- allows users to following each other after getting authorized
- allows users to creating blog posts
- allows users to access real-time news feed
- allows users to receive instant notifications
- used event driven architecture
- End to End test to all the api
Docker-compose is used for installing mongodb, elastic search, redis, kafka
you can build and run the container after cloning the repo by following command
docker compose up --build
you can install the dependencies of the api by running
pnpm install # pnpm must be in your path if not use npm
You have to need a env file to run the server and you have to keep the env file in config
just copy the .env.example
to .config/test.env
Then run
pnpm start
Finally go to other terminal and run
pnpm run consume # kafka consumer will subscripe to topics and handle the messages
Now the api server is ready
For Test you can run
npm test
kafkajs,nodejs redis client, nodejs elastic search client , mongoose, expressjs, typescript, jsonwebtoken
For Register
POST http://localhost:3025/api/v1/register
request body
"name": "jewel", "email": "jewel@gmail.com", "password": "1253"
For Login
POST http://localhost:3025/api/v1/login
request body
"email": "jewel@gmail.com", "password": "1253"
For following a User
POST http://localhost:3025/api/v1/me/follow
request body
"followeeEmail": "jewel@gmail.com",
Request Header
Authorization: bearer token