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Jonathan Linat edited this page Dec 25, 2024 · 15 revisions

Welcome to your ultimate resource for setting up and enhancing a Day of Defeat 1.3 server using LinuxGSM on a Linux-based system.

This wiki is meticulously crafted to guide novice and experienced server administrators through launching, configuring, and optimizing a Day of Defeat server.

The aim is to provide a comprehensive, easy-to-follow roadmap to ensure your server is not only up and running smoothly but also offers an enhanced gaming experience through optional legacy and performance upgrades, including advanced customization options.

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What You'll Find Here

The wiki is divided into several main sections, each designed to guide you through different phases of server setup and enhancement:

1. Basic Setup

In the Basic Setup section, we delve into the initial steps required to launch your Day of Defeat server. This includes:

  • Updating system packages to ensure everything is current
  • Installing all necessary dependencies for LinuxGSM
  • Creating a secure user environment to run your server under
  • Downloading and initializing LinuxGSM for Day of Defeat
  • Starting your server and making it accessible for players

2. Modules and Plugins

The Modules and Plugins section is focused on taking your server to the next level. It covers:

  • Instructions for reverting to the legacy version of Day of Defeat, enabling compatibility with ReHLDS, Metamod-r, and AMX Mod X
  • Detailed steps for installing ReHLDS to improve server security and performance
  • Guidance on installing Metamod-r, a plugin loader that allows for advanced server customization and functionality
  • Steps to install AMX Mod X for even greater control and customization through plugins and scripting

3. Enhancements

The Enhancements section elevates your server's functionality with advanced features and tools. It covers:

  • Detailed guides for enabling automatic game server reboot and efficient server management with systemd and crontab
  • Setting up FastDL with nginx for quicker content downloads, enhancing player experience

4. Troubleshooting

The Troubleshooting section is your go-to resource for resolving common issues and challenges that may arise during the setup and operation of your server.

Getting Started

Before diving into the setup process, ensure you can access a Linux-based Virtual Private Server (VPS) or a dedicated server with Linux installed. This will be the foundation for your Day of Defeat server. From there, follow the sections in order, starting with Basic Setup to get your server running, and then moving on to Modules and Plugins and Enhancements if you're interested in upgrading your server further.

Thank you for choosing this guide to embark on your journey of creating a Day of Defeat server. Whether you're setting up a server for the first time or looking to enhance an existing one, we're here to help you through the process. Let's get started and bring your server to life!