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Team Profile Generator

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Node.js command line application that accepts user-inputted information about employees (manager, engineers, interns) and outputs to an HTML file that displays team profiles.

User Story

AS A manager
I WANT to generate a webpage that displays my team's basic info
SO THAT I have quick access to their emails and GitHub profiles


  1. Install latest version of node.js
  2. Clone this repo
  3. Open your favorite Terminal application
  4. Navigate to the cloned repo folder
  5. Run npm i
  6. Run npm install inquirer
  7. Run node index.js to start the team profile generator in your Terminal
  8. Follow instructions in the command line
  9. An HTML file will generate in the dist folder in the repository directory.


Link to Demo Video

demo gif


Link to GitHub Repository

Contact Info

My GitHub Username is jenniwritescode. Please contact me via email with additional questions.


License: MIT