Solution for a challenge from
This application/site was created as a submission to a DevChallenges challenge. The challenge was to build an application to complete the given user stories. Note: The previous design document may be incomplete, as you need to find an archived version of the challenge as all legacy
challenges have had their documentation removed from DevChallenges.
- Probably could have avoided using date-fns but I wanted to look into it more as it is extremely popular.
- First time using Interweave, it was recommended in this stack overflow post. I think it fit perfectly here and it is really simple to use.
- I added the job description to the post itself vs adding react-router and crafting a detail page component.
- The Muse Jobs API has gone public (no api key) and it helped me approximate the intended devchallenge design.
- Couldn't add all the search variables to one api request. While level and location can be null, company and category cannot. Without a page element, you get no response at all.
- I thought about adding category at one point but ultimately, I left it out.
- I added a matching object for the company values so I wouldn't have a problem when sending the request.
- I used JavaScript to get all the select values from the muse website and formatted it with online formatter. When you grab it, every value is on its own line.
- The Muse docs have all accepted values listed.
- I kinda faked the pagination at the bottom. I don't have the numbers update (if you go past page 10) and the ellipsis doesn't bring up an input to type a specific page number. It would be better to visually indicate what page you are on. Might require state.
- Problems if you search for same company in different locations
- Global state management might be necessary to clean up and fix issues.
- Blog - fetch with async and await
- Stack Overflow - format date with date-fns
- Stack Overflow - parsing user input string for search
- Stack Overflow - alternative to dangerouslysetinnerhtml
- PluralSight - radio buttons in react
- Blog - case insensitive includes
- Github - sr only implementation