This is an QABot base on 'nonghangzhidao_filter.csv' from
The model are base on hunggingface's transformers
In this repo, the is the main script, train.csv and dev.csv are the dataset by cutting nonghangzhidao.csv.
If you want to repeat the repo, pls following steps:
pls install transformers first refering
To make it avaliable to run, I change 2 functions in transformers: '' - adding a line in convert_toknes_to_ids when len(ids)>max_len,so that it can auto cutdown the input sequence. '' - changing 'truncate_first_sequence' to False.
def convert_tokens_to_ids(self, tokens):
""" Converts a single token, or a sequence of tokens, (str/unicode) in a single integer id
(resp. a sequence of ids), using the vocabulary.
if tokens is None:
return None
if isinstance(tokens, str) or (six.PY2 and isinstance(tokens, unicode)):
return self._convert_token_to_id_with_added_voc(tokens)
ids = []
for token in tokens:
if len(ids) > self.max_len:
ids = ids[:self.max_len + 1] ## adding for sequence length cutdown(添加了这一行,并且注释掉了下面3行)
# logger.warning("Token indices sequence length is longer than the specified maximum sequence length "
# "for this model ({} > {}). Running this sequence through the model will result in "
# "indexing errors".format(len(ids), self.max_len))
return ids
inputs = tokenizer.encode_plus(
truncate_first_sequence=False ##True changing True to False # We're truncating the first sequence in priority
- cmd to start:
python --data_dir . \ ## 数据集的路径.我的train.csv和dev.csv都放到当前目录下了
--output_dir BERT2_output \ ## 输出结果的路径
--train_batch_size 4 \
--num_train_epochs 10 \
--max_seq_length 512 \ ##这个值可以调整
--warmup_steps 1 \ ## 这个值模型调优可以调,这个是learning rate 变化
--learning_rate 1e-5 \ ## 初始learning_rate,建议设置小一些,因为我用默认5e-5时,模型loss一路上升,acc 一路下降,估计模型已经飘了起来
--log_path lr1e5_epoch10_seq512_warm1 ## 这个是每次调参后保存的模型结果和train_loss_file.txt, eval_acc_file.txt,train_acc_file.txt. 方便后面对比
- results and analysis