A CLI for restoring Age of Mythology: Retold .mythrec files into human readable formats, such as JSON. This is a replay parser.
This package was written so that the AoM community could have an easy to use, well-maintained tool for parsing rec files. It is also made so that aomstats.io can use it to parse rec files and extract even more stats (e.g., minor god choices and eAPM).
Heavily inspired by loggy's work for aom.gg and his proof of concept python parser. I am unabashedly using his work as a reference to build this package. Some portions may be direct copies.
To install the CLI you can download the latest release from the Releases page. The executables are created by the release.yaml GitHub Actions workflow and are built for Windows, Linux, and MacOS. Note that the executables are not signed in any sort of way, so you may need to allow them explicitly via your OS's security settings. The correct permissions may also not be set. Specifically on unix based systems you may need to run chmod +x restoration-<os>-<arch>
to make the file executable.
If you are a developer and have Go installed you can also build the CLI from source:
git clone https://github.com/jerkeeler/restoration
cd restoration
go build -o restoration
Or use go install
and add the binary to your path:
go install github.com/jerkeeler/restoration
restoration is a CLI tool and has good help documentation built in. For Windows users, this means you must run it from the command prompt. You can run restoration --help
to see the available commands and flags.
❯ ./restoration-darwin-arm64 help
A CLI parser of Age of Mythology: Retold .mythrec files. restoration's
main utility is parsing .mythrec files and output a large JSON file of the contents
to make the .mythrec more human readable and consumeable by other applications.
restoration [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
parse Parses .mythrec files to human-readable json
rename Renames all .mythrec (or .mythrec.gz) in a directory based on player names
-h, --help help for restoration
--is-gzip Indicates whether the input files are compressed with gzip
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
Use "restoration [command] --help" for more information about a command.
The parse command help:
❯ ./restoration-darwin-arm64 parse --help
Parses .mythrec files to human-readable json
restoration parse [flags]
-h, --help help for parse
-o, --output string Save the output JSON to the provided filepath
--pretty-print Pretty print the output JSON
-q, --quiet Quiet mode, no output to standard output
--slim Slim mode, don't output game commands
--stats Stats mode, add stats to the output, you cannot use this with slim mode
Global Flags:
--is-gzip Indicates whether the input files are compressed with gzip
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
The rename command help:
❯ ./restoration-darwin-arm64 rename --help
This command will rename replay files in a directory based on the player names in the .mythrec file.
Only files ending in .mthyrec (or .mythrec.gz if the is-gzip flag is set) will be renamed. All other files will
be ignored. This will override the existing files in the directory.
You can optionally provide a prefix and/or suffix that will be added to the renamed files.
restoration rename [directory] [flags]
-h, --help help for rename
--prefix string Prefix to add to renamed files
--suffix string Suffix to add to renamed files (before the extension)
Global Flags:
--is-gzip Indicates whether the input files are compressed with gzip
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
Example output running the parse command in a slim mode and pretty printed:
./restoration-darwin-arm64 parse IamMagic_vs_TAG_RecoN.mythrec.gz --is-gzip --slim --pretty-print
"MapName": "alfheim",
"BuildNumber": 512899,
"BuildString": "AoMRT_s.exe 512899 //stream/Athens/stable",
"ParsedAt": "2025-01-13T15:05:00.554616-05:00",
"ParserVersion": "0.1.0",
"GameLengthSecs": 1381.1,
"GameSeed": 31019,
"WinningTeam": 0,
"GameOptions": {
"gameaivsai": false,
"gameallowaiassist": false,
"gameallowcheats": false,
"gameallowtitans": true,
"gameblockade": false,
"gameconquest": false,
"gamecontrolleronly": false,
"gamefreeforall": false,
"gameismpcoop": false,
"gameismpscenario": false,
"gamekoth": false,
"gameludicrousmode": false,
"gamemaprecommendedsettings": false,
"gamemilitaryautoqueue": false,
"gamenomadstart": false,
"gameonevsall": false,
"gameregicide": false,
"gamerestored": false,
"gamerestrictpause": true,
"gamermdebug": false,
"gamestorymode": false,
"gamesuddendeath": false,
"gameteambalanced": false,
"gameteamlock": true,
"gameteamsharepop": false,
"gameteamshareres": false,
"gameteamvictory": false,
"gameusedenforcedagesettings": false
"Players": [
"PlayerNum": 1,
"TeamId": 0,
"Name": "IamMagic",
"ProfileId": 1073764190,
"Color": 1,
"RandomGod": false,
"God": "Gaia",
"Winner": true,
"EAPM": 118.07979147056695,
"MinorGods": ["Oceanus", "Theia", "Atlas"]
"PlayerNum": 2,
"TeamId": 1,
"Name": "TAG_RecoN",
"ProfileId": 1073796204,
"Color": 2,
"RandomGod": false,
"God": "Zeus",
"Winner": false,
"EAPM": 77.19933386431106,
"MinorGods": ["Athena", "Apollo", "Hera"]
"GameCommands": null
Game commands will be a long list that looks like the following when not in slim mode:
"GameCommands": [
"GameTimeSecs": 8.35,
"CommandType": "build",
"PlayerNum": 1,
"Value": "EconomicGuild"
"GameTimeSecs": 18.9,
"CommandType": "build",
"PlayerNum": 2,
"Value": "Storehouse"
"GameTimeSecs": 21,
"CommandType": "godPower",
"PlayerNum": 1,
"Value": "GaiaForest"
"GameTimeSecs": 22.05,
"CommandType": "research",
"PlayerNum": 1,
"Value": "Pickaxe"
"GameTimeSecs": 128.6,
"CommandType": "autoqueue",
"PlayerNum": 2,
"Value": "VillagerGreek"
"GameTimeSecs": 143.2,
"CommandType": "train",
"PlayerNum": 2,
"Value": "Jason"
- There is no automated testing, currently, and there may be many bugs.
- Currently this tool only supports 1v1 games, team games are in the workds.
- This only works for multiplayer games and has only been tested on ranked game replays.
- Not all command types are currently paresd and stored in the output JSON, if you have a request for a specific command type please open an issue.
- There are currently no stats calculations and a bunch of metadata flags
- Add support for team games
- Sort of done, but half baked
- Add refiners for all command types
- Add stats calculation
- Add testing
- Only
go fmt
go code will be accepted - If you are adding a new command, ensure that sufficient documentation is added
- A general rule of thumb is that a
function is working on the underlying byte slice and everything else is using data that has been marshalled into a coherent data structure - Anyone is open to contributing to this repo, just open a PR and I will review it
- Always use
and never usefmt.Println
- Be liberal with
- Be liberal with
- Keep the output from the
command clean, it should only be JSON. Ideally one can then take the standard output and pipe it into a file or any other tool (such asjq
).- For example you could get the mapname and winners using this jq string:
jq '{map: .MapName, players: [.Players[] | {name: .Name, winner: .Winner}]}' test.json
- For example you could get the mapname and winners using this jq string: