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Joel Dodson edited this page Nov 2, 2020 · 2 revisions

GALIP Homepage

GALIP (Geolocate Access Logs using IP addresses) is a project to use the remote addresses from the Nginx access logs to determine where users are coming from, geographically.

I imagine this functionality exists already in many repos and through many services. Part of this project is me having fun writing it and deciding how to best structure the modules to support different databases and how the modules might be useful individually as well as making up the galip project.

Origin Story Everything Has One

The functionality in GALIP started within the project and was in the blindgumption-com github organization. I decided to create this repo to be independent of the organization. Hopefully it's something others will find useful.

Within, I want to see where users are coming from presented in an accessible way. GALIP will be the module collecting that information from the access logs, querying third party APIs then storing the IP to location, along with other information regarding the access, in a Mongo database.

The back-end of will query GALIP and format the information to return as, probably, a generic HTML table.

Why the Wiki?

I need somewhere to capture my thoughts as I'm considering how to build GALIP. I don't think the README is the best/appropriate place for my ramblings. This wiki will probably be mostly me thinking through what GALIP should be and how it should be structured. Maybe my kids will read it someday.

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