Create an app that allows users to log their favorite snacks. Add functionality that allows users to see whether or not their snack is healthy based on a simple algorithm.
For this project there are 40 features or functionality to build. To pass this project a minimum of 28 features must be built.
- Using a mono-repo template repository, create a full-stack web application
- Use express to build a full CRUD back-end application that adheres to RESTful routes
- Use create-react-app to build a full CRUD front-end application that interacts with the back-end
- Use unit tests to guide the building process
- Deploy the applications online, so anyone can see them online
- Basic root route that returns a string
- Snacks resource
- Get one (with correct id)
- Get one (non-matching id, sends 404)
- Delete (with valid id)
- Delete (handles invalid id)
- Get all snacks
- Create a snack with all fields completed
- Create a snack and set a default image, if no image is provided
- Correctly capitalize snack name - for snack names with 2 or more letters
- Correctly capitalize snack name with multiple words
- Correctly fix capitalization, regardless if input is lowercase or uppercase
- Snack Health Check logic
- Checks if snack has enough fiber
- Checks if snack has enough protein
- Checks if snack has enough fiber and protein
- Checks if snack has enough fiber but too much sugar
- Checks if snack has enough protein but too much sugar
- Checks if snack has enough fiber and protein, but too much sugar
- Checks if snack has not enough protein, nor fiber and has too much sugar
- Checks if snack has invalid or missing information
Total: 21 tests
- Index page
- Can load index page and has navigation to the New page
- Has a list of snack cards that are coming from the back-end seed data
- Has a link to each snack's show page
- Has a solid heart, if the snack is healthy
- Has a heart outline, if the snack is unhealthy
- Has the CSS that is detailed in the tests
- Show page
- Shows header text
- Can navigate to New page
- Snack has correct information displayed
- Contains action/navigation buttons
- New page
- Shows the header text
- Has a form with the correct labels and fields
- Can create a snack and then redirects back to the index page
- Edit page
- Has a form with the correct labels and fields
- Data is pre-filled into the form
- Can update a snack and then redirects back to the index page
- Delete button
- Can delete a snack using the app
Total: 17 tests
Additional points:
Back-end hosted and accessible online: 1 point Front-end hosted and accessible online: 1 point
Grand total: 40 points
- Fork and clone this repository.
It is recommended that you open a new terminal tab that will be dedicated to running and developing your back-end
cd back-end
touch .env
npm install
- install npm packages listed inpackage.json
npm run db:init
- initialize a new database and create tablesnpm run db:seed
- seed the table(s) with some datanodemon
- confirm that this is running on port 3333- Visit http://localhost:3333/snacks/ and make sure you see some snack data in the form of an array of objects
npm run test
- to run the back-end tests
It is recommended that you open a new terminal tab that will be dedicated to running and developing your front-end
cd front-end
touch .env
npm install
- install npm packages listed inpackage.json
npm start
- make sure your React app can start
Keep the React app running, open a new tab and run
npm test
- to open Cypress and run front-end tests
This project uses this template - you can follow the readme to set up deployment.