==== This is the firmware for the Maslow CNC Router
First clone the Firmware repository, then install and setup the IDE of your choice.
- Download Arduino IDE 1.8.1 or higher
- Install Arduino IDE and run Arduino IDE
- Navigate menus: File, Open
- In the file chooser navigate to the cloned repository and choose the "cnc_ctrl_v1.ino" file to open
- Navigate menu: Tools, Board, change to "Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560"
- Navigate menu: Verify/Compile
This should compile the project without errors, and possibly some warnings.
Download package for Atom
Follow directions for installing PlatformIO within Atom
Within Atom navigate menus: PlatformIO, Open Project Folder...
Select "Firmware" directory
Select menu: PlatformIO, Initialize or Update PlatformIO Project
Select Board: Adruino Mega or Mega 2560 ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)
Click the "Process" button, this creates a platformio.ini file with PlatformIO settings
Edit the platformio.ini file by adding these lines:
src_dir = cnc_ctrl_v1
Save the platformio.ini, wait for Atom to reload the project automatically
Select menu: PlatformIO, Build
The reason for the editing of the platformio.ini is because the default location for code files is a "src" directory. To override this default and stay compatible with the Arduino IDE this fix must be made.
TODO: Not ready for consumption yet, creating a new sketch creates a default ino file, and does not appear to use the imported folder's, need to figure out how to use the Firmware's ino file, and not the default. Leaving these steps as most will not change.
- Download Eclipse C/C++ Neon or higher
- Install Eclipse C/C++ and run Eclipse
- Install Sloeber Arduino plugin
- Navigate menus: Help, Install New Software...
- Copy this URL in the "Work With" field: http://eclipse.baeyens.it/update/V4/stable
- Select "Add" button
- Select "Sloeber Arduino IDE" check box
- Select "Finish" button
- Accept defaults and accept licenses, the plugin will restart Eclipse, and configure the plugin
- Change to Arduino perspective, navigate menus: Window, Perspective, Open Perspective, Other...
- Choose the "Arduino" perspective and select "Ok" button
- Create an Arduino project
- Navigate menus: File, New, New Arduino Sketch
- Project Name: cnc_ctrl_v1
- Select "Next" button
- Select appropriate item from "Platform folder" drop down listing
- Select Board: Arduino/Genuino Mega or Mega 2560
- Select Upload Protocol: Default
- Select Processor: ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)
- Select "Finish" button
- Select project folder, navigate menus: File, Import...
- Expand "Arduino" and select "Import a folder containing source code in the current project"
- Select "Next" button
- Select the "Browse" button to select the source location (location of the cloned repository cnc_ctrl_v1 directory)
- Select "Finish" button