Inpigritas is an experimental mini-project representing an MVP blockchain transaction network with noticable compromises.
2023 review: Due to a lack of a consensus protocol, Inpigritas can never achieve perfect synchronisation.
Refactoring here
Inpigritas is a blockchain transaction system that can validate actions from a Genesis Block onwards.
Every trusted peer needs to hold a copy of the Genesis Block on startup.
If a majority (n) of peers is hacked, the network is corrupt.
Example: n = 2/3 of total nodes operating.
Blocks are created locally on every node once time.time() == next_timestamp.
Transactions are stored in a txpool and will be included in a future block (era + n) where n is a constant integer.
Initial distribution of transferable assets happens in the Genesis Block.
credit to Carl Romedius for helping with the Docker image setup.
To run a local Inpigritas network, start your docker cli and run the latest inpigritas image:
docker build -t inpigritas:latest .
docker compose up
This will start 2 Inpigritas nodes (node1, node2) locally on your machine, you can reach them through their ports (8080, 8081 respectively) and query the Status and Read routes of the API.
Transaction data ( hash of tx ) is signed using an RSA private key.
Nodes verify signatures and block hashes before syncing to an extent (Inpigritas is not sound and this is still a prototype).
Balance/ Accounting logic is yet to be implemented and the default Genesis Block holds no transactions.
Nodes communicate by querying flask API routes.
A Node's synchronization and API processes are spawned simultaneously. (see
(views blocks from height N onwards).
The Genesis Block is not included in validation process.
Every node needs a copy of the genesis block to be able to sync with the network.
The Genesis Block can hold transactions to initialize transferable balances (unimplemented).
Limited to pickle capabilities, 100% of historical chain is in memory.
It'd be beneficial to chunk blockchain data and use a scalable database when network synchronization is stable and core functionality is sound.
For R&D purposes a rollup system could be built on top of this network, to enable efficient real-world testing.
Scalability and Speed are not super high as of today, memory overflow in Pickle implementation inevitable.
Inpigritas is a personal portfolio project but feel free to use it if you discover a use-case for it.
It is possible to track and prove an assets origin using Inpigritas or a variation of it.
Any integrations or use is/are at own Risk since Inpigritas is not intended to be used as production software!
07.02.2023: Successfully synced a Transaction from the Pool ( flask API ) in a 2 node setup hosted locally
08.02.2023: Introduction of "ictl" command line tool. Successfully synchronized 2900 Transactions in a single block.
16.03.2023: Merged docker
The initial version was unmaintainable so I decided to create a new repo and re-factor the initial Prototype