37 commits
to develop
since this release
For macOS users: Please follow these instructions:
JCrypTool currently does not sign its weekly releases with a key that is known to Apple. As a consequence, the application may be flagged as not trustworthy. To run this release under macOS, do:
- Dowload the JCrypTool and extract the .tar.gz file by double clicking it.
- Open a "terminal" window (in Finder: Menu "Finder → Service → New terminal in folder"; or press "Control-Option-Command-T" while selecting the folder from its parent folder). Enter the following command there:
sudo xattr -r -d com.apple.quarantine ~/Downloads/jcryptool.app
(assuming you extracted JCrypTool directly in the folder "Downloads"; otherwise, adapt the command accordingly. The .app
file ending should be kept.)
Then, start the extracted app by double-clicking the file "jcryptool.app".
These steps only have to be done this once — the next times JCrypTool ist started they are not necessary.