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HPSDR (including Hermes Lite 2) device notes

Jim Ancona edited this page Sep 8, 2021 · 18 revisions

Support for HPSDR receivers (including the Hermes-Lite 2) uses the HPSDR connector at


The HPSDR connector is packaged with OpenWebRX, so a separate installation isn't usually needed. For a manually installed OpenWebRX, see Manual Installation in the hpsdrconnector README.


Navigate to the OpenWebRX settings area, "SDR devices and profiles". Click "Add new device" and select the device type "HPSDR devices (Hermes / Hermes Lite 2 / Red Pitaya)" from the dropdown. Give it a name and click the "Apply and save" button.

Then create one or more profiles for the device. Be sure to specify a sample rate supported by the HPSDR device, i.e. one of 48000, 96000, 192000 or 384000.

The version of the connector installed with OpenWebRX 1.0 and 1.1 only supports a single receiver. The current version supports multiple receivers, up to the number the hardware is capable of, e.g. 4 for a Hermes-Lite 2 with standard gateware. Until this version is packaged in an OpenWebRX release, you can experiment with it by using the OpenWebRX experimental repositories or by following the manual installation process and then defining additional devices and profiles in the OWRX settings. The same sample rate is used for all receivers, so starting a profile with a different sample rate will affect other running devices. To avoid problems, it may be best to use a single sample rate for all profiles.

The OpenHPSDR discovery protocol won't work when running OpenWebRX in Docker with its default bridge network driver. You may work around this issue by either specifying the radio IP address in the OpenWebRX device profile, or by starting Docker using host networking:

docker run --network host -v openwebrx-settings:/var/lib/openwebrx [image name]


  • Only the original HPSDR Protocol 1 is supported.

Tested Hardware

Feel free to create issues with reports of success or failure using other hardware.

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