n"
# else
# # Add the repo to the successful list
# successful_repos+="$repo\n"
# fi
# done < "$file"
# done
# echo -e "Failed repos: \n$failed_repos"
# echo "failed-repos=$failed_repos" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# echo -e "Successful repos: \n$successful_repos"
# echo "successful-repos=$successful_repos" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# if [ $ISFAILED = 1 ]; then
# "isfailed=true" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# else
# "isfailed=false" >> $GITHUB_OUTPUT
# fi
# - name: print failed repos
# run: echo -e "${{ steps.get-status.outputs.failed-repos }}"
# - name: or we could use the api to get failed jobs
# env:
# GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
# run: |
# gh api /repos/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}/jobs --jq '.jobs[] | select(.conclusion != "success" and (.name | startswith("run-matrix"))) | { name: .name, conclusion: .conclusion}'
# - name: and the api to get success jobs
# env:
# GH_TOKEN: ${{ github.token }}
# run: |
# gh api /repos/${{ github.repository }}/actions/runs/${{ github.run_id }}/jobs --jq '.jobs[] | select(.conclusion == "success" and (.name | startswith("run-matrix"))) | { name: .name, conclusion: .conclusion}'
# # success, handling canceled / incomplete cases
# - uses: actions/github-script@v7
# if: ${{ !steps.get-status.outputs.isfailed && steps.get-status.outputs.failed-repos != ''}}
# with:
# script: |
# let commentBody
# commentBody = `Success`
# await{
# owner: context.repo.owner,
# repo: context.repo.repo,
# issue_number: context.issue.number,
# title: 'new issue',
# body: commentBody.replace(/ +/g, ''),
# labels: ['migration', 'gei']
# })
# # failure, handling canceled / incomplete cases
# - uses: actions/github-script@v7
# if: ${{ steps.get-status.outputs.isfailed && steps.get-status.outputs.failed-repos != ''}}
# with:
# script: |
# let commentBody
# commentBody = `Failure`
# await{
# owner: context.repo.owner,
# repo: context.repo.repo,
# issue_number: context.issue.number,
# title: 'new issue',
# body: commentBody.replace(/ +/g, ''),
# labels: ['migration', 'gei']
# })
# - name: Dump GitHub context
# env:
# GITHUB_CONTEXT: ${{ toJSON(github) }}
# run: echo "$GITHUB_CONTEXT"
# - name: Dump job context
# run: echo '${{ toJSON(job) }}'
# - name: Dump steps context
# run: echo '${{ toJSON(steps) }}'
# - name: Dump runner context
# run: echo '${{ toJSON(runner) }}'
# - name: Dump strategy context
# run: echo '${{ toJSON(strategy) }}'
# - name: Dump matrix context
# run: echo '${{ toJSON(matrix) }}'
# - run: echo ${{ matrix.repository }}