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omnikdatalogger PyPI version

The script and supporting files can be used intercept your inverters data messages. See the comments in the example shell script enand the config.ini example about how to use them. Good luck with them. The output can be processed with omnikdatalogger for output to pvoutput, mqtt, influxdb and integration with Home Assistant.

Install using pip

sudo pip3 install omnikdataloggerproxy

The supporting files are installed at the folder /usr/local/share/omnikdataloggerproxy/

Command line

usage: [-h] --serialnumber SERIALNUMBER [SERIALNUMBER ...]
                           [--settings FILE  Path to .yaml configuration file]
                           [--section  Section to .yaml configuration file to use. Defaults to the first section found.]
                           [--config FILE  Path to configuration file (ini) (DECREPATED!)]
                           [--loglevel LOGLEVEL]
                           [--listenaddress LISTENADDRESS]
                           [--listenport LISTENPORT]
                           [--omniklogger OMNIKLOGGER]
                           [--omnikloggerport OMNIKLOGGERPORT]
                           [--mqtt_host MQTT_HOST] [--mqtt_port MQTT_PORT]
                           [--mqtt_retain MQTT_RETAIN]
                           [--mqtt_discovery_prefix MQTT_DISCOVERY_PREFIX]
                           [--mqtt_client_name_prefix MQTT_CLIENT_NAME_PREFIX]
                           [--mqtt_username MQTT_USERNAME]
                           [--mqtt_password MQTT_PASSWORD]
                           [--mqtt_device_name MQTT_DEVICE_NAME]
                           [--mqtt_logger_sensor_name MQTT_LOGGER_SENSOR_NAME]
                           [--mqtt_tls MQTT_TLS]
                           [--mqtt_ca_certs MQTT_CA_CERTS]
                           [--mqtt_client_cert MQTT_CLIENT_CERT]
                           [--mqtt_client_key MQTT_CLIENT_KEY]

Configuration file

The proxy parameters will fallback to the config.yaml in under key omnikdatalogger->proxy. Specify a configfile using the --config option. This way it easier tot run omnikdatalogger proxy as a docker container.

NOTE: The use of config.ini will is decrepated and config.yaml replaces config.ini.

    - serial1232323
key optional type default description
serialnumber False list [] List of serialnumbers of the inverters supported
loglevel True string INFO The basic loglevel [DEBUG, INFO, WARNING, ERROR, CRITICAL]
listenaddress True string A local available address to listen to
listenport True int 10004 The local port to listen to
omniklogger True string None Forward to an address omnik/SolarmanPV datalogger server listens to. Set this to as final forwarder.
listenport True int 10004 The port the omnik/SolarmanPV datalogger server listens to.

You can use the mqtt based client of omnikdatalogger localproxy.hassapi. You need to specify mqtt_host to activate this feature and specify all needed attributes.

Config file settings will overrule the command line settings. The MQTT parameters will fallback to the settings in the section output.mqtt:. Specify a config file using the --settings (or --config) option. For details see the Omnik Data Logger

There are example config files included:

MQTT configuration

Omnikdatalogger proxy supports forwarding using MQTT. The Omnikdatalogger mqtt_proxy and hassapi plugin (localproxy client) can use the data published by Omnikdataloggerproxy. The MQTT can also be read from the config.yaml file under key omnikdatalogger->proxy.

    discovery_prefix: homeassistant
key optional type default description
discovery_prefix True string 'homeassistant' The mqtt plugin supports MQTT auto discovery with Home Assistant. The discovery_prefix configures the topic prefix Home Assistant listens to for auto discovery.
device_name True string 'Datalogger proxy' Omnik data logger proxy only setting. Overrides the name of the datalogger.
logger_sensor_name True string 'Datalogger' Omnik data logger proxy only setting. Overrides the name of the datalogger datalogger sensor entity.
append_plant_id True bool False When a device_name is specified the plant id can be added to the name te be able to identify the plant.
host True string localhost Hostname or fqdn of the MQTT server for publishing.
port True integer 1883 MQTT port to be used.
retain True bool True Retains the data send to the MQTT service
client_name_prefix True string 'ha-mqtt-omniklogger' Defines a prefix that is used as client name. A 4 byte uuid is added to ensure an unique ID.
username False string (none) The MQTT username used for authentication
password False string (none) The MQTT password used for authentication
tls True bool False Secures the connection to the MQTT service, the MQTT server side needs a valid certificate
ca_certs True string (none) File path to a file containing alternative CA's. If not configure the systems default CA is used
client_cert True string (none) File path to a file containing a PEM encoded client certificate
client_key True string (none) File path to a file containing a PEM encoded client private key

Using Docker

Run the docker container

The config files for omnikdataloggerproxy in the container will be will /config/config.yaml (settings), or if you would like to use the config.ini /config/config.ini.

The following command will pull the Docker image, mount the config.yaml (in the root of the container) and create the Docker container.

$ docker run --name omnikdataloggerproxy -d -v ${PWD}/config.yaml:/config.yaml -p 10004:10004 --name omnikdataloggerproxy --restart unless-stopped jbouwh/omnikdataloggerproxy:latest

I also added a docker-compose.yml that can be used. Run it at the folder where your config.yaml file resites. It is still possible to use config.ini files as well. This option is decrepated now.

So, doing exactly the same ... but using docker-compose:

$ docker-compose -f /path/to/docker-compose.yml up -d

Prearing to run script (manual install)

On upgrades it might be necessary to reinstall pip and paho-mqtt. Make sure you chack on this after an update for your Synology.

Now take the following steps:

  • Place the script, the bash script ( and config.ini_example.txt to a folder that will not be affected by upgrades. E.g. /volume1/someshare/yourscriptfolder.
  • Rename config.ini_example.txt to config.ini and configure settings.
  • check the commandline settings in the shell script.
  • Try to execute the script to test if it is working. (You can use task plannel later to start the script at boot automatically as activated task)
  • The lines to configure iptables should run as root. The omnikproxylogger script works at userlevel too.
  • On your internet router/gateway, set up a static route for to your synology.
  • Configure MQTT to forward the data to be able to use the localproxy plugin with hassapi or mqtt_proxy.

You can forward the logger trafic to the omnik servers, but if you rerouted yhe traffic for you need to forward to a linux server elswere in the internet.

Running omnikdataloggerproxy as a service on a Debian based system

You can find the following sample service config at /usr/local/share/omnikdataloggerproxy/omnikdatalogggerproxy.service after installing pip3 install omnikdataloggerproxy as root.

Description=Omnik datalogger proxy
ExecStart=/usr/local/bin/ --serialnumber NLDN123456789012 --listenaddress --omniklogger --omnikloggerport 10004

The template service file shows a forwarding only setup.

To setup omnikdatalogger proxy as root do:

  • Create a config folder and copy the sample service script:
    • cd /etc/
    • mkdir omnikdataloggerproxy
    • cp /usr/local/share/omnikdataloggerproxy/omnikdatalogggerproxy.config .
  • Update User and serialnumber in the script omnikdatalogggerproxy.config using your favorite editor.
    • nano omnikdatalogggerproxy.config
  • Link the script to systemd: to ln -s /etc/omnikdataloggerproxy/omnikdatalogggerproxy.service /etc/systemd/system/omnikdatalogggerproxy.service
  • Enable the service: systemctl enable omnikdatalogggerproxy
  • Start the service: systemctl start omnikdatalogggerproxy
  • check if the service is running: systemctl status omnikdatalogggerproxy

After some time the logging should show something similar like this:

# systemctl status omnikdataloggerproxy
● omnikdataloggerproxy.service - Omnik datalogger proxy
   Loaded: loaded (/etc/omnikdataloggerproxy/omnikdataloggerproxy.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)
   Active: active (running) since Sun 2020-06-21 13:33:21 CEST; 16min ago
 Main PID: 28182 (omnikloggerprox)
    Tasks: 4 (limit: 4915)
   Memory: 9.8M
   CGroup: /system.slice/omnikdataloggerproxy.service
           └─28182 /usr/bin/python3 /usr/local/bin/ --serialnumber NLDN123456789012 --listenaddress --omniklogger --omnikloggerport 10004

Jun 21 13:33:22 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Forwarding succesful.
Jun 21 13:38:33 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Processing message for inverter 'NLDN123456789012'
Jun 21 13:38:33 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: 2020-06-21 13:38:33.795477 Forwarding to omnik logger ""
Jun 21 13:38:33 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Forwarding succesful.
Jun 21 13:43:38 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Processing message for inverter 'NLDN123456789012'
Jun 21 13:43:38 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: 2020-06-21 13:43:38.937148 Forwarding to omnik logger ""
Jun 21 13:43:38 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Forwarding succesful.
Jun 21 13:48:50 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Processing message for inverter 'NLDN123456789012'
Jun 21 13:48:50 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: 2020-06-21 13:48:50.194599 Forwarding to omnik logger ""
Jun 21 13:48:50 alpha[28182]: omnikloggerproxy: Forwarding succesful.

The log shows when messages were forwarded.