This module provides a set of functions to help JavaScript Developers working with HashiCorp Vault to authenticate and access API endpoints using JavaScript promises.
This package is NOT affected by the log4shell CVE-2021-44228 vulnerability!
- NodeJs
- Minimum: v16.x
- Recommended: v18.x
- npm
- Tested on: v9.2.x
- HashiCorp Vault
- Minimum: v1.12.x
- Accepted: v1.13.x
- Recommended: v1.14.x
Note: Depending on your Windows setup windows-build-tools may need to be installed first. Also, for MacOS users, you should have xcode-select or entire Xcode App installed.
- Install
- Uninstall
- Release notes and versions
- Class Constructor
- Module usage
- TypeScript
- Mount points
- Error handling
- Available functions
- Coverage and limitations
- Test environment
- References
- Contributing
- Reporting an issue
- Suggesting a new feature
- Authors
- Contributors
- License
npm install hashi-vault-js --save
npm uninstall hashi-vault-js
// Indicates if the HTTP request to the Vault server should use
// HTTPS (secure) or HTTP (non-secure) protocol
https: true,
// If https is true, then provide client certificate, client key and
// the root CA cert
// Client cert and key are optional now
cert: './client.crt',
key: './client.key',
cacert: './ca.crt',
// Indicate the server name/IP, port and API version for the Vault,
// all paths are relative to this one
baseUrl: '',
// Sets the root path after the base URL, it translates to a
// partition inside the Vault where the secret engine / auth method was enabled
// Can be passed individually on each function through mount parameter
rootPath: 'secret',
// HTTP request timeout in milliseconds
timeout: 1000,
// If should use a proxy or not by the HTTP request
// Example:
// proxy: { host: proxy.ip, port: proxy.port }
proxy: false,
// Namespace (multi-tenancy) feature available on all Vault Enterprise versions
namespace: 'admin'
Note: This package covers some auth methods and secret engines. Check Limitations
section for more details.
- Production
const Vault = require('hashi-vault-js');
const vault = new Vault( {
https: true,
cert: './client.crt',
key: './client.key',
cacert: './ca.crt',
baseUrl: '',
rootPath: 'secret',
timeout: 2000,
proxy: false,
// Only for Vault Enterprise
namespace: 'ns1'
- Development
const Vault = require('hashi-vault-js');
const vault = new Vault( {
https: true,
baseUrl: '',
rootPath: 'secret',
timeout: 5000,
proxy: false
Check health status of the Vault server:
const status = await vault.healthCheck();
Perform a login on the Vault with role-id/secret-id pair, (AppRole login) and get a valid client token:
const token = await vault.loginWithAppRole(RoleId, SecretId).client_token;
Perform a login on the Vault with LDAP username/password pair, and get a valid client token:
const token = await vault.loginWithLdap(Username, Password).client_token;
Perform a login on the Vault with Userpass username/password pair, and get a valid client token:
const token = await vault.loginWithUserpass(Username, Password).client_token;
Perform a login on the Vault with Kubernetes service accounts token, and get a valid client token:
const token = await vault.loginWithK8s(Role, Token).client_token;
Perform a login on the Vault with TLS certificate and key, and get a valid client token:
const token = await vault.loginWithCert(certName, Token).client_token;
Define a function to return secret engine information from the Vault:
const secretEngineInfo = function(token) {
return result;
return error;
Create a new secret in the Vault:
const Item={
name: "slack",
data: {
bot_token1: "xoxb-123456789012-1234567890123-1w1lln0tt3llmys3cr3tatm3",
bot_token2: "xoxb-123456789013-1234567890124-1w1lln0tt3llmys3cr3tatm3"
const data = await vault.createKVSecret(token, ,;
Read a secret from the Vault:
const secrets = await vault.readKVSecret(token,;
Update secret version 1 in the Vault:
const data = await vault.updateKVSecret(token, , newData, 1);
includes TypeScript definitions in the Vault.d.ts
let response: ReadKVSecretResponse = null;
try {
const { data } = await vault.readKVSecret(token,;
response = data;
Most of the Vault Server API endpoints can be mounted on non-default path. For that reason, there's a last parameter in the related functions to allow using a custom mount path.
For instance, if you want to enable KV v2
on a different path, you can do so:
vault secrets enable -path=knight kv-v2
Now you call this helper library functions with the correct mount path:
const config = await vault.readKVEngineConfig(token, "knight")
This package extends the error stack to differentiate if the exception occurred on the Vault API layer or not. Also, adds a help message from the Vault API docs.
try {
// An exception happened and it was thrown
catch(err) {
if(err.isVaultError) {
// This an error from Vault API
// Check Vault hint on this error
else {
// Here is still the full Axios error, e.g. err.isAxiosError, err.response, err.request
// This allows handling of network/tls related issues
// Or just re-kthrow if you don't care
throw err;
Check below docs for more information on specific function groups.
Group | Type | Default mount point | Link |
Active Directory (AD) | Secret engine | /ad |
Doc file |
AppRole | Auth method | /auth/approle |
Doc file |
LDAP | Auth method | /auth/ldap |
Doc file |
Kubernetes | Auth method | /auth/kubernetes |
Doc file |
KV v2 | Secret engine | /kv |
Doc file |
PKI | Secret engine | /pki |
Doc file |
System Backend | System | General operations | Doc file |
System Backend | System | SEAL operations | Doc file |
TLS Certificate | Auth method | /auth/cert |
Doc file |
Token | Auth method | /auth/token |
Doc file |
Userpass | Auth method | /auth/userpass |
Doc file |
The following HashiCorp Vault API endpoints are currently covered:
System Backend - Partially
Auth methods:
Method | Coverage status |
AppRole | Partially |
LDAP | All endpoints |
Userpass | All endpoints |
Kubernetes | All endpoints |
TLS Cert | Partially |
Token | Most of them |
- Secret engines:
Engine | Coverage status |
Active Directory (AD) | Most of them |
KV Version 2 | All endpoints |
PKI | Most of them |
Follow the detailed instructions from this doc
If you want to contribute to the module and make it better, your help is very welcome. You can do so submitting a Pull Request. It will be reviewed and merged to main branch if accepted.
By contributing to this public repository, you fully agree with the following Developer's Certificate of Origin document.
If you have found what you believe to be an issue with hashi-vault-js
please do not hesitate to file an issue on the GitHub repository here.
If you want to see new features or enhancements to the current ones, we would love to hear them. Please submit an issue on the GitHub repository here.
Written by Rod Anami, June 2020.
- Richard <richie765@>
- Ordinary IT9 <hkgnobody@>
- Osama Adil
- Jose <josedev-union@>
This project is licensed under the MIT license.
HashiCorp Vault is licensed under the Business Source License 1.1.