1.1.0 (2021-10-12)
- add type into get input data by options name (72e362d)
- adapt color constrast from nav icons (b119f4c)
- add custom form according selected options bar (229c949)
- add custom hook use options bar (b1bea25)
- add customizable qr code background color (0823397)
- add customizable qr code detail level (c68b876)
- add customizable qr code foreground color (6cd3b42)
- add download of qr code component as png and jpg (d93a147)
- add favicon qrcode (d70f96d)
- add minimal QR code config panel (3621009)
- add options bar context to share state (654fb03)
- add qr code provider (a0d9f85)
- add QRCode context (075cfb6)
- add skeleton when qr code panel is loading (0c69e9e)
- add state of selected option into OptionsBar and render dynamic options (c201fbd)
- add styles into Options Bar (208e25c)
- add styles into page home (096d34f)
- add styles into url from to generate qr code (c89c534)
- add title into home page (240a41c)
- consume qr code state in panel (2f2f91a)
- generate qr code from server side (1028264)
- generate qr code when submit form (858fba7)
- handle url form with mocked onSubmit function (b90b2a6)
- improve contrast from qr code component (dff317d)
- improve responsivity with max witdh to 1440px (6115474)
- setup app colors (956cbd4)
- add structure from main components (990bbe1)
- clean project structure (c877daa)
- import components to home page (2bf8b73)
- setup chakra ui (22b481b)
- setup commit lint with lint staged and husky (915374f)
- setup lint into commit messages with 'commitlint' and husky (48bc862)
- setup linters (eslint, prettier and editor config) (4b2fa2f)