I wrote an Application that fetches the weather based on the location associated with your IP-Address and displays images matching you current weather description.
I used Svelte, OpenWeather, Unsplash and Netlify.
Check the site.
Sometimes you just can't be bothered to look out the window.
And sometimes you still want to know What's the weather like?
Also I really wanted to check out Svelte.
Local server
npm run dev
Netlify development server including lambda functions
netlify dev
Build for production use
npm run build
Happens on push to master. APIs are integrated using Netlify Functions which is a wrapper for AWS Lambdas. I did this to not display the used credentials.
And also I can now tick off Serverless Functions from my hype list.
- Make responsible
- Smoother loading effect
- Add proper error handling
- Cleanup code
- Cleanup styling