WOMBAT v2.S: A Bayesian inversion framework for attributing global CO2 flux components from multiprocess data
This repository contains code to reproduce the results in the paper WOMBAT v2.S: A Bayesian inversion framework for attributing global CO2 flux components from multiprocess data. This README assumes familiarity with the paper. Unless stated otherwise, all commands are to be run in the root directory of the repository.
The figure above shows posterior flux estimates for GPP, respiration, and (their sum) NEE, each decomposed into linear, seasonal, and residual terms. The two posterior estimates (with and without SIF) are from inversions in an observing system simulation experiment (OSSE). The true flux is represented by the black line, and notice that the true linear term for GPP and respiration is only covered by posterior prediction intervals when SIF observations are included in the inversion. The NEE estimates are minimally effected by the inclusion of SIF since NEE is well-constrained by CO2 mole-fraction observations. However, attributing NEE to its GPP and respiration components is difficult without the aid of SIF observations.
This workflow requires R version 4+ and Python version 3.12+, along with a variety of dependency packages in both languages. The easiest way to set up an environment in which to run this code is to use Conda. Instructions for setting up an appropriate conda environment are provided below. If you do not wish to use R through conda, you can adapt the instructions below to a local R installation. For what remains, we assume you have conda installed.
Create a conda environment and set it to use conda-forge:
conda create --yes --prefix .conda_env
conda activate ./.conda_env
conda config --env --add channels conda-forge
conda config --env --set channel_priority strict
Install conda packages:
conda install r-base pkg-config udunits2 gdal libgdal netcdf4 cdo nco
Set your CRAN mirror. WOMBAT was made in Australia, so we choose the mirror run by CSIRO, but you can pick your favourite:
cat > .conda_env/lib/R/etc/Rprofile.site <<- EOF
r <- getOption('repos')
r['CRAN'] <- 'https://cran.csiro.au'
options(repos = r)
Install R dependencies (this might take a while):
Rscript -e "renv::restore()"
Check out the required version of GEOS-Chem:
(cd external/GEOS_Chem && git clone --branch 12.3.2 https://github.com/geoschem/geos-chem.git Code.v12.3.2)
All input data sets go into the data
directory. There are a few files already there, but the rest will need to be retrieved from their primary sources.
In addition to those data sets already provided, the following data are needed to run the inversions:
- The OCO-2 Level 2 SIF Lite files, available from NASA's GES DISC. The daily Lite files concatenate daily values and they are stored within yearly subdirectories. The parent directory
should be placed in thedata
directory. - Available from the OCO-2 v10 MIP website:
- 10-second averages of the OCO-2 B10 retrievals, in a file named
. - The ObsPack measurements used by the v10 MIP,
. These should be untarred into thedata
directory. - The TCCON retrievals in the file
. These were not actually used in the paper, but are required for the matching step to work. - Fossil-fuel emissions based on ODIAC postprocessed for ingestion by HEMCO. The monthly files for 2014 to 2021 should be untarred into the
- 10-second averages of the OCO-2 B10 retrievals, in a file named
- The Landschutzer ocean fluxes in the file
, available from this NOAA website. - Three additional data sets are needed that are not publicly available at this time. These can be provided upon request, and we will endeavour to make them freely available. These are:
- The SiB4 bottom-up estimates of SIF, and of GPP and respiration fluxes;
- GFED4.1s fire emissions, preprocessed for ingestion by HEMCO;
- Data for the Lauder CO2 collection site in NZ (not used in the project, but required for the matching step).
GEOS-Chem requires meteorological fields and CO2 emissions to run. These go into the data/GEOS_Chem
directory (if you already have some of these, you could symlink them in). There are instructions for how to download these files in the GEOS-Chem User's Guide.
The directories you need to download are:
Posterior samples of model parameters from the WOMBAT v2.0 inversion are used to create true-flux cases for the OSSE, and to produce WOMBAT v2.0 flux estimates for comparison in the results. These samples are available on Zenodo; the file samples-LNLGIS.rds
should be placed in the data
Flux estimates from FLUXCOM X-BASE are also included in comparisons. The required files can be retrieved using the commands below, for which a free ICOS account is needed.
python -m pip install icoscp_core
mkdir data/FLUXCOM_XBase
(python data/download_xbase_from_icos.py GPP 050_monthly -s 2015 -e 2020 -o data/FLUXCOM_XBase)
(python data/download_xbase_from_icos.py NEE 050_monthly -s 2015 -e 2020 -o data/FLUXCOM_XBase)
This will place yearly files (2015-2020) for GPP and NEE estimates aggregated to a 0.5-degree monthly resolution into the data/FLUXCOM_XBase
directory. More details are available at https://gitlab.gwdg.de/fluxcom/fluxcomxdata. Alternatively, the individual files can be obtained from the ICOS website.
The most computationally expensive parts of the workflow are Steps 1 and 2 below, where the basis-function runs are computed and postprocessed. To ease reproduction of the inversion results, we can provide the necessarily postprocessed outputs of Steps 1 to 3 needed to run the inversions and generate the results (Steps 4 and 5 below). These can be provided upon request.
Once you have the archive, extract the files into the root directory of this repository with
tar xzf ~/path/to/wombat-v2s-intermediates.tar.gz
Then you can run the workflow from Step 4 onwards as described below.
The workflow of this repository is split into five steps:
: Creates GEOS-Chem basis function runs. This includes setting up the inventories, creating the run directories, and setting up the configuration files. You will then need to find a way to run GEOS-Chem for each run.2_matching
: Postprocesses the run output from the previous step by extracting the modelled mole-fraction values for each basis function at each observation time and location.3_sif
: Prepares SIF data for use in the inversions. This includes computing the 10-second observation averages, setting up the SIF inventory, fitting the SIF–GPP linear models, and extracting the modelled SIF values for each GPP basis function at each SIF observation time and location.4_inversion
: Performs the inversions.5_results
: Summarises the results as a series of plots, tables, and other outputs. This reproduces all the figures in the paper.
In this step, many runs of GEOS-Chem need to be completed, and it is by far the most computationally intensive part of the workflow. The code creates several run directories corresponding to basis functions, and then GEOS-Chem can be run in parallel for each directory.
To set up the basis-function runs, run the command:
WOMBAT_LOG_LEVEL=debug make -j4 1_transport_targets
This will set up GEOS-Chem run directories in 1_transport/intermediates/runs
and 1_transport/intermediates/runs-r10-r15-rNZ
. In each folder, there is a base run called base
. You need to compile the base run code by changing into the directory and calling make as follows:
(cd 1_transport/intermediates/runs && BPCH_DIAG=n make -j24 mpbuild)
(cd 1_transport/intermediates/runs-r10-r15-rNZ && BPCH_DIAG=n make -j24 mpbuild)
The code for the other directories all symlink back to this directory to access the built GEOS-Chem executable.
Now you need to run all the GEOS-Chem runs in these directories, including the base run. Their outputs will require around 10TB of space. To run them, the simplest scheme is to change into a run directory and call geos.mp
. For example:
(cd 1_transport/intermediates/runs/residual_20210301_part003 && OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 ./geos.mp)
After this is completed, you should run the postprocess-run.sh
script in the same directory:
(cd 1_transport/intermediates/runs/residual_20210301_part003 && bash postprocess-run.sh)
It may however be easier to run these through a batch system like Slurm. Example scripts to do this are provided for the Gadi supercomputer system run by the Australian NCI in run-gadi.sh
, and for a local Slurm setup in run-niasra-hpc-sbatch.sh
. All the runs are independent of each other so they can be done in parallel.
When we first performed the basis-function runs, there was a bug in the region mask for a few regions. Because the cost of re-running all the runs is prohibitive, and most runs did not need to change, we added a second set of runs that corrects those regions. In this repository we have retained that "two run" structure: the first set of runs are in 1_transport/intermediates/runs
, and the second in 1_transport/intermediates/runs-r10-r15-rNZ
If reproducing the results from scratch or adapting the framework to a new problem, the second set of runs should be removed.
Similar to the runs above, the matching step first creates a directory for each run with scripts that need to be run to postprocess the GEOS-Chem outputs. Then, you run each of those scripts, potentially in parallel.
The directories can be created with
WOMBAT_LOG_LEVEL=debug make -j4 2_matching_targets
This will create a directory structure in 2_matching/intermediates/runs
and 2_matching/intermediates/runs-r10-r15-rNZ
, which parallels the structure in 1_transport
from the previous step.
Once that's done, there are two steps to run for each directory. The first step aggregates the basis-function fluxes to a monthly resolution. Scripts for running that on the Gadi supercomputer are in 2_matching/src/templates/run-aggregate-flux-gadi.sh
; the script just uses CDO and can be adapted to your needs. The second step extracts those portions of the mole fraction outputs of GEOS-Chem that correspond to observations. Scripts for running that on the Gadi supercomputer are in 2_matching/src/templates/run-matching-gadi.sh
. This calls the R script 2_matching/src/match.R
and can again be adapted to your needs.
Configuration for SIF depends on the transport runs in Step 1, but it can be done in parallel with Step 2. In this step, OCO-2 SIF retrievals are processed into 10-second averages and matched to the SiB4 SIF inventory. The SIF–GPP linear models are fit using SiB4 inventories for SIF and GPP, and these fits are used when producing the SIF basis functions. This step is the least computationally demanding, and it can be run on your local system as follows
WOMBAT_LOG_LEVEL=debug OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 make -j4 3_sif_targets
Once Steps 1-3 are completed (or you've downloaded the intermediate files mentioned earlier), you can run the inversions. The simplest way to do this is to run
WOMBAT_LOG_LEVEL=debug OMP_NUM_THREADS=8 make -j4 5_results_targets
After working through some setup steps, this will run the OSSE and real-data inversions and then generate all the plots and outputs. The -j
option specifies the number of targets to build in parallel, and the OMP_NUM_THREADS
variable allocates the number of threads available for computations. You can modify these to suit your local system.