Test your knowledge of video games with this 10 question trivia game!
Link to the site: https://jcqlng.github.io/Gamer-Trivia/
This application is a video game themed trivia questionnaire. The user will have 30 seconds per question to finish the quiz. The game ends when the time runs out and the page will reveal the number of questions that users answer correctly and incorrectly. The user is allowed to pick only one answer per question. If the user answer incorrectly, the app will display a message like "oh no you got it wrong! The correct answer was" and show the giphy of the correct video game reference. If out of time it will alert you that you are and tally it under the "un-answered" section of your score.
The goal of the application is to utilize my skills in JavaScript for the logic and jQuery to manipulate HTML.
- July 31,2020 -- When the user completes the game, I noticed the counter would reset to 0 which gave the user no time to answer thus having an automatic loss. I went in the app.js file, looked at my reset function and it was in fact set to 0. I changed it to 30 seconds and it officially worked!
// resets the game
reset: function(){
game.currentQuestion = 0;
game.counter = 30;
game.correct = 0;
game.incorrect = 0;
game.unAnswered = 0;
For assistance on loading question function
For assistance on functions for jQuery
Assistance with countdown timer
For click function issues:
- For help with the trivia questions:
- Resources for the .gif images :