diff --git a/docs/developer.md b/docs/developer.md index f7616ccc..cb403cff 100644 --- a/docs/developer.md +++ b/docs/developer.md @@ -78,12 +78,12 @@ You should have an environmental variable called `psql_conn`, set as follows: `psql_conn="host=$TERMHUB_DB_HOST port=$TERMHUB_DB_PORT dbname=$TERMHUB_DB_DB user=$TERMHUB_DB_USER password=$TERMHUB_DB_PASS sslmode=require"` -If you run `./db_backup.sh`, it will generate commands that you can directly copy/paste into the terminal to (i) -create the backup, and (ii) restore it. +If you run `./db_backup.sh`, it will generate commands that you can directly copy/paste into the terminal to create a +backup file. -**Optional steps** -- [Google Drive](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1Nc2ZVzjT62q__wrNRfKfFsstaMvrG3Rm): Uploading the backup there as well can be helpful because it has happened in the past that our -- backup schemas on PostgreSQL have gotten corrupted. +Then, it should be uploaded to the [BIDS Teams drive](https://livejohnshopkins.sharepoint.com/sites/BiomedicalInformaticsandDataScience/Shared%20Documents/Forms/AllItems.aspx?id=%2Fsites%2FBiomedicalInformaticsandDataScience%2FShared%20Documents%2FResearch%2FProjects%2FTermHub%2FBackups&viewid=51daccc9%2D8479%2D4ef4%2Da7bf%2D65b689881f3a). +The `./db_backup.sh` will instruct otherwise for this step. It will say to upload to the remote PostgreSQL server. +However, this is only for if TermHub is actively funded and in use. ### Adding new tables / views If any new views or derived tables are added, there are some additional steps that need to be followed in order to avoid