This repository containts an algorithm for collision avoidance between drones based on collision-free velocity assignment. The algorithm checks conflicts in a time windows in a centralized manner, assigning velocities that would avoid collsions in an optimal manner. The ROS package collision_free_vel
contains the implementation of the algorithm, while the package experiments
contains files to run simulations or actual experiments for testing and processing results.
- grvc-ual
- PX4 Firmware at tag v1.6.3 (if you want to run SITL simulations)
You can create a catkin workspace, clone the repository there and compile it:
mkdir -p [workspace]/src
cd [workspace]
git clone --recursive ./src
catkin build
A sample simulation without SITL can be run with:
roslaunch experiments simulation_light.launch
A sample simulation with the PX4 autopilot SITL can be run with:
roslaunch experiments simulation.launch
Run a central controller executing the collision avoidance algorithm with:
roslaunch collision_free_vel controller.launch
NOTE: Use configuration files in conf
folder to specify number of drones, heights and goal points.
Additionally, you can run a visualization node to publish markers for RVIZ:
roslaunch collision_free_vel visualization.launch