An offline home assistant tool for handling predefined instructions by spoken words. By default, lurker is configured to instruct a HueBridge in the local network to control lights.
This project is in a dynamic development state.
The lurker instruction-to-action flow looks like this:
- Wake lurker with a keyword or key paragraph ('hey john').
- Wait for the audio cue indicating that lurker is ready to record an instruction.
- Instruct a command in natural language ('Turn all the lights out!').
- Wait for lurker to process and execute the instruction.
2024-11-10 22:45:43,513 [ INFO] Lurker (__main__):
_ _
| | | |
| | _ _ _ __ | | __ ___ _ __
| | | | | || '__|| |/ // _ \| '__|
| |____| |_| || | | <| __/| |
|______|\__,_||_| |_|\_\\___||_|
2024-11-10 22:45:43,517 [ INFO] Lurker (__main__): Determined lurker home: /media/johannes/INTENSO/lurker
2024-11-10 22:45:43,517 [ INFO] Lurker (__main__): Loaded configuration:
LURKER_SPEECH_CONFIG={'instruction_queue_length_seconds': 3.0, 'keyword_queue_length_seconds': 1.2, 'min_silence_threshold': 600, 'queue_check_interval_seconds': 0.1, 'speech_bucket_count': 60, 'required_leading_silence_ratio': 0.1, 'required_speech_ratio': 0.15, 'required_trailing_silence_ratio': 0.2, 'ambiance_level_factor': 1.5}
LURKER_HANDLER_CONFIG={'host': '<host of hue bridge>', 'user': '<registered user name>'}
2024-11-10 22:45:43,523 [ INFO] Lurker (src.lurker): Loaded action handler: <class 'src.handlers.hue_client.HueClient'>
2024-11-10 22:45:43,924 [ INFO] Lurker (src.lurker): Initializing...
2024-11-10 22:45:43,951 [ INFO] Lurker (ActionRegistry): Loaded actions: count=4, files=['all_lights_on.json', 'exit.json', 'all_lights_out.json', 'save.json']
2024-11-10 22:45:43,951 [ INFO] Lurker (ActionRegistry): Starting periodic reloading of new or updated actions: location=/media/johannes/INTENSO/lurker/actions, interval_duration_s=5
2024-11-10 22:45:43,952 [ INFO] Lurker (src.sound): Loading sounds
2024-11-10 22:45:44,019 [ INFO] Lurker (src.lurker): Start listening...
2024-11-10 22:45:44,030 [ WARNING] Lurker (src.sound): Could not play sound: No output device matching 'jabra'
2024-11-10 22:45:44,030 [ INFO] Lurker (SpeechToTextListener): Start recording using keyword 'hey john'
Make sure you meet the requirements.
Lurker may be installed from source by either using a raw python installation or by building a docker image.
Both installation methods are conveniently available through the installer script at lib/
If you are brave enough, you may directly run one of the following commands.
- For a python installation using a virtual environment, use
wget -q -O - | sh -s -- -p
- If the raw python setup does not work for you, try a docker installation and use
wget -q -O - | sh -s -- -d
Regardless of your preferred installation method, lurker requires some hardware features:
- Lurker requires enough CPU resources to perform speech-to-text transcription in a satisfying fashion. For example, lurker runs fine on a raspberry pi 5.
- Lurker requires a recording device available to the host machine. On debian systems, you may check available devices with commands like
ls -lh /dev/snd
. In our local setup, we were very happy using a jabra speak device. - Optionally: A speaker for playing sounds as feedback to speech inputs.
In order to run lurker offline once the installation finished, one has to download the desired model beforehand. Otherwise, the whisper transcription module will download the configured model during first startup. Lurker runs well using the tiny openai-whisper model. Technically, you may use any available openai-whisper model. Nonetheless, we recommend sticking to the "tiny" model for performance reasons.
When using the above-mentioned installer script, you do not need to download the model yourself as the script takes care of that.
When installing on a raspberry pi, you may follow the installation guide at for a complete setup of all required tools and secondary configuration. We tested lurker on a raspberry pi 5 (4GB RAM, but 2GB should also suffice) with pleasant performance.
Download the tiny openai whisper model and provide the absolute path via environment variable LURKER_MODEL
or by setting said variable in the configuration file.
The model is currently available at
Install the required dependencies from requirements.txt
pip install --require-virtualenv -r requirements.txt
Then, run the entrypoint.
You may also pass the option --lurker-home <path>
to let lurker load configuration and actions from the provided home path. Otherwise, lurkers assumes its home at $HOME/lurker
The Dockerfile expects the tiny model at lurker/models/
Build the docker image (approximately 6 GB in size).
docker build . --tag lurker:latest
When running the image, you will need to expose a sound device of your host machine. Additionally, you probably want to mount proper configuration and actions.
- For the sound device: Use docker option
to expose hardware from the host machine to the docker container. - For configuration and actions: Use docker option
to mount the directory containing configuration and actions to the container. Mount the directory to/lurker/lurker
inside the container.
For example, you may run the docker image in the following way where ${LURKER_HOME}
is a path to your lurker-home:
docker run \
--device /dev/snd \
--mount type=bind,source="${LURKER_HOME}",target=/lurker/lurker,readonly \
-d --rm --name "lurker" \
The lurker home directory is the place where lurker tries to load configuration and action files.
The configuration file is expected at $LURKER_HOME/config.json
. Actions are loaded from the subdirectory $LURKER_HOME/actions
Specify the lurker home path via command line option --lurker-home <path>
. If not specified, lurker assumes $HOME/lurker
as its home path.
Lurker may be configured through a config file at <lurker-home>/config.json
. These properties may also be overridden by environment variables.
For an example configuration, have a look at lurker/config.json
All available configuration parameters are defined and briefly described in src/
An action is declared through a single json-file and contains a list of key paragraphs and an associated command.
Commands are arbitrary objects passed to an ActionHandler
whenever one of the respective key-paragraphs has been recognized in a recorded instruction.
Lurker may be configured to use a custom ActionHandler implementation. For that, take a look at src/
and property LurkerConfig.LURKER_HANDLER_MODULE
a s well as the base class src.action.ActionHandler
Key-paragraphs may also consist of a regular expressions pattern. To indicate a regex pattern, surround the paragraph with /
like this: /.*save as (.*)$/
By default, lurker uses an ActionHandler-implementation sending light requests to a HueBridge in the local network.
For examples of how to prepare actions for the Hue-Handler, take a look at the files in lurker/actions
A sample action assigning a specific state to lights with ids 1
, 2
and 4
while turning off light 3
might look like this:
"keys": ["make it bright", "show me the colors"],
"command": {
"1,2,4": {"on": true, "bri": 123, "hue": 123, "sat": 123},
"3": {"on": false}
Use the special keyword ALL
for conveniently affecting all available lights:
"keys": ["make it dark"],
"command": {
"ALL": {"on": false}
Currently, lurker uses HueBridge API version v1. For further reading on the hue api, take a look at