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tka edited this page Jan 2, 2012 · 18 revisions

How do I get this application?

  • If you have contributed to Sass/Compass (maintainer / patches / extension author), please mail us to get a free copy.
  • $7 at (30% sales to UMDF). We will send you a email with download links. If you have any problem, please contact us @handlino on twitter or
  • If you really don't want to send money via PayPal, You can mail us, and buy us or @chriseppstein a beer someday.
  • Build it yourself.

What Sass/Compass version do you support? 1.8 uses Sass 3.1.7 and Compass 0.11.5.

Can I use other compass extension?

Yes. Please check use Compass extensions.

Can I use my own rubygems?

Yes. You can specify the gem path in preferences. will try to load it in JRuby (so native gems may not work correctly).

I do not want compass_app_log.txt. How do I remove it?

You can uncheck "Log File" option in Preference > Notification.

How do I remove the line comment in CSS?

You can choose "Change Options...", and uncheck the "Line Comment" option.

How do I generate compressed CSS?

You can choose "Change Options...", and check the "compressed" option.

You have a built-in web server. What web server do you use? has included WEBrick, a tiny web server and good for development & testing purpose.

What it livereload?

livereload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes). You have to install a livereload browser extension to use this feature.

Can I use to do "sass watch", and not have to create a compass project?


Compass checks "sass" and "stylesheets" folder by default if there is no config.rb. So you can use as a "" by the following steps:

  1. create a project folder.
  2. create a "sass" folder inside it.
  3. create a .scss or .sass file inside the "sass" folder.
  4. watch the project folder.
  5. done. will create "stylesheets" folder for you, and generate css files into it.

How to on Ubuntu 11.10

thank @bueltge

  • install configuratuin editor: sudo apt-get install dconf-tools
  • now start this editor: dconf-editor
  • got to: desktop --> unity --> panel
  • remove all entries to ['all']or create an whitelist with your apps; example: ['JavaEmbeddedFrame', 'Wine', 'Skype', 'hp-systray', 'scp-dbus-service']
  • restart unity: unity --replace and check, if works or restart your client
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