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hlb edited this page Sep 2, 2011 · 18 revisions

What Sass/Compass version do you support? 1.8 uses Sass 3.1.7 and Compass 0.11.5.

Can I use other compass extension?

Yes. Please check use Compass extensions.

Can I use my own rubygems?

Yes. You can specify the gem path in preferences. will try to load it in JRuby (so native gems may not work correctly).

I do not want compass_app_log.txt. How do I remove it?

You can uncheck "Log File" option in Preference > Notification.

How do I remove the line comment in CSS?

You can choose "Change Options...", and uncheck the "Line Comment" option.

How do I generate compressed CSS?

You can choose "Change Options...", and check the "compressed" option.

You have a built-in web server. What web server do you use? has included WEBrick, a tiny web server and good for development & testing purpose.

What it livereload?

livereload applies CSS/JS changes to Safari or Chrome w/o reloading the page (and autoreloads the page when HTML changes). You have to install a livereload browser extension to use this feature.

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