ARPA FVG (environmental protection agency)
- Palmanova, Italy
R package for interpolating spatial data using Bratseth's Successive Correction Method
Create and processing emissions for numeric air quality models
A guide for deploying Shinylive R application into Github Pages
Supporting material for the paper "Spatio-temporal modelling of PM10 daily concentrations in Italy using the SPDE appraoch"
R package for developing and running Spatial Discrete Event Simulation models
Collaborative, data-driven, reproducible reporting with content from CKAN
RShiny app to generate standardised plots from time series data
🍃 Open source tools to access NOAA Integrated Surface Database (ISD) surface meteorological observations
📉 Open source tools to remove the influence of meteorology from atmospheric composition data
🧭 Open source tools for air quality data analysis
An integrated system for dispersion modelling with CALPUFF
Use the HYSPLIT model from inside R and do more with it