is written in Haskell, using the stack
To build from sources, or develop I'm using ghc
8.10.4, cabal
: 3.2 and stack
: 2.7.1; though I reckon later version should work just as well.
The source code was scaffolding with RIO
One the pre-requisite tools are installed, you can run hh
from sources with:
stack run
Tests can be run with
stack test
WIP: This only works in bash, with emacs mode. I'd expect this to be the norm.
bind "'\C-y': '\C-a history > /tmp/.hh_history; hh -- \C-e&& cmd=\$(cat /tmp/.hh_last_command); history -s \$cmd; echo \${PS1@P} \$cmd; \$cmd\C-m'"
^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^-- Execute the whole line
| || | | | | | | | | | +-- Actually run the command
| || | | | | | | | | +-- Re echo the prompt and the command (to fake the command being written)
| || | | | | | | | +-- Store the new command in the history
| || | | | | | | +-- `hh` stores the command in this temp file
| || | | | | | +-- Run `cat`
| || | | | | +-- Store the command ☝️
| || | | | +-- Go to the end of the line
| || | | +-- If `hh` exits with FAILURE, don't attempt to continue
| || | +-- Run `hh`, with arguments being what you just typed**
| || +-- Store the history in a tmp file so that `hh` can access it.
| |+-- Get current history
| +-- The space is important, to ignore this added to the history itself
+--- Go to the beginning og the line (emacs style)
*: as history
not a proper program, there is no other way of getting the most up to date history.
**: Replace with stack run
for development use
bind "'\C-y': '\C-a history > /tmp/.hh_history; stack run -- -- \C-e; cmd=$(cat /tmp/.hh_last_command); history -s
https://github.com/jtdaugherty/brick https://package.elm-lang.org/packages/mdgriffith/elm-ui/latest/
$ ghcid --command="stack repl --test happy-history:test:happy-history-test" --test="main" --warnings --reload="./src" --reload="./test" --poll