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4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Paul Watterson Information Technology Information Technology Roche Products Australia 30 - $25M to $100M 4-10 Inman road Dee Why 2099 AU 10294549579 paul.watterson@roche.com 4/23/2009 Healthcare
4/8/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Parminder Singh Information Technology Information Technology Space-Time Research 20 - $5M to $25M 6302 Church Street Richmond 3121 AU 10394258443 parmindersingh@yahoo.com 4/8/2009 Computer Hardware
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Anthony Buhler Consulting Consulting Wave 20 - $5M to $25M 525 Collins St Melbourne VIC 3000 AU 10400346261 anthony.buhler@wavebusiness.com 4/29/2009 Consulting
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ron Read Sales Sales Infor 60 - more than $1B 821 - 843 Pacific Highway Chatswood 2067 AU 61290217220 ron.read@infor.com 4/23/2009 Computer Hardware
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Danillo Braga Information Technology Information Technology Redecard 45 - $250M to $500M as assa 133 Barueri 71939-360 BR 556178144919 danillobraga@hotmail.com 4/24/2009 Banking
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Thiago Teixeira Information Technology Information Technology RCI 20 - $5M to $25M "Murilo Furtado, 277" Porto Alegre 90.470-440 BR 555130762777 thiago.teixeira@rci.com.br 4/1/2009 Computer Software
4/2/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Flavia Staud Information Technology Information Technology RCI Consulting 20 - $5M to $25M "Rua Murilo Furtado,277" porto Alegre 90470440 BR 555130762777 flavia.staud@rci.com.br 4/2/2009 Consulting
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Vivian Campos Executive Management Executive Management RCI Consulting SA 20 - $5M to $25M Rua Murilo Furtado Porto Alegre 90470440 BR 555130762777 vivian.campos@rci.com.br 4/1/2009 Consulting
4/2/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Marnie Douglas Other Other Actuate 30 - $25M to $100M 150 John St. Toronto ON M5V 3E3 CA 14166066253 mdouglas@actuate.com 4/2/2009 Computer Hardware
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Feng Yang Sales Sales SaskPower 30 - $25M to $100M 2025 victoria Ave. Regina SK S4P0S1 CA 13065663188 Fyang@saskpower.com 4/1/2009 Energy & Utilities
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Sovan Sahu Consulting Consulting Deloitte 50 - $500M to $1B 363 Patricia Ave Toronto ON M2R2M8 CA 14168744240 ssahu@deloitte.ca 4/1/2009 Consulting
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Aliya Arslanova Information Technology Information Technology WSBC 20 - $5M to $25M Westminster Hwy Richmond BC V7C 1C6 CA 17782370788 allihya7@yahoo.com 4/1/2009 Banking
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mary-Jane Jarvis Executive Management Executive Management Xenex Enterprises Inc. 20 - $5M to $25M 155 Rexdale Blvd Toronto ON m9w 5z8 CA 14167409704 mary-jane.jarvis@xenex.ca 4/1/2009 Consulting
4/9/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ted Morawiec Consulting Consulting e-Net 20 - $5M to $25M 2345 Lakeshore Blvd Toronto ON M8V 1B7 CA 14167384667 Ted@PerManSys.com 4/9/2009 Manufacturing
4/30/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Dana Kronschnabel Information Technology Information Technology FH Wuerzburg Schweinfurt 30 - $25M to $100M leistenstr. 7 Wuerzburg 97082 DE 4917621187379 onewaydk@yahoo.de 4/30/2009 Wholesale
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Peter von Heeren Information Technology Information Technology HVB Information Services 60 - more than $1B Arabellastr. 12 Muenchen 81925 DE 8937848001 peter.vonheeren@unicreditgroup.de 4/23/2009 Banking
4/14/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ralf Ollig Consulting Consulting Logica 60 - more than $1B Hamborner Str. 53 Duesseldorf 40472 DE 11234677889 ralf.ollig@logica.com 4/14/2009 Consulting
4/5/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Patrick Schink Consulting Consulting Steria Mummert Consulting AG 60 - more than $1B Hans-Henny-Jahnn Weg 29 Hamburg 22085 DE 491786613333 patrick.schink@steria-mummert.de 4/5/2009 Consulting
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Miguel Corral Other Other Atos Origin 20 - $5M to $25M m Madrid 28005 ES 34912149500 miguel.corral@gmail.com 4/24/2009 Consulting
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Nieves Garcia Consulting Consulting BM 60 - more than $1B Santa Hortensia 26 Madrid 28002 ES 34913976611 nievesgarcia@es.ibm.com 4/1/2009 Computer Hardware
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 franck masson Consulting Consulting La poste 60 - more than $1B 55 avenue des champs Pierreux Nanterre 92000 FR 331412212 franck_masson@laposte.net 4/1/2009 Banking
4/9/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Pritesh Makwana Information Technology Information Technology Bedfordshire Fire and Service 30 - $25M to $100M Bedfordshire and Luton Fire and Rescue Service bedfordshire MK42 7NR GB 1234351081 pritesh.makwana@bedsfire.com 4/9/2009 Government
4/14/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ian Macdonald Executive Management Executive Management PushBI EMEA Limited 20 - $5M to $25M 7 Steeple Walk Reading RG6 4HR GB 441189620568 ian.j.macdonald@ntlworld.com 4/14/2009 Computer Hardware
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Lee Walker Other Other HSBC Private Bank 60 - more than $1B "GPB IT Architecture Group, Bermuda House" Stirling FK9 4TS GB 1786444098 lee.g.walker@hsbcpb.com 3/26/2009 Banking
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Manoj Harbhajanka Other Other PricewaterhouseCoopers 60 - more than $1B "161, Marsh Wall" London E14 9SQ GB 4402072122826 manoj.k.harbhajanka@uk.pwc.com 4/27/2009 Other
4/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Aashish Dabral Information Technology Information Technology Cranes Software Intl. Ltd. 45 - $250M to $500M "No. 104, Vijay Jatti Building, 1st Main Road," Bangalore 560095 IN 919980541407 adabral67@gmail.com 4/26/2009 Computer Software
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 RATIKANTA BISWAL Other Other ASBM 30 - $25M to $100M SIKHYA VIHAR BHUBANESWAR 754005 IN 916742111207 rimun143@gmail.com 4/27/2009 Education
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 keny lucas Other Other Xavier Institute of Social Service 30 - $25M to $100M Dr. Camil Bulke Road Ranchi 834001 IN 919431708785 kenny_lucas2000@gmail.com 4/1/2009 Education
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 dwara ravi Information Technology Information Technology S/w 50 - $500M to $1B "Hitec city,Hyd" hyd NB 654210 IN 19966882703 dwarakesh_2k3@yahoo.com 4/24/2009 Computer Software
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Rachna Shah Information Technology Information Technology Syntel 50 - $500M to $1B Mumbai Mumbai 400055 IN 585856856 rachna_shah@syntelinc.com 4/23/2009 Computer Hardware
4/2/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mari Muthu Information Technology Information Technology Envision 20 - $5M to $25M "13/7, Wasan Str." Chennai 600017 IN 4428143036 k.marimuthu@gmail.com 4/2/2009 Computer Software
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jayaprakash Narayan Information Technology Information Technology Intelligroup 20 - $5M to $25M Madhapur Hyderabad 500085 IN 19885673345 jayaprakasht@intelligroup.com 4/29/2009 Computer Hardware
4/14/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Durdana Zehra Information Technology Information Technology Systech 20 - $5M to $25M Systech Chennai 3213213 IN 14564562342 durdanaz@systechusa.com 4/14/2009 Consulting
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Nitin Bindal Information Technology Information Technology G4S IT Services 60 - more than $1B "Plot No. 82 A, Sec-18" Gurgaon 122016 IN 911242398888 nitin.bindal@in.g4s.com 4/24/2009 Computer Software
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Debojyoti Das Consulting Consulting Infosys BPO Ltd. 60 - more than $1B "Section2, 3rd Flr, Bldg 48" Bangalore 560100 IN 918041878275 debojyoti_das@infosys.com 4/1/2009 Consulting
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Purushottam Nivaskar Consulting Consulting Tata Consultancy Services Ltd 60 - more than $1B Seepz Mumbai 400 096 IN 2267792970 p.nivaskar@tcs.com 4/1/2009 Consulting
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 venkateshwar tadimalla Information Technology Information Technology state bank of hyderabad 60 - more than $1B ITs ervcies department Head office Hyderabad Andhra pradesh India -500001 hyderabad 500001 IN 9104023387414 vtadimalla@yahoo.com 4/24/2009 Other
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 moh ali Executive Management Executive Management object 60 - more than $1B mmm amman 0 JO 0 moh_cio2020@hotmail.com 4/23/2009 Computer Hardware
4/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Karim Fahmi Other Other Al Sayer Group 20 - $5M to $25M Free Trade Zone Kuwait City 0 KW 96597217865 karimf@alsayergroup.com 4/26/2009 Wholesale
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Luis Borrego Executive Management Executive Management BA Consultores en Integ. de Tec. SA de CV 20 - $5M to $25M Ave Lazaro Cardenas 1007 ote San Pedro Garza Garcia Nuevo Leon 66266 MX 528182209059 luis.borrego@bacitconsultoria.com 4/1/2009 Retail
4/8/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Grace Thong Information Technology Information Technology Maybank 60 - more than $1B "5th floor, Core Banking, IS," Kuala Lumpur 50050 MY 60320748243 grace@maybank.com.my 4/8/2009 Banking
4/13/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Marcel Hopman Executive Management Executive Management Blind Sports 20 - $5M to $25M Oude Delft 257a DELFT 2611 HE NL 31655364399 marcel.hopman@blindspots.nl 4/13/2009 Consulting
4/15/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Gareth Simms Consulting Consulting You Get 20 - $5M to $25M Gedempt Hemelkanaal Amsterdam 1021KL NL 10644738879 gsimms@you-get.com 4/15/2009 Healthcare
4/2/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Francisco Javier Malapad Information Technology Information Technology TELUS International Philippines 60 - more than $1B "Discovery Center, 25 ADB Avenue, Ortigas" Pasig City 1605 PH 639065205543 francisco.malapad@TELUS.com 4/2/2009 Telco
4/14/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Veronica Rus Other Other UBB 20 - $5M to $25M Sesului Nr 4 Cluj-Napoca 400663 RO 10745944801 veronica.rus@gmail.com 4/14/2009 Education
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 George Goh Executive Management Executive Management Info8dge Consulting Pte Ltd 20 - $5M to $25M 2E Hong San Walk Singapore 689051 SG 16591785806 gbbgoh@info8dge.com 4/24/2009 Other
4/14/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Katja Jeraj Other Other none 20 - $5M to $25M none Ljubljana none SI 38640365275 katka.jeraj@gmail.com 4/14/2009 Other
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Bystrik Zavarsky Information Technology Information Technology Istrobanka 45 - $250M to $500M Kominarska 6 Bratislava 831 04 SK 421948222404 b.zavarsky@gmail.com 4/28/2009 Banking
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 murat s Information Technology Information Technology burkay 60 - more than $1B murataposta@gmail.com bursa 45553 TR 111334555 murataposta@gmail.com 4/24/2009 Other
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jacquelyn Vincent Information Technology Information Technology PHH Arval 45 - $250M to $500M 940 Ridgebrook Rd. Sparks MD 21152 USA 14107712967 jacquelyn.vincent@phh.com 4/27/2009 Banking
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 James Young Consulting Consulting Slalom Consulting 45 - $250M to $500M 201 Spear Street San Francisco CA 94105 USA 13104656153 jamesy@slalom.com 4/24/2009 Consulting
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 James Young Consulting Consulting Slalom Consulting 45 - $250M to $500M 201 Spear Street San Francisco CA 94105 USA 13104656153 jamesy@slalom.com 4/23/2009 Consulting
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jennifer Dominick Information Technology Information Technology Compass USA 45 - $250M to $500M 3811 Cameron Creek Dr. Matthews NC 28105 USA 17042197670 jennifer.dominick@compass-usa.com 3/26/2009 Other
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ethan Yu Sales Sales Actuate 45 - $250M to $500M 2207 Bridgetpointe Parkway San Mateo CA 94404 USA 16506453126 ethan.yu@actuate.com 4/29/2009 Other
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Debashis Ghosh Information Technology Information Technology Saama Technologies Inc 30 - $25M to $100M 900 East Hamilton Avenue Campbell CA 95308 USA 14083711900 debashis.ghosh@saama.com 4/29/2009 Computer Software
4/16/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Pano Valcanas Information Technology Information Technology Amcom 30 - $25M to $100M 2 Annabel Lane San Ramon CA 94583 USA 019258661500x1450 pavalcanas@amcom.biz 4/16/2009 Computer Software
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Brian Davis Sales Sales QlikTech 30 - $25M to $100M 1504 N Lincoln St Wilmington DE 19806 USA 14846853417 brian.davis@qliktech.com 4/1/2009 Computer Software
4/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 SungJin Cho Consulting Consulting KPMG Advisory 30 - $25M to $100M W. Little York Houston TX 77041 USA 71329337529 i019020@gmail.com 4/26/2009 Consulting
4/21/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 SungJin Cho Consulting Consulting KPMG Advisory 30 - $25M to $100M W. Little York Houston TX 77041 USA 71329337529 i019020@gmail.com 4/21/2009 Consulting
4/2/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ondrej Klima Finance Finance Educate Online 30 - $25M to $100M 506 S.Central Ave Baltimore MD 21202 USA 14108432641 ondrej.klima@educate-online.com 4/2/2009 Education
3/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Lynn Csernotta Consulting Consulting Initiate 30 - $25M to $100M 165 Nyes Place Laguna Beach CA 92651 USA 19496376742 lcsernotta@initiate.com 3/27/2009 Healthcare
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Karen Huval Other Other FC 30 - $25M to $100M 6114 Fremin Road New Iberia LA 70560 USA 13372988590 kah1998@mindspring.com 4/29/2009 Healthcare
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Rhonda Lewis Information Technology Information Technology Broward Health 30 - $25M to $100M 1608 SE 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale FL 33316 USA 19547675289 rlewis@browardhealth.org 4/27/2009 Healthcare
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Rhonda Lewis Information Technology Information Technology Broward Health 30 - $25M to $100M 1608 SE 3rd Avenue Fort Lauderdale FL 33316 USA 19547675289 rlewis@browardhealth.org 4/24/2009 Healthcare
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Rhonda Lewis Information Technology Information Technology BH 30 - $25M to $100M 2464 NW 86th Avenue Coral Springs FL 33065 USA 19547530541 lewi0541@bellsouth.net 4/24/2009 Healthcare
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jeff Smith Executive Management Executive Management Carlson 30 - $25M to $100M P.O. Box 59159 Minneapolis MN 55459 USA 17632123467 jeffsmith@carlson.com 4/24/2009 Wholesale
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Andrew Beckman Other Other Fair Isaac Corporation 50 - $500M to $1B 200 Smith Ranch Road San Rafael CA 94903 USA 14154915151 abeckman@fico.com 4/27/2009 Banking
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Steve Stroupe Other Other Colonial Life 50 - $500M to $1B 1200 Colonial Life Blvd Columbia SC 29210 USA 18037987000 slstroupe@coloniallife.com 4/1/2009 Banking
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Debmalya Dutta Information Technology Information Technology Capgemini 50 - $500M to $1B 2788 N Buffalo Grove Road Arlington Heights IL 60004 USA 12245444980 debmalya.dutta@capgemini.com 4/23/2009 Computer Software
4/16/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Debmalya Dutta Information Technology Information Technology Capgemini 50 - $500M to $1B 2788 N Buffalo Grove Road Arlington Heights IL 60004 USA 12245444980 debmalya.dutta@capgemini.com 4/16/2009 Computer Software
4/6/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 mark kromer Information Technology Information Technology oracle 50 - $500M to $1B 2100 andrew ct schwenksville PA 19473 USA 14842156203 mark.kromer@oracle.com 4/6/2009 Computer Hardware
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Than tran Other Other actuate 50 - $500M to $1B 2207 bridgepointe parkway san mateo CA 94114 USA 16506453000 ttran@actuate.com 4/28/2009 Computer Hardware
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Shannon Peetz Information Technology Information Technology Cummins Inc 50 - $500M to $1B 500 Jackson Street Columbus IN 47201 USA 18123775164 shannon.peetz@cummins.com 4/1/2009 Wholesale
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jamie Burgess Consulting Consulting Deloitte 20 - $5M to $25M 233 Magnolia Ridge Crawfordville FL 34223 USA 19046651430 jknapp@deloitte.com 4/23/2009 Banking
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mike Golebiowski Executive Management Executive Management Integrated Bank Technology 20 - $5M to $25M 6445 N Western Chicago IL 60645 USA 17739731536 mgolebiowski@ibanktech.net 3/26/2009 Banking
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ed Hollinshead Sales Sales Source Companies 20 - $5M to $25M 2000 Auburn Drive Beachwood OH 44122 USA 14407736448 edhollinshead@gmail.com 4/29/2009 Banking
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Liz Webb Information Technology Information Technology Liz Webb 20 - $5M to $25M 11 Windrose Drive Noank CT 6340 USA 18605365323 Lizdwebb1@aol.com 3/26/2009 Computer Software
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Anh Nguyen Information Technology Information Technology USA 20 - $5M to $25M 600 Gemini Houston TX 77058 USA 12812822528 anh.m.nguyen@usa-spaceops.com 3/26/2009 Computer Software
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jan Tanner Executive Management Executive Management "Information Techniques, Inc." 20 - $5M to $25M 454 Prospect Avenue Oradell NJ 7649 USA 12012622020 jtanner@informationtechniques.com 4/27/2009 Computer Software
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Shaku Atre Consulting Consulting "Atre Group,Inc." 20 - $5M to $25M 366 West 11th Street New York NY 10014 USA 18314609300 shaku@atre.com 4/27/2009 Computer Software
4/22/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mario Jeroncic Consulting Consulting Enel 20 - $5M to $25M Trg HBZ 8 Split 21000 USA 385-214-0622x2 mario.jeroncic@enel.hr 4/22/2009 Computer Software
4/9/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Chris Osment Consulting Consulting (self) IT Consultant 20 - $5M to $25M 4069 Menlo Way Atlanta GA 30340 USA 14043951295 chris.osment@comcast.net 4/9/2009 Computer Software
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Prashanth Prasanna Information Technology Information Technology Segue Technologies 20 - $5M to $25M 2300 Wilson Boulevard Arlington VA 20171 USA 17035498033 prashanth.prasanna@seguetech.com 4/28/2009 Computer Software
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Kam Rezvani Executive Management Executive Management Multitask Solutions 20 - $5M to $25M 2118 Wilshire Blvd. Santa Monica CA 90403 USA 13107023315 krezvani@multitasksolutions.biz 4/29/2009 Computer Software
4/8/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Srinivas Pamarthy Information Technology Information Technology Sterling Healthcare 20 - $5M to $25M 2301 River Rd Louisville KY 40206 USA 16159451755 elicosrini@hotmail.com 4/8/2009 Computer Software
3/31/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 PRADEEP PYLLA Information Technology Information Technology SOFT TECHES INC 20 - $5M to $25M 1654 DOGWOOD LN HANOVER PARK IL 60133 USA 17778889999 pradeep@softteches.com 3/31/2009 Computer Software
3/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mohamed Daoud Information Technology Information Technology IT International Services 20 - $5M to $25M 225 LakePoint PL N Kiezer OR 97303 USA 15033044837 mohdao@msn.com 3/23/2009 Computer Hardware
3/31/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 arzu dillice Other Other jinfonet software 20 - $5M to $25M 9420 Key West Avenue Rockville MD 20850 USA 12404771000 adillice@jinfonet.com 3/31/2009 Computer Hardware
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 john hulina Sales Sales infonow 20 - $5M to $25M 1280 ison newport beach CA 92660 USA 19494813672 jhulina@infonow.com 3/26/2009 Computer Hardware
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Piyush Mehta Information Technology Information Technology TripVerde 20 - $5M to $25M 13001 Scofield Farms Dr Austin TX 78727 USA 15126960438 piyush.mehta@gmail.com 4/29/2009 Computer Hardware
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Piyush Mehta Information Technology Information Technology TripVerde 20 - $5M to $25M 13001 Scofield Farms Dr Austin TX 78727 USA 15126960438 piyush.mehta@gmail.com 4/24/2009 Computer Hardware
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Leslie Bull Consulting Consulting LB Consulting 20 - $5M to $25M 1904 La Corona Court Los Gatos CA 95032 USA 14088884603 leslieabull@earthlink.net 4/23/2009 Computer Software
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mark Kaucic Information Technology Information Technology Informediate Inc 20 - $5M to $25M 2032 Front St Cuyahoga Falls OH 44221 USA 13309209396 markk@informediate.com 4/27/2009 Computer Software
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 David Chesakov Consulting Consulting BIDW Consulting 20 - $5M to $25M 5903 Phillips Ave Pittsburgh PA 15217 USA 14124215470 dches44@gmail.com 4/29/2009 Consulting
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mike Reis Consulting Consulting RES 20 - $5M to $25M 5336 Reese Road Torrance CA 90505 USA 13105435087 mreis4@verizon.net 4/28/2009 Consulting
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Konrad Kwiatek Consulting Consulting Advanced Business Intelligence 20 - $5M to $25M 419 River Drive Garfield NJ 7026 USA 12018816179 konradkwiatek@optonline.net 4/23/2009 Consulting
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Richard Lee Consulting Consulting "The Speyside Group, LLC" 20 - $5M to $25M Box 6218 Bellevue WA 98008 USA 18777711118 richard.lee@speysidegroup.com 4/1/2009 Consulting
3/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Manuel Pineda Consulting Consulting DorthaMae Inc. 20 - $5M to $25M 4516 Summer Haven Blvd. S. Jacksonville FL 32258 USA 19048806864 manuelpineda@comcast.net 3/27/2009 Consulting
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Vinod Zalpuri Executive Management Executive Management GVGroup 20 - $5M to $25M 147 17th Ave San Mateo CA 94402 USA 16503491536 zalpuri@gvgroup.net 4/27/2009 Consulting
4/15/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Marko Osborne Executive Management Executive Management "Business Information Agency, Inc." 20 - $5M to $25M 1043 Cleavemark Clarkston GA 30021 USA 14043861767 markobia@live.com 4/15/2009 Consulting
4/7/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Brian Rimes Sales Sales Convergence Consulting Group 20 - $5M to $25M 6904 W. Linebaugh Avenue Tampa FL 33625 USA 18139683238 ksmith@convergenceconsulting.net 4/7/2009 Consulting
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Robert Joseph Executive Management Executive Management "Step Ahead Solutions, Inc" 20 - $5M to $25M 3333 Bowers Ave. Santa Clara CA 95129 USA 14082000965 kjoseph@stepaheadsolution.com 4/23/2009 Retail
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Hillary Ritenburg Other Other Port of Seattle 20 - $5M to $25M 2711 Alaskan Way Seattle WA 98121 USA 12067283161 ritenburg.h@portseattle.org 4/28/2009 Government
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Patricia Salem Information Technology Information Technology BIT Advisors 20 - $5M to $25M 800 Cottage Grove Rd. Bloomfield CT 6002 USA 18605081865 psalem@bitadvisors.com 4/1/2009 Healthcare
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Susan Powell Information Technology Information Technology Mason General Hospital 20 - $5M to $25M PO Box 1668 Shelton WA 98584 USA 13604323292 spowell@masongeneral.com 4/23/2009 Healthcare
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Scott Mairs Executive Management Executive Management The Mairs Group 20 - $5M to $25M 2500 Matterhorn Lane Flower Mound TX 75022 USA 12222222222 scott_mairs@hotmail.com 4/27/2009 Other
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jan Kingaard Executive Management Executive Management TKO International LLC 20 - $5M to $25M 422 16th Place Costa Mesa CA 92627 USA 19496453345 jank3345@aol.com 4/1/2009 Other
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Anna Serratos Other Other Adecco RPO 20 - $5M to $25M 336 Superior St Toledo OH 43604 USA 14197200111 anna.serratos@adeccona.com 4/29/2009 Other
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Dana Davis Information Technology Information Technology The Cincinnati Insurance Companies 60 - more than $1B P.O. Box 145496 Cincinnati OH 45250-5141 USA 15136035876 dana_davis@cinfin.com 4/24/2009 Banking
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Chris Davy Information Technology Information Technology Wachovia 60 - more than $1B 1525 W WT Harris Blvd Charlotte NC 28262 USA 17044278059 chris.davy@wachovia.com 3/26/2009 Banking
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 BAJEERAO KOLISETTY Information Technology Information Technology BANK OF AMERICA 60 - more than $1B 100 N TRYON ST CHARLOTTE NC 282255 USA 19803883417 bajeerao.kolisetty@bankofamerica.com 3/26/2009 Banking
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Marcos Martins Consulting Consulting SAS Institute 60 - more than $1B 121 W. Trade Street Charlotte NC 28202 USA 17048315595 marcos.martins@sas.com 4/27/2009 Banking
4/6/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Robert Domres Information Technology Information Technology wachovia 60 - more than $1B 201 S. College St Charlotte NC 28202 USA 17043838127 robert.domres@wachovia.com 4/6/2009 Banking
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 David Larson Executive Management Executive Management L5 Consulting 60 - more than $1B 7201 Stonehaven Drive Marvin NC 28173 USA 17045198872 DAL.L5Consulting@gmail.com 4/28/2009 Banking
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Emmanuel Naval Other Other Fidelity National Information Services 60 - more than $1B 11601 N. Roosevelt Blvd St. Petersburg FL 33716 USA 17272275226 emmanuel.m.naval@fnis.com 4/27/2009 Banking
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jamie Finefrock Sales Sales Diebold 60 - more than $1B 5995 Mayfair Road North Canton OH 44720 USA 13304904000 jamie.finefrock@diebold.com 4/27/2009 Banking
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Larry Luan Sales Sales Moody's 60 - more than $1B 7 WTC New York NY 10007 USA 12125532774 lingqing.luan@moodys.com 4/27/2009 Banking
4/24/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Tilmann Bruckhaus Information Technology Information Technology PayPal 60 - more than $1B 2211 North First St San Jose CA 95130 USA 14088876208 tbruckhaus@paypal.com 4/24/2009 Banking
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Anna Shea Finance Finance FNIS 60 - more than $1B 601 Riverside Avenue Jacksonville FL 32204 USA 19048545808 anna.shea@fnis.com 4/27/2009 Computer Software
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Joe Polimeni Other Other IBM 60 - more than $1B 9933 NW 64th Ct. Parkland FL 33076 USA 19546885871 jpolimeni@us.ibm.com 3/26/2009 Computer Software
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Adriana Franco Sales Sales Fidelity National Information Services 60 - more than $1B 1601 Sawgrass Corporate Parkway Sunrise FL 33323 USA 19645562574 adriana.franco@fnis.com 4/27/2009 Computer Software
4/22/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Diego Calle Information Technology Information Technology EMC 60 - more than $1B 176 South St Hopkinton MA 1748 USA 15084351000 diegocalle@aol.com 4/22/2009 Computer Hardware
4/2/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Kaan Turnali Information Technology Information Technology SAP 60 - more than $1B 3999 West Chester Pike Newtown Square PA 19073 USA 16106616000 kaan99@comcast.net 4/2/2009 Computer Hardware
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Timothy Coulter Information Technology Information Technology HP 60 - more than $1B 2357 W. Main Street Saint Charles IL 60175 USA 16304562897 tcoulter8@msn.com 4/27/2009 Computer Hardware
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 jimmy Hightower Other Other Sybase 60 - more than $1B 3820 Mansell Road Alpharetta GA 30022 USA 16785857188 jimmyh@sybase.com 4/1/2009 Computer Hardware
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mahesh Raja Sales Sales Wipro 60 - more than $1B Eden Prairie Eden Prairie MN 55344 USA 14256775086 maheshgraja@gmail.com 4/27/2009 Consulting
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Michael Hernon Consulting Consulting DON CIO 60 - more than $1B 2000 Elkin Street Alexandria VA 22308 USA 17037338990 michael.hernon.ctr@navy.mil 3/26/2009 Government
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Suseendra Subburaj Information Technology Information Technology Bayer 60 - more than $1B 12707 shawnee mission parkway Merriam KS 66203 USA 19132681834 suseendra.subburaj@bayerbbs.com 3/26/2009 Healthcare
4/5/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Terri Mitchell Consulting Consulting Thomson Reuters 60 - more than $1B 1429 Whittington Drive Raleigh NC 27614 USA 19194142557 terri.mitchell@thomsonreuters.com 4/5/2009 Healthcare
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 SATHISKUMAR SELVARAJU Information Technology Information Technology STAMFORD HOSPITAL 60 - more than $1B 1351 Washington Blvd 8th Floor Stamford CT 6902 USA 12032764200 sselvaraju@stamhealth.org 3/26/2009 Healthcare
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Suman Mittal Information Technology Information Technology UMDNJ 60 - more than $1B 185 South Orange Avenue Newark NJ 7101 USA 19739721127 mittalsu@umdnj.edu 4/1/2009 Healthcare
4/8/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Monica Taran Information Technology Information Technology Daugherty Business Solutions 60 - more than $1B 1235 Spring Green Lane Burnsville MN 55306 USA 16122206238 monicataran@gmail.com 4/8/2009 Healthcare
4/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Hosham Al-Mussawi Sales Sales Biogen Idec 60 - more than $1B 45 William St. Wellesley MA 2481 USA 16179145803 hosham.al-mussawi@biogenidec.com 4/23/2009 Healthcare
3/23/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Christopher Bayles Sales Sales IMS Health 60 - more than $1B 11 Waterview Blvd. Parsippany NJ 7054 USA 19733164692 cbayles@us.imshealth.com 3/23/2009 Healthcare
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 David Sauceda Information Technology Information Technology Johnson Controls 60 - more than $1B 507 E Michigan Milwaukee WI 53201 USA 14145244594 David.Sauceda@jci.com 4/27/2009 Manufacturing
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Sara Alacce Information Technology Information Technology Thermo Fisher Scientific 60 - more than $1B 2000 Park Lane Dr Pittsburgh PA 15275 USA 14124901009 sara.alacce@thermofisher.com 4/1/2009 Manufacturing
4/9/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Salman Afzal Information Technology Information Technology International Automotive Components 60 - more than $1B 47785 West Anchor Ct. Plymouth MI 48188 USA 17344562749 safzal@iacna.com 4/9/2009 Manufacturing
4/9/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Holly BeDour Information Technology Information Technology International Automotive Components 60 - more than $1B 47785 W. Anchor Ct. Plymouth MI 48170 USA 17344562774 hbedour@iacna.com 4/9/2009 Manufacturing
4/29/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Elaine Huang Information Technology Information Technology John Wiley 60 - more than $1B 11 River Street Hoboken NJ 7030 USA 12017486962 ehuang@wiley.com 4/29/2009 Other
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Elaine Huang Information Technology Information Technology John Wiley 60 - more than $1B 11 River Street Hoboken NJ 7030 USA 12017486962 ehuang@wiley.com 4/1/2009 Other
4/6/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Ken Oravitz Information Technology Information Technology Thermo Fisher Scientific 60 - more than $1B 2000 Park Lane Drive Pittsburgh PA 15275 USA 14124901041 ken.oravitz@thermofisher.com 4/6/2009 Other
4/27/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Patricia OConnor Executive Management Executive Management AMX 60 - more than $1B 53 Sorrel Run Mount Laurel NJ 8054 USA 16097740711 PatriciaO@comcast.net 4/27/2009 Other
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Brian Quinn Sales Sales COBI 60 - more than $1B 800 Ridgeview Drive Horsham PA 19044 USA 12153256795 bquinn2@its.jnj.com 3/26/2009 Other
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Henry Su Information Technology Information Technology "Macy's, Inc." 60 - more than $1B 7 W. 7th Street Cincinnati OH 45069 USA 15135797066 henry.su@macys.com 3/26/2009 Wholesale
4/8/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Rudy Lewis Information Technology Information Technology AT 60 - more than $1B 600 North 19th Street Birmingham AL 35203 USA 12053214028 ll0131@att.com 4/8/2009 Telco
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Rudy Lewis Information Technology Information Technology AT 60 - more than $1B 600 North 19th Street Birmingham AL 35203 USA 12053214028 ll0131@att.com 3/26/2009 Telco
3/26/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 sue padalkar Information Technology Information Technology avaya 60 - more than $1B 211 mt airy road basking ridge NJ 7920 USA 19089533453 spadalkar@avaya.com 3/26/2009 Telco
4/28/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Mariela Ramirez Information Technology Information Technology SNACKS AMERICA LATINA 30 - $25M to $100M Los Cortijos de Lourdes Caracas 1070 VE 12122028522 mariela.ramirez@intl.pepsico.com 4/28/2009 Manufacturing
4/1/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 VIRGILIO CONDE Other Other NONE 20 - $5M to $25M NONE CARACAS D.C. 1080 VE 0 virgilioconde@hotmail.com 4/1/2009 Other
4/20/2009 SourceMedia - InfoMgmt 70160000000HbF8AAK Responded Active 0 1 1 1 1 Jithoo Daya Consulting Consulting JITANI 20 - $5M to $25M P O Box 66198 Johannesburg 2020 ZA 27832221294 jcdaya@absamail.co.za 4/20/2009 Consulting