To make the app, I used JavaScript, CSS, React, and Redux. I also utilized Postman and of course, the Petfinder API. I decided to revamp this project because I wanted to do so much more with it last time, and I loved the idea of being familiar with the API.
With the API set up already, the biggest obstacle I faced was passing state. I found it pretty easy to get lost with the multiple states I was working with. File structure was also an issue. I had decided to make the hamburger component seperately and I think this is what prevented me from hiding the menu on click in mobile. Aside from state, styling is always by biggest challenge. I'm quite proud of what I was able to produce here in vanilla CSS, and I'm glad I decided to stretch myself in this way. In order to run this app, you will need:- Navigate to the Petfinder API and click the “Get An API Key” button
- Create an account
- Once account is created, you can click “For Developers”
- Fill out the details of your project and what context you’ll be using the API for (personal, business, school, etc.) and click “Request a Key”
- The API key will display on the next page along with a “secret.” This is used to request private information, which I won’t go into as this project is focused on the frontend. You will need this secret to set up Postman for the bearer token.
- If you haven’t already, install Postman.
- Create a new request to match this screen shot (type in your own client ID (API Key) and secret:
- Click send and you should see an access token appear in the terminal (Note: This token expires every hour)