Note that all webapps are not required.
You could just start with the viewer alone or the viewer and proxy + cas if you need an authentication system. Or viewer + cas + proxy + geoserver ... and add other modules later when required.
Once your system is ready, collect WAR files in a dedicated directory and rename them:
mkdir -p /tmp/georchestra
cd /tmp/georchestra
cp `find ~/.m2/repository/ -name "*-${VERSION}.war"` ./
cp ~/.m2/repository/org/geonetwork-opensource/web-app/3.0.4-SNAPSHOT/web-app-3.0.4-SNAPSHOT.war ./
mv security-proxy-${VERSION}.war ROOT.war
mv analytics-${VERSION}.war analytics.war
mv cas-server-webapp-${VERSION}.war cas.war
mv geoserver-webapp-${VERSION}.war geoserver.war
mv console-${VERSION}.war console.war
mv header-${VERSION}.war header.war
mv web-app-3.0.4-SNAPSHOT.war geonetwork.war
Optionally, if you do not plan to use GeoServer's integrated GeoWebCache, you can deploy a standalone version:
mv geowebcache-webapp-${VERSION}.war geowebcache.war
Finally, dispatch geOrchestra webapps into your 3 Tomcat instances:
sudo service tomcat-proxycas stop
sudo mv /tmp/georchestra/ROOT.war /var/lib/tomcat-proxycas/webapps
sudo mv /tmp/georchestra/cas.war /var/lib/tomcat-proxycas/webapps
sudo service tomcat-proxycas start
sudo service tomcat-geoserver0 stop
sudo mv /tmp/georchestra/geoserver.war /var/lib/tomcat-geoserver0/webapps
sudo service tomcat-geoserver0 start
sudo service tomcat-georchestra stop
sudo mv /tmp/georchestra/* /var/lib/tomcat-georchestra/webapps
sudo service tomcat-georchestra start
Instead of copying the webapps to the tomcat instances, it is possible to symlink them. Tomcat is smart enough to detect when the link target is updated, and redeploy it on the fly.
However, this requires the build process to happen on the production host (or a NFS mount).
sudo service tomcat-proxycas stop
cd /var/lib/tomcat-proxycas/webapps
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/security-proxy/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/security-proxy-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war ROOT.war
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/cas-server-webapp/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/cas-server-webapp-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war cas.war
sudo service tomcat-proxycas start
sudo service tomcat-geoserver stop
cd /var/lib/tomcat-geoserver/webapps
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/geoserver-webapp/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/geoserver-webapp-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war geoserver.war
sudo service tomcat-geoserver start
sudo service tomcat-georchestra stop
cd /var/lib/tomcat-georchestra/webapps
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/analytics/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/analytics-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war analytics.war
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/geonetwork-opensource/web-app/3.0.4-SNAPSHOT/web-app-3.0.4-SNAPSHOT.war geonetwork.war
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/console/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/console-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war console.war
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/header/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/header-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war header.war
sudo ln -s ~/.m2/repository/org/georchestra/geowebcache-webapp/${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT/geowebcache-webapp-${VERSION}-SNAPSHOT.war geowebcache.war
sudo service tomcat-georchestra start
You should first check the webapps are working as expected. Once you've checked, there's a quick post-deploy configuration step that is highly recommended.