A custom portfolio website used to display projects and related information
Created by Matthew Purnell and John-Hugh Hedrick
- Spring 2.7.3
- React.js 18.2
- Install npm:
- Windows/Mac
- Linux:
sudo npm install -g npm
- Install yarn:
sudo npm install -g yarn
- Go into the react repo:
cd react-portfolio/
- Use yarn to download frontend dependencies:
yarn install
You will need JDK 17. Make sure to set your JAVA_HOME environment variable with the location of the folder that you extract from the download.
Additionally, download and extract Maven 3.8.6.
Install mysql:
sudo apt install mysql-server
Start the mysql service:
sudo service mysql start
Configure the database:
Open a mysql prompt:
sudo mysql --password
Create the database:
CREATE DATABASE portfolio; -- Creates the new database CREATE USER 'user1'@'%' IDENTIFIED BY 'pass'; -- Creates the user GRANT ALL ON portfolio.* TO 'user1'@'%'; -- Gives all privileges to the new user on the newly created database \q
Once configured, you should be able to start the back-end server with the command listed in Startup. This should create all the necessary tables in the database.
Once the tables have been created, you will need to create a few roles in order for the back-end authentication system to work properly:
sudo mysql -c < create_roles.sql
Your mysql database should now be ready to use.
- Should you ever need to reset the database, follow the below steps:
- Drop the existing database and create a new one:
sudo mysql -c < recreate_db.sql
- Restart your backend server with Startup instructions
- Create the user roles:
sudo mysql -c < create_roles.sql
- Launch the back-end:
- Go into the spring repo:
cd spring-portfolio
- Start the server:
./mvnw spring-boot:run
- Go into the spring repo:
- Launch the front-end:
yarn --cwd react-portfolio/ start
- Access the website (front-end) at
- Access the back-end API at