My repository for fun and games in collaboration with others. To include coding challenges, fun word problems solved efficiently by code, etc. We will mainly use Python (and some markdown), but hope to add more languages over time!
If you do not have a computational environment set up to run Python, download Anaconda
- Specific install instructions for Windows, Mac, Linux? More to say here?
To clone this repo locally, execute
git clone
in terminal (or Git Bash on Windows, if you prefer) in a destination of your choosing -
Maybe a bullet on how to run the notebook and/or scripts?
- Fizzbuzz: A standard challenge to efficiently print integers 1 through 100, with a few caveats. Jordan took this on to brush up on Python skills and get this repo going. Thanks, Michael, for your help and inspiration!
- Number Guessing Game: A fun number guessing game Carter took on as his first Python challenge
- Cake Sale: Carter's second Python challenge, involving some sugary goodness
- The Locker Prank: A fun challenge Jordan found in Popular Mechanics solved in a Jupyter Notebook
- A thank you note: A kind note Payton left for Jordan to practice a GitHub workflow
- Displaying math in Markdown: Jordan's brief demo of properly displaying math equations in GitHub-rendered Markdown