GraphQL is open!
- examples
query {currentUser {name}}
query { project(fullPath: "debian/adduser") { name } }
- examples
"repos graph"
Git tags
repos stats (authors, commit history)
is 1.5x package size asdnsmasq
ls sort by size; default largest first
ls -sh1 --sort=size *orig.tar*
curl -o by_vote https://popcon.debian.org/by_vote
Salsa is the Debian GitLab instance. Ex: for package hello
Note: extracted! Can browse individual files.
From apt-get source adduser
NOTICE: 'adduser' packaging is maintained in the 'Git' version control system at:
Vcs-Browser: https://salsa.debian.org/sanvila/hello
Vcs-Git: https://salsa.debian.org/sanvila/hello.git
estimate package size before installing (X: check)
apk search -v --size <package_name>
apk info --size <package_name>
Checkout branch, put in worktree directory "beer", keep original Git repos
git worktree add beer 3.15-stable
Flask, with tox, only Python 3.11:
tox run -e py311
Pass args to Pytest:
tox run -e py311 -- tests/test_basic.py
git tag -n --format='%(refname) %(objecttype)'
Example: Flask
refs/tags/1.1.0 commit
refs/tags/1.1.1 commit
refs/tags/1.1.2 commit
refs/tags/1.1.3 tag
refs/tags/1.1.4 tag
refs/tags/2.0.0 tag
Can use objectsize
to show rough amount of change... but of tag only? How can we show e.g. "huge code change here / small tweak there"?
Most recent tags
git for-each-ref refs/tags --sort=-taggerdate --format='%(refname:short)' --count=3
Exclude boring directories
git diff --stat 3.0.2..3.0.3 | grep -Ev '(.github|requirements|docs)/'
git diff --stat 3.0.2..3.0.3
Use "color bars" in Bokeh to do 2D color render https://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/annotations.html#color-bars
"box annotations" to colorize different directories https://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/annotations.html#box-annotations
labels https://bokeh.pydata.org/en/latest/docs/user_guide/annotations.html#labels
git clone git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/stable/linux-stable.git
1557 cd linux-stable/
git checkout v3.0
XX doesn't have v2.0 and before
Following files are Python 2!
make_ver_iproute2.py make_ver_ansible.py make_versions.py app/grid.py app/management/commands/age.py app/management/commands/evolve.py app/management/commands/callscan.py app/management/commands/label.py app/management/commands/adjust_index.py app/management/commands/make_versions.py app/management/commands/make_ver_postgres.py app/management/commands/spark.py app/management/commands/pygdex.py app/management/commands/sizeplot.py app/management/commands/words.py app/management/commands/funcsize.py app/management/commands/bokplot.py app/management/commands/draw.py
query { projects(first: 5) { nodes { id name description webUrl visibility lastActivityAt statistics { repositorySize storageSize }
} }
XX: no results
query {
project(fullPath: "debian/adduser") { releases(first: 5) { nodes { tagName name createdAt releasedAt } } } }