A script used to pull relevant data from an Excel spreadsheet to generate monthly statistics related to digitization activities. The script parses through data and pull everything related to a particular month, formatted as YYYY-MM. When measuring time related to digitization activities such as image capture, image editing, quality control, metadata, and upload, this is measured in minutes. When measuring number of items digitized, this is measured in number of objects and the resultant number of images. For number of items digitized, this is broken out into TLCPL items digitized as well as materials not owned by the Library. This script also measured the number of items and resultant images uploaded to Ohio Memory and made available to the public.
This information is currently copied over to a statistics dashboard (link below) manually. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1jV0ZzT6H_Jl1tQ8v2zDXmf5YGn0dfBnhQbFFiFCEpZM/ Further development needed to understand how to automate the process of copying over relevant informmation to that Google Sheet.