The BallGame Project is a Java-based networked multiplayer game. It simulates a simple environment where players can pass a virtual ball among themselves. The project is divided into two main components: the BallGameServer, which handles the game logic and client connections, and the BallGameClient, which allows players to interact with the game.
The server manages the game's state and handles client connections. It includes the following key classes:
- ServerProgram: The entry point of the server. It initializes the server and listens for incoming client connections.
- ClientHandler: Responsible for handling communication with connected clients.
- Game: Manages the overall game state, including players and ball possession.
- Player: Represents a player in the game.
The client provides a user interface for players to interact with the game. It consists of these main classes:
- ClientProgram: The main class for the client. It processes user input and interacts with the server.
- Client: Handles the network connection to the server and sends commands based on user actions.
- ClientSideListener: Listens to messages from the server and updates the client-side display.
- Java Runtime Environment (JRE) and Java Development Kit (JDK), version 8 or higher.
- Compile the server:
- Navigate to the server directory.
- Run 'javac BallGameServer/*.java' to compile all server classes.
- Run the server:
- Execute 'java BallGameServer.ServerProgram'.
- The server will start and listen for client connections. Client
- Compile the Client:
- Navigate to the client directory.
- Run 'javac BallGameClient/*.java' to compile all client classes.
- Run the Client:
- Execute 'java BallGameClient.ClientProgram'.
- The client will connect to the server, and the user can start interacting with the game.
- Pass the Ball: 'pass ' - Pass the ball to another player.
- Check Ball Holder: 'ball' - Query who currently holds the ball.
- Identify Yourself: 'whoAmI' - Check your player ID.
- List Players: 'list' - Show all connected players.
- Help: 'help' - Display available commands.
- Leave Game: 'leave' - Disconnect from the game.
- The server handles client connections and manages the state of the game.
- All game logic, including ball passing and player tracking, is processed on the server.
- Default port: '8888'.
- Host: 'localhost' (for testing on a single machine).
- Modify the client and server code for different network setups or to change the port.
- Ensure the server is running before attempting to connect with a client.
- The game logic is relatively simple and can be extended for more complex interactions or features.
- The server and client are configured to run on 'localhost' with port '8888'.