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JoomBlog Component is a Joomla! extension which makes it easy to set up a blog directory on your web site and manage it effectively.

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JoomBlog Component

JoomBlog Component is a Joomla! extension which makes it easy to set up a blog directory on your web site and manage it effectively. The component needs no design adjustments as it takes all styles from your site’s template. This is a SEO-friendly blog extension with the built-in Joomla! plugin for Search Engine Optimization.

JoomBlog is compatible with Joomla! 3.x.

The component has Social Network integration with Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest. It can also be integrated with Disqus commenting service.


It is unbelievable easy to start your blog quickly with JoomBlog!

Is it going to be a new blog? Start your blog quickly with any of the two sample blogs containing three posts each which are delivered with the JoomBlog package.

What can you use JoomBlog component for?

  • Diary or Personal Blog: you can use Joomla! blogging component both for personal and professional purposes. Keep a diary if you want to share your life experience with other people. If you are a professional in the particular field, JoomBlog will be a perfect tool for your promotion as an expert. You can make online portfolio too with this extension.
  • Corporate Blog: using this Joomla! blog extension for marketing collaboration, you will drive more traffic and leads to your site. Welcome team blogging for Joomla site to provide users with fresh and useful information as frequently as possible!
  • Internal Corporate Communications: you can easily use JoomBlog for internal communications as well as for Social eLearning within your company. All you need is to create several blogs and distribute them to different professionals giving them authoring rights. Let your staff share their experience with colleagues through blog posts!

The blog extension is delivered with six free modules in one package. Using this Joomla! blog component you get easy-to-use tool with many useful features and settings. No tons of cluttered elements slowing your blog down!



Toolbar Menu allows displaying or hiding a bulk of items in the toolbar main menu (Bloggers, Blogger Posts, Blog Posts, Categories, Category Posts, Archives, Tags). You are also free to change titles and order of menu items making navigation through your blog as easy as possible for the readers.

JoomBlog allows creating an author’s profile and displaying an author panel with contact information (photo, description, site URL, social media accounts, etc.) at the end of each post.

A cute “Random post” button which can be placed at the bottom of every post will give your readers possibility to try their luck moving to a random blog post.

Global blog search can be done using the incorporated search tool. Users are free to carry out search using blogger’s name, key words and tags.

The eye-catching picture set as a Default post image will be displayed on the title page of a blog, drawing more readers’ attention to a post.


Slick social share buttons are built in JoomBlog. Easy sharing buttons for Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest help you to engage readers into promoting your writings in Social Media and improve your content marketing. Thanks to Open Graph protocol support a link to your new blog post at the engaged reader Facebook stream reinforced with media-rich preview.

Embed code and Social share buttons for post images and videos allow users embed the images and videos on other sites and share such content via Social Media accordingly. Drive more traffic to your Joomla! site!


JoomBlog component has its own built-in commenting system for blog posts empowered with anti-spam CAPTCHA to protect your Joomla! blog from spam attacks. The commenting system makes it easy to moderate comments checking them in a grid view at the back-end.

Thanks to WYSIWYG editor users can create visually pleasing comments.

Threshold to Collapse useless comments allows hiding the comments the readers find useless automatically. The admin should set up the certain number of dislike for the comment (e.g. “dislike = -5) considered to be useless. All the comments with such a number of negative votes will be collapsed automatically. To read them, the users will have to unhide them manually.

JoomBlog extension is also integrated with Disqus service and benefit advantages of the global comment system.


Blog readers can subscribe for blog RSS feeds. There’s RSS feed for every blog and global feed for all blog posts.

Pay attention to integration of JoomBlog with Google FeedBurner giving you advanced possibilities to manage RSS feeds and analyze your blog performance.


With JoomBlog extension you can choose team blogging environment working better for you. Your team blogging environment might look like:

  • a single Team blog and give multiple bloggers permission to contribute to it;
  • a number of personal blogs on the same site for every author of your team;
  • multiple thematic and general blogs contributed by a number of your team members.

It is possible to give different permissions to blog users: you decide which members have administrative authority and those who are just authors. All the blogs you create on one site can be available in one interface and listed in a free module List of Blogs.

Personalize your Team blog site! JoomBlog allows a profile creation for every author enriched with avatar or photo.


Using front-end management dashboard you can manage all your blogs and create new ones right from the front-end easily! You can add post/blog, edit blog settings as well as provide permissions who can post and who can view this blog. Familiar the front-end blog dashboard features you'd expect are available:

  • Category creation and, assignment of a post to several categories is possible;
  • Tabs creation;
  • ‘Read more…’ text changing;
  • Adding meta parameters;
  • HTML editor usage possibility;
  • Basic privacy policy management for new posts.

All the blogs you create on one site can be available in one interface and listed in a free module List of Blogs.

Users can choose which blogs they would like to read. The content of the selected blogs is displayed conveniently in the Personal Reading list on the Front-end management dashboard.

There’re ‘draft’, ‘published’ and ‘unpublished’ statuses of a post. When you don’t possess the full information for your post you can save it as a draft not filling in the compulsory post fields. When the post will be ready to be published, just change its ‘draft’ status for ‘published’.

You can publish the required blog post automatically at any time you wish enabling ‘Delayed posts’ option.


The latest posts displayed at the top of the list in the admin interface by default. You can change the order by any column of the posts list: Title, Category, Author, Creation date, Publishing date, Expiration date, Hits, Status or ID.

Tag-based filtering will make posts management a snap. Use the special pop-up menu to filter your posts by tags easily.

The JoomBlog component uses the built-in Joomla! plugin for Search Engine Optimization. It is developed to keep your blogs SEO-friendly without additional efforts.


This Joomla! blog component picks your site’s template styles immediately after installation. It uses colours and fonts of your site and you don’t need spend time on choosing the appropriate template or pay for customization.

Flexible blog section menu settings, it is possible to publish and hide elements of the blog component. Use FREE MODULES coming in a package with the blogging component to configure your own personal user-friendly layout:

  • Tag Cloud, shows all tags users added in the blog section, the font size of the tag is bigger if it is assigned to a lot of posts;
  • Popular Bloggers, shows bloggers whose posts have the highest number of hits;
  • List of Blogs;
  • Categories, displays categories for blogs created to sort out articles between them. One blog post can be published into several categories.
  • Latest Posts;
  • Archive, allows users to filter posts using links in the module or special calendar.

No matter how many blogs you create on one site they can be available in one interface. Two sample blogs containing three posts each are available now to help you start quickly.


Access Control Level feature enables extended control of the blog component. JoomBlog supports standard Joomla! 2.5 and 3.0 Access Control Level (ACL). Use it to define which users are granted access to different elements of the blog, as well as what operations they are allowed to do on blog posts, for example, view, add, delete posts.