A simple PHP class to output the status of a loop into the standard out via the "echo"-function. The functionality is tested by PHPUnit.
LoopTracker allows you to track the progress via a very handy call:
LoopTracker::track('My loop title', count($total_items_to_iterate));
There's also a third parameter to pass, which sets the numbers of items which will be processed by one iteration. Default is "1".
So if you process 20 items per iteration, use the following line:
LoopTracker::track('My loop title', count($total_items_to_iterate), 20);
The full code of the loop looks like so (copied from the PHPUnit testing):
for ($i = 0; $i <= 100; ++$i) {
LoopTracker::track('One Item per Iteration Loop Tracker PHPUnit Test', 100);
Of course you can do different things in your loop, than just track the loop.
Afterwards you get informative messages into your console output as such:
Processing "One Item per Iteration Loop Tracker PHPUnit Test"
1 of 100 / 1% / elapsed seconds: 0
Processing "One Item per Iteration Loop Tracker PHPUnit Test"
2 of 100 / 2% / elapsed seconds: 0
Processing "One Item per Iteration Loop Tracker PHPUnit Test"
99 of 100 / 99% / elapsed seconds: 0
Processing "One Item per Iteration Loop Tracker PHPUnit Test"
100 of 100 / 100% / elapsed seconds: 0
Finish at: 16:45:15 - 28.06.15
Start was: 16:45:15 - 28.06.15
LoopTracker can be installed with Composer or downloaded manually.
If you're already using Composer, just add jepster/loop-tracker
to your composer.json
LoopTracker works with Composer's autoloader out of the bat.
"require": {
"jepster/loop-tracker": "dev-master"
If you aren't using Composer, you just need to include lib/LoopTracker.php
in your script.
You need PHPUnit installed to run the tests. Configuration is defined in phpunit.xml.dist. Running the tests is easy: