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Update appium client 9 0 0 #1178

Update appium client 9 0 0

Update appium client 9 0 0 #1178

Workflow file for this run

# This workflow will build a Java project with Maven
# For more information see:
name: JDI auto-tests
WITH_PARAMS: "-ntp -Ddriver=chrome" # for Chrome: "-ntp -Ddriver=chrome", for FF: "-ntp -Ddriver=firefox"
UNIT: "-Punit"
COMMON: "-Pcommon"
COMPLEX: "-Pcomplex"
PERF: "-Pperformance"
FUNC: "-Pfunctional"
GROUP_ID: "com.epam.jdi"
NOPO_TESTS: "jdi-bdd-no-po-tests"
NOPO_TESTS_PROPERTY: "test-examples/jdi-bdd-no-po-tests"
BDD_TESTS: "jdi-bdd-tests"
BOOTSTRAP_TESTS: "jdi-light-bootstrap-tests"
HTML_TESTS: "jdi-light-html-tests"
VUETIFY_TESTS: "jdi-light-vuetify-tests"
# ANGULAR_TESTS: "jdi-light-angular-tests"
# ANGULAR_TESTS_WITH_MOCKS: "jdi-light-angular-tests-with-mocks"
EXAMPLES: "jdi-light-examples"
EXAMPLES_PROPERTY: "test-examples/jdi-light-examples"
PERFORMANCE: "jdi-performance"
MATERIAL_UI: "jdi-light-material-ui-tests"
PERFORMANCE_PROPERTY: "test-examples/jdi-performance"
CHROME_ARGS: "--no-sandbox --headless --disable-dev-shm-usage --disable-gpu --window-size=1920,1080 --remote-allow-origins=*"
FIREFOX_ARGS: "-headless"
SUREFIRE_ARGS: "--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED"
SUREFIRE_ARGS_BDD: "--add-opens java.base/java.lang=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens java.base/java.util=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.lang.reflect=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.base/java.text=ALL-UNNAMED --add-opens=java.desktop/java.awt.font=ALL-UNNAMED"
- master
- master
types: # This configuration does not affect the page_build event above
- created
name: Tests on JDK
runs-on: ubuntu-20.04
fail-fast: false
java: [11, 15, 17, 18] # all [11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 21]
- uses: actions/checkout@v3
- name: Set up JDK ${{ }}
uses: actions/setup-java@v3
java-version: ${{ }}
java-package: jdk
distribution: 'zulu'
cache: 'maven'
- name: Prepare environment
run: |
sudo apt install zip
java -Xmx32m -version
ls -lah
# run cann't start from comment
# curl -o allure-${ALLURE_VERSION}.tgz -Ls${ALLURE_VERSION}/allure-${ALLURE_VERSION}.tgz
- name: Install Allure
run: |
sudo tar -zxvf allure.tgz -C /opt/
sudo ln -s /opt/allure-${ALLURE_VERSION}/bin/allure /usr/bin/allure
allure --version
# - name: Install Netlify
# run: sudo npm install -g netlify-cli
- name: Welcome to JDI
run: |
echo ------------------- WELCOME TO JDI -----------------------
mvn --version
- name: Prepare configs
run: |
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${BDD_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${BDD_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${BOOTSTRAP_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${BOOTSTRAP_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${HTML_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${HTML_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${EXAMPLES_PROPERTY}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${EXAMPLES_PROPERTY}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${PERFORMANCE_PROPERTY}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${PERFORMANCE_PROPERTY}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${MATERIAL_UI}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${MATERIAL_UI}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$CHROME_ARGS > "./${VUETIFY_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${CHROME_PROPERTIES}"
echo arguments=$FIREFOX_ARGS > "./${VUETIFY_TESTS}/src/test/resources/${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES}"
- name: Compile jdi code
id: jdi-compile
run: mvn -ntp install -DskipTests -Dsource.skip -Dmaven.source.skip -Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true
# ========== steps before required for all tasks ==================
- name: Tests BDD
id: tests-bdd
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 30 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} -pl $GROUP_ID:$BDD_TESTS --fail-at-end
- name: Tests BDD Firefox
id: tests-bdd-firefox
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 30 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify -ntp -Ddriver=firefox -Dcucumber.filter.tags="not @ignore_for_firefox" -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} -pl $GROUP_ID:$BDD_TESTS --fail-at-end
##### Example for original allure data upload
# - name: 'Upload BDD results'
# uses: actions/upload-artifact@v2
# with:
# name: bdd-results-sdk${{ }}
# path: ./${BDD_TESTS}/target/allure-results/
# retention-days: 1
- name: Tests bootstrap Unit
id: tests-bootstrap
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 20 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} -pl $GROUP_ID:$BOOTSTRAP_TESTS --fail-at-end
# - name: Run tests - Angular Unit tests
# id: tests-angular-unit
# if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
# timeout-minutes: 40 # prevent blocking
# continue-on-error: true
# run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} $UNIT -pl $GROUP_ID:$ANGULAR_TESTS --fail-at-end
# - name: Run tests - Angular Common tests
# id: tests-angular-common
# if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
# timeout-minutes: 30 # prevent blocking
# continue-on-error: true
# run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} $COMMON -pl $GROUP_ID:$ANGULAR_TESTS --fail-at-end
# - name: Run tests - Angular Complex tests
# id: tests-angular-complex
# if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
# timeout-minutes: 60 # prevent blocking
# continue-on-error: true
# run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} $COMPLEX -pl $GROUP_ID:$ANGULAR_TESTS --fail-at-end
- name: Run tests - HTML functional
id: tests-html-func
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 90 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} $FUNC -pl $GROUP_ID:$HTML_TESTS --fail-at-end
- name: Run tests - HTML performance
id: tests-html-perf
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 90 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} $PERF -pl $GROUP_ID:$HTML_TESTS --fail-at-end
- name: Run tests - Test Examples
id: tests-examples
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 20 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} -pl $GROUP_ID:$EXAMPLES --fail-at-end
- name: Run tests - Material UI
id: tests-material-ui
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 40 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} $FUNC -pl $GROUP_ID:$MATERIAL_UI --fail-at-end
- name: Run tests - Vuetify
id: tests-vuetify
if: ${{ steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success' }}
continue-on-error: true
timeout-minutes: 30 # prevent blocking
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} -pl $GROUP_ID:$VUETIFY_TESTS --fail-at-end
- name: Run tests - Performance
id: tests-perf
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
timeout-minutes: 20 # prevent blocking
continue-on-error: true
run: mvn verify $WITH_PARAMS -Dchrome.capabilities.path=${CHROME_PROPERTIES} -Dff.capabilities.path=${FIREFOX_PROPERTIES} -pl $GROUP_ID:$PERFORMANCE --fail-at-end
- name: Collect reports
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
run: |
echo --------------- Collecting Allure Reports.... ------------------
sudo chmod +x
printAllureSummary ${{ }}
zip -r ./allure-report/
- name: 'Upload allure report'
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
uses: actions/upload-artifact@v3
name: allure-report-jdk${{ }}
path: ./
retention-days: 1
- name: 'All statuses of the tests'
if: steps.jdi-compile.outcome == 'success'
run: |
echo BDD tests result: ${{ steps.tests-bdd.outcome }}
echo BDD Firefox tests result: ${{ steps.tests-bdd-firefox.outcome }}
echo HTML tests result: ${{ steps.tests-html-func.outcome }}
echo Example tests result: ${{ steps.tests-examples.outcome }}
echo Material ui tests result: ${{ steps.tests-material-ui.outcome }}
echo HTML Performance tests result: ${{ steps.tests-html-perf.outcome }}
echo Performance tests result: ${{ steps.tests-perf.outcome }}
echo Vuetify tests result: ${{ steps.tests-vuetify.outcome }}
- name: Check BDD are passed
if: ${{ steps.tests-bdd.outcome != 'success' || steps.tests-bdd-firefox.outcome != 'success' }}
run: |
echo BDD tests result: ${{ steps.tests-bdd.outcome }}
echo BDD Firefox tests result: ${{ steps.tests-bdd-firefox.outcome }}
exit 1
- name: Check Bootstrap are passed
if: ${{ steps.tests-bootstrap.outcome != 'success' }}
run: |
echo bootstrap tests result: ${{ steps.tests-bootstrap.outcome }}
exit 1
- name: Check html tests are passed
if: ${{ steps.tests-html-func.outcome != 'success' || steps.tests-examples.outcome != 'success' }}
run: |
echo HTML tests result: ${{ steps.tests-html-func.outcome }}
echo Example tests result: ${{ steps.tests-examples.outcome }}
exit 1
- name: Check Material-ui tests are passed
if: ${{ steps.tests-material-ui.outcome != 'success' }}
run: |
echo Material ui tests result: ${{ steps.tests-material-ui.outcome }}
exit 1
# - name: Check angular tests are passed
# if: ${{ steps.tests-angular-common.outcome != 'success' }}
# for full angular should be
# if: ${{ steps.tests-angular-unit.outcome != 'success' || steps.tests-angular-common.outcome != 'success' || steps.tests-angular-complex.outcome != 'success' }}
# echo Angular Complex tests result: ${{ steps.tests-angular-complex.outcome }}
# echo Angular Unit tests result: ${{ steps.tests-angular-unit.outcome }}
# run: |
# echo Angular Common tests result: ${{ steps.tests-angular-common.outcome }}
# exit 1
- name: Check performance tests are passed
if: ${{ steps.tests-html-perf.outcome != 'success' || steps.tests-perf.outcome != 'success' }}
run: |
echo HTML Performance tests result: ${{ steps.tests-html-perf.outcome }}
echo Performance tests result: ${{ steps.tests-perf.outcome }}
exit 1
- name: Check Vuetify tests are passed
if: ${{ steps.tests-vuetify.outcome != 'success' }}
run: |
echo Vuetify tests result: ${{ steps.tests-vuetify.outcome }}
exit 1