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Script to syncronize files
The conssincronize is a product of © PSociety by jonas52! Copyright (C) 2021-2022 © PSociety. All rights reserved.
For problems or ideas for additions related to my code do not hesitate to contact me: petitpierre@duck.com
Syncronize files or folder (Nas whit a rasperrby (or the reverse))
Download whit : git clone https://github.com/jonas52/consyncronize
nano consyncronize.sh
to change the variables (user_name, password, nas_ip, NAS_DEST_DIR)
Check the options you want to add/remove with rsync (option explained later in the script) Default : -avz
sudo apt-get install openssh
sudo apt-get install sshpass
pacman -S openssh
pacman -S sshpass
sudo yum install openssh
sudo yum install sshpass
sudo chmod +x consyncronize.sh
sudo bash consyncronize.sh
-a: recursively copies and retains file attributes such as permissions, owners and groups.
-v: displays detailed information about the files that are copied.
-z: compresses data in transit to speed up transmission.
-h: displays the size of the files in a human readable way (for example, using units such as M for megabyte).
--delete: deletes files that do not exist on the source, but are present on the destination.
execute the file every hour in the proposal below (so backup every hour)
1 >>> crontab -e
: open a configuration file
2 >>> In this file add : 0 * * * * /Path/consyncronize.sh
3 >>> Save the file
And the file will run every hour to save your files