Demo game using SDL 2.0 library and using J to handle the logic while C++ / SDL handles UI and events.
This is a demonstration app that shows how to use the (j.dll on Windows) API from C++. The API functions used are
used to initialize a J instance.JDo
used to execute some J command.JGetM
returns the result ofJDo
free up the memory
The application is a simple game creates using the SDL 2.0 library, along with the SDL2_image library. The game is controlled by the UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT arrow keys, to rotate columns and rows of a 5x5 grid of coloured squares. To move between the columns and rows, use the A,D keys to move left or right, and the W,S keys to move up and down.
The goal of the game is to make all the squares in each row have the same colour. (i.e. a rubik's square)
Rotating columns and rows of a grid are not a difficult task in probably all programming languages, but in J the task becomes trivial. And to setup a random grid, the function also becomes simple (i.e. one line).
For instance, to initialize the randomized grid (of five colours, labelled 0,...,4):
arr =: ([ ? #/~) 5
to rotate rows:
arr =:( 1 |. 0 {"2 arr) 0 }"2 arr
By allowing some of the logic to be performed in J, development speed can be increased. For example, this may be useful in prototyping, and is not limited to games.
To call procedures from the shared library, dlopen must be used on Linux systems.