- all: Check if all the values of the collection satisfies the function
- any: Check if any value of the collection satisfies the function
- apply: Call a function with the desired arguments (a clean way to call closures stored in class attributes)
- assoc: Associate a value to an array
- butlast: Returns all the elements of a collection except the last preserving the keys
- complement: Returns another function that takes the same arguments and has the opposite truth value.
- compose: Combine multiple function calls in one function
- dissoc: Dissociate a value of a key in a collection
- do_if: Returns a callable that will call the given function if the result of applying the callable arguments to the predicates is true for all of them
- each: Apply a function over all the items of a collection
- filter: Discriminate the items of a collection for which function is false
- filter_null: Discriminate the items of a collection for which value is null
- first: Returns the first element of a collection
- flatten: Returns a flat collection from a multidimensional collection
- get: Returns the value of an item in a collection or a default value in the case it does not exists
- get_in: Returns the value in a nested associative structure or a default value in the case it does not exists
- key: Returns the key of an item value in a collection or a default value in the case it does not exists
- instance_of: Returns a checker that validated if an element is an instance of a class
- last: Returns the last element of a collection
- map: Apply a function over all the items of a collection and returns an array with the results
- memoize: Returns a memoized version of a referentially transparent function
- not: Return the opposite of the function call
- partial: Fix a number of arguments to a function producing another one with an smaller arity
- partition: Partition an array into arrays with size elements preserving its keys. The last portion may contain less than size elements.
- pipe: Takes a set of functions and returns a new one that is the composition of all of them
- reduce: Returns an accumulated value of iteratively reduce the collection using a function
- reindex: Returns a new collection with the keys reindexed by a function.
- repeat: Returns an array with the values of a function executed a certain amount of times
- rest: Returns all the the elements of a collection except the first preserving the keys
- reverse: Returns a reversed collection preserving its keys
- search: Search a value over a collection. Return the first occurrence if found, null if not
- sort: Sorts a collection using a sorting function
- some: Check if any value of the collection satisfies the function