Final Project for MTH 698 - Jennefer Maldonado
Simulation code for differential equation SEIRS (Susceptible - Exposed - Infectious - Recovered - Susceptible) model.
In the past two years we have been faced with the COVID-19 pandemic. It has taken away millions of lives worldwide and impacted the health of many as time has passed. Differential equations are used to find the rate of change among populations. The idea of using differential equations to determine the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic is important to aid in the safety of others but also determine scenarios of public health. We could see a scenario where a large percentage of the population is getting sick, in turn raising death or recovery rates. We could also see a scenario where a large percentage of the population is not becoming infected, thus lowering the percentage of those in the hospital and lowering death rates. The best way to do this is by simulation. Writing numerical methods allows for these numbers to be updated to model what we are seeing in the real world. This allows epidemiologists and others to let the general public know what the near future could look like.
The goal was to understand if a system as complex as this could be studied using Euler's Method. Some graphs are shown below and the presentation is uploaded to this repository.