This set of commands is intended for reading and writing whole packages. Fetches all source codes of the given class and stores them in local files.
File format and names should be compatible with abapGit.
sapcli checkout class zcl_hello_world
Fetches source codes of the given program and stores it a local file.
sapcli checkout program z_hello_world
Fetches source codes of the given interface and stores it a local file.
sapcli checkout interface zif_hello_world
Fetches objects of given function group and stores objects' source codes to a local files.
sapcli checkout function_group zhello_world
Fetches source codes of classes, programs and interfaces of the given package and stores them in corresponding files in a local file system directory.
The new directory is populated with the file .abapgit.xml which has the format recognized by abapGit.
sapcli checkout package '$hello_world' [directory] [--recursive] [--starting-folder DIR]
directory the name of a new directory to checkout the given package into; if not provided, the package name is used instead
--starting-folder forces sapcli to create the corresponding object files in the given directory; by default, sapcli uses the directory
--recursive forces sapcli to download also the sub-packages into sub-directories