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237 lines (175 loc) · 8.63 KB

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This program calculates the autocorrelation of a series of numbers or vectors (x(i)) from a text file (which may contain one or more data sets). It prints the autorcorrelation function

C(j) = ⟨(x(i)-⟨x⟩)⋅(x(i+j)-⟨x⟩)⟩

as a function of j, to the standard output, where ⟨⟩ denotes the average, and ⋅ denotes multiplication (either scalar multiplication or the dot product).

Output file format:

By default, this information is printed to the standard output (terminal) in two-column ascii format.

0 C(0)
1 C(1)
2 C(2)
:   :
L C(L)

The domain-length, L, is chosen automatically, but can be specified using the "-L" and "-t" arguments.

This was originally a crude program written to analyze polymer simulation trajectory files. I find myself referring to it frequently in some of the moltemplate examples, so I was forced to make this ugly code available. This program could probably be implemented using only a couple lines in python.

Multiprocessor support was implemented using OpenMP.

Input file format:

The text files read by this program may contain multiple sets of data (delimited by white space, see example below). The input file should be a text file containing 1 data entry per line, and blank lines separating different data sets. (If the file has more than one column (as in the example below) the x are assumed to be vectors.) to multiply different data entries together. The example below has 2 data sets with 3 columns per entry (but any number of columns is allowed).

x1 y1 z1     #<--1st dataset
x2 y2 z2
:  :  :
xN1 yN1 zN1

x1 y1 z1     #<--2nd dataset
x2 y2 z2
:  :  :
xN2 yN2 zN2

When the input file contains multiple data sets, the sum used when computing averages weights each entry (each line in the file) equally. Comments in the input stream (following the # character) are ignored.


ndautocrr [-L domainwidth] [-p] [-t threshold] [-ave,-avezero] \
          < inputlist.txt > corrfunc.txt


  1. L is the size of the domain for the autocorrelation function. The autocorrelation function is truncated beyond this point. You can manually specify this by using the "-L" argument. (See below.) If left unspecified, by default, the autocorrelation function is truncated when it decays below a threshold value (which is 1/e by default) relative to the peak, C(0). (See the discussion of the "-t" argument below.)

  2. The data entries x(i) can be scalar values or vectors. When they are vectors, the dot product is used. (See inner_product.h.)

  3. For convenience, a crude estimate of the correlation length (or correlation time) is printed to the standard error.

  • By default, the correlation length is estimated by finding the first location j where C(j)/C(0) crosses 1/e.
  • If the threshold is adjusted (using the -t argument), then the correlation length is estimated by fitting the curve to an exponentially decaying function, considering only the point where it crosses the user-specified threshold. (So if the threshold is set to 1/e^2, and C(j)/C(0)=1/e^2, then the correlation length will be reported as j/2.)
  • If the -L argument (L) is specified, the correlation length is estimated by summing Σ_j C(j) from j=0 to j=L. (Graphing the autocorrelation function is always a good way to choose an appropriate -L parameter, especially if oscillations in the data are present. Alternatively, you can determine L by running the program once with the "-t" argument and a suitable threshold, counting the number of lines of output, and then running the program again, setting the -L argument to that number.)
  • If both -L and -t are specified, the threshold method is preferentially used (unless C(j)/C(0) fails to decay enough before j reaches L).

There are much more robust methods for estimating the correlation length, but these methods are the simplest.

Optional arguments

The autocorrelation function C(j) typically decays as j increases. In addition to this decay of signal strength, there are often large fluctuations in the autocorrelation function C(j) for large values of j, due to increasingly poor sampling at large j. At some point, one must make a decision where to truncate C(j). You can either do this by manually specifying the maximum value of j (using the "domainwidth" argument to directly specify L), and/or by using a threshold cutoff ("-t").

-L domainwidth

You can manually specify L, the width of the domain of C(j), by supplying an integer as one of the command line arguments. This integer determines where the correlation function C(j) is truncated. (Values of C(j) for j>L will not be computed.) By default, L is determined by the point when C(j) decays to 1/e of its original value. But you can override this choice and force L to be any number in the range from 0 to N-1. Note that if "-t" argument is unspecified, then the correlation length will be estimated by computing the sum, Σ_j C(j) from j=0 to j=L, whenever "-L" is used. (Due to poor sampling at large L, this method for estimating the correlation length can be very sensitive to the choice of L, so it is not used by default.)

-t threshold

Again C(j) will typically decay as j increases. By default, ndautocrr to halt when C(j)/C(0) decays below some halt once C(j)/C(0) < threshold, where threshold is specified by the user. If unspecified, by default this threshold is 1/e, The choice of threshold may also effect the estimate of the correlation length. (Unless the "-L" argument is used, the correlation length is estimated by fitting of the autocorrelation function to a decaying exponential at the location where it crosses the threshold.)


This means subtract the average (⟨x⟩) before calculating the autocorrelation function C(j). (This is the default behavior.)


The "-avezero" argument allows you to force ⟨x⟩=0 when computing C(j). This can be useful if you are calculating the autocorrelation function of a sequence of data x whose average value you know should be zero. In most cases, the average x in your files will not to be zero due to limited sampling or bias in the input file. The "-avezero" argument can be useful in these situations.


If you pass the "-p" flag, then periodic boundary conditions are applied to the data. That means (in the simple case, for a single data set of length N) the autocorrelation function, C(j), is computed this way:

Here, "(i+j) % N" denotes the remainder after division by N. (N is the number of entries in that data set.) (As before, if multiple data sets are used, then we sum over all of them when performing the average.)


Report an additional column in the output file (after C(j)) storing the number of entries in the sum that was used to calculate C(j). (If there is only one data set, this is N-j, where "N" is the size of that data set. If multiple data sets were used, then this equals Σ_k max(0,N_k-j)), where Σ_k denotes the sum over k, and N_k denotes the number of entries in the kth data set.)


Report an additional column in the output file (after C(j)) storing the root-mean-squared value of (x(i)-⟨x⟩)⋅(x(i+j)-⟨x⟩), (considering various values of i, for a given j). (It is not clear to me whether this quantity is ever useful.)


Linux and Apple macOS:

cd src
source   #(Apple users may prefer using "" instead.)

(Note: If you are not using the bash shell, enter "bash" into the terminal beforehand.)

(Note: Apple users can install Xcode, which includes the clang compiler by default. Alternatively, brew can be used to install a wide range of compilers and build tools.)

Windows 10:

Install HyperV (with linux), or the Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) and run

sudo apt-get install build-essential

and then follow the instructions above. (Older windows users can install Cygwin or MinGW, or linux via virtualbox.)


ndautocrr is available under the terms of the MIT license.